Styling options for top bar menu actions in react-native-navigation - react-native-navigation

Are there any styling options to set the top bar menu actions for dark mode? I have set a few buttons as showAsAction: never in the TopBar and want the menu to follow the app theme. Currently it appears as white as shown in the screenshot.


Use correct background color for Chrome extension devtools panel

In my Chrome extension, I'm adding a panel to the Developer tools window. By default, the background of my html panel page is white, but I want it to show the correct background color when user switches to dark theme.
I can query the current theme via the chrome.devtools.panels.themeName property, but from there I don't know what the right color code to use for the background if the current theme is the dark theme. The background of the developer tools window is some shade of black. I know it's not 'black'.

How to change TinyMCE `styleselect` dropdown to use just icon to open the menu?

I know that I can add option to TinyMCE toolbar to change selection styles using toolbar setting with keyword styleselect. I also know I can adjust the contents of the menu that opens with that button using setting style_formats combined with formats. (Above is correct for version 5.10.2.)
Is there some way to configure the rendering of the styleselect option in the toolbar? I would want to swap the text label to single icon on smaller displays. For big viewports the feature to show the current style at the caret location is a nice feature but for narrow viewports it would be better to have custom icon instead of partial style name in the toolbar.

Android Studio layout design view doesn't show menu bar items?

i've defined a simple menu in res/menu/simple_menu.xml, with a single item called TITLE2. i then iflate this menu in my MainActivity, and all is good (See device screenshot on right, where my TITLE2 is visible in the action bar top right. however, in the layout preview (activity_main.xml, Design view, left image in below) the menu item is not visible! is this intentional? is there a way to get my menu items to show up in preview mode? thanks,
play with showAsAction for a while collapseActionView will add an item menu to a vertical list menu Something like this:
is there a way to get my menu items to show up in preview mode?
No, because the menu items show up in the action bar after you inflate it in your Kotlin/Java code.

Bitmap Style Designer: different font colors for different button state

I want to create custom window vsf style for my Inno Setup installer, where I need to change buttons font color depending on its state: focused, clicked or hovered.
Is it possible by customizing style in embarcadero Bitmap Style Designer?
I've tried to use TseTextObject as a Button:
But have no luck, as text on the button seems independed:
TseTextObject as a Button and Without button style

Change Navigation View Color Sencha Architect

I'm starting with Senchar Architect 2 and I want to change the Navigation View Top bar color,
I want a red color on navigation bar, i saw another 2 questions but I don't undertood, have a simple way to change de color ? Using CSS or the Config Panel of sencha architect
Yes, you CAN change the color of your navigation bar in the config panel (like you did for the back button color yesterday) --> Style --> Background: red.
Also, I would suggest you to take a look at the SASS theming which is recommended by Sencha folks.
Here is the link:
