I have a table "facilities" with columns "titleEn" and "titleRu". I want to select attribute title depending on passed language code and call it just "title".
So I've written next code:
const facilities = await this.facilityRepository.findAll({
where: {parentId: 0},
attributes: [
sequelize.literal('"Facility"."title' + lang + '" as "title"'),
It generated the next query:
SELECT "id", "Facility"."titleEn" as "title", "slug" FROM "facilities" AS "Facility" WHERE "Facility"."parentId" = 0;
I get every data I wanted from DB. But "title" property is missing in sequelize object. I get "id" and "slug" only.
I found out that I have to declare attribute as virtual in model
title: string;
I have the following schema where I am basically just trying to have a table with id as primary key, and both code and secondCode to be global secondary indexes to use to query the table.
resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "myDb" {
name = "myTable"
billing_mode = "PAY_PER_REQUEST"
hash_key = "id"
attribute {
name = "id"
type = "S"
attribute {
name = "code"
type = "S"
attribute {
name = "secondCode"
type = "S"
global_secondary_index {
name = "code-index"
hash_key = "code"
projection_type = "ALL"
global_secondary_index {
name = "second_code-index"
hash_key = "secondCode"
projection_type = "ALL"
When I try to look for one item by code
const toGet = Object.assign(new Item(), {
code: 'code_456',
item = await dataMapper.get<Item>(toGet);
locally I get
ValidationException: The number of conditions on the keys is invalid
and on the deployed instance of the DB I get
The provided key element does not match the schema
I can see from the logs that the key is not being populated
Serverless: [AWS dynamodb 400 0.082s 0 retries] getItem({ TableName: 'myTable', Key: {} })
Here is the class configuration for Item
export class Item {
#hashKey({ type: 'String' })
id: string;
indexKeyConfigurations: { 'code-index': 'HASH' },
type: 'String',
code: string;
indexKeyConfigurations: { 'second_code-index': 'HASH' },
type: 'String',
secondCode: string;
#attribute({ memberType: embed(NestedItem) })
nestedItems?: Array<NestedItem>;
class NestedItem {
name: string;
price: number;
I am using https://github.com/awslabs/dynamodb-data-mapper-js
I looked at the repo you linked for the package, I think you need to use the .query(...) method with the indexName parameter to tell DynamoDB you want to use that secondary index. Usuallly in DynamoDB, get operations use the default keys (in your case, you'd use get for queries on id, and query for queries on indices).
Checking the docs, it's not very clear - if you look at the GetItem reference, you'll see there's nowhere to supply an index name to actually use the index, whereas the Query operation allows you to supply one. As for why you need to query this way, you can read this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/HowItWorks.CoreComponents.html
The issue you are facing is due to calling a GetItem on an index, which is not possible. A GetItem must target a single item and an index can contain multiple items with the same key (unlike the base table), for this reason you can only use multi-item APIs on an index which are Query and Scan.
I want to obtain documents (products in this case) using find() with two filters, the first one is state = true and the second one is if the product belong to a category received in the request.
I'm making the filter this way
let categories = req.body;
Product.find({ state: true, "category": {$in : categories} }...
This filter brings me the products that belong to a certain category but don't respect if the product has a state = true or false.
What I'm doing wrong?
For example:
"_id" : ObjectId("601b9ef73faa662db0b29204"),
"state" : true,
"code" : "APE700JAGE",
"category" : ObjectId("601b98853faa662db0b291e5"),
"_id" : ObjectId("601b9ef73faa662db0b29204"),
"state" : false,
"code" : "PRU123FAKK",
"category" : ObjectId("601b98853faa662db0b291e5"),
categories: [ '601b98853faa662db0b291e5' ]
There are few fixes:
you are passing whole req.body in categories variable, you just need to pass only req.body.categories
let categories = req.body.categories;
the categories are array of string ids you need to convert it to object id using mongoose.Types.ObjectId because category is object id in document
let categories = req.body.categories.map(c => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(c));
We have two models:
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String
email: {
type: String
vehicleId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'vehicle'
const vehicleSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String
color: {
type: String
Now, we have to find user input from user's ( name, email ) & also from vehicle's ( name, color )
- If user search "pink" then we have to find that if any user has with name, email or them vehicle include "pink" keyword or not.
- If string match from reference model then we have to return whole record.
Can you please help us, how to achieve this?
You can first run a query on a Vehicle model to fetch all vehicles that have name pink
let vehicleIds=await Model.Vehicle.aggregate([
here if vehicleIds is not empty, then vehicles[0].ids will have vehcileIds that have pink in name or color
let vehcileIds=[]
if(vehicles.length) vehcileIds=vehicles[0].ids
after above query runs run another query in the user model
let users= await Models.User.find({$or:[
I think, the best thing you can do is, Text Search.
1.1. Step one
You have to create text index on your collection to perform text search.
create text index with
db.user.createIndex({"name":"text", "email": "text"})
db.vehicle.createIndex({"name": "text", "color": "text"})
we have to create text index on both collection as we want to perform text search on both collections.
as we are creating a text index on "name", "email" from User & "name", "color" from Vehicle, you can only perform text search on this four fields in respective collections.
you can assign weights to fields so that you can sort your result according to text score. (you must do this while creating index).
1.2. Step two
(i am assuming you are using Javascript and mongoose here.)
db.collection("users").aggregate({$match:{$text: {$search: "pink"}}},
(err, userData: any)=>{
return err;
let vehicleIds = userData.map((user) => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(user.vehicleId));
db.collection("vehicles").aggregate({$match:{$text:{$search:"pink", _id: {$in: vehicleIds}}}}, (err, vehicleData)=>{
//this will be your vehicle details
console.log("no Data found");
The problem with this approach is you have to fire two queries because of the restrictions in Text Search and extra overhead of text index on collections.
Good Thing is you get a lot of ways to perform a search, you can sort results according to relevance with text score, it is fast than the regular expression and you get better results, you get stemming, you get stop words (please ref links that are given).
you can use regular expression
db.collection("users").aggregate({$match:{$or:[{name:{$regex: /pink/}}, {email:{$regex: /pink/}}]}},
{$lookup:{from:"vehicles", localField:"vehicleId", foreignFild:"_id", as:"vehicleDetail"}},
(err, data)=>{
If you dont want to prefer above options, you can fire normal query too
db.collection("users").aggregate({$match:{$or:[{name:{$regex: /pink/}}, {email:{$regex: /pink/}}]}},
{$lookup:{from:"vehicles", localField:"vehicleId", foreignFild:"_id", as:"vehicleDetail"}},
(err, data)=>{
Hope this helps. :-)
Correct me if I am wrong anywhere. :-)
Below steps you should follow:
Find user by name and email.
Populate vehicle
Again match with the color.
{ $match: { email: "h#gmail.com", name: "Hardik"}},
{ $lookup: {from: 'Vehicle', localField: 'vehicleId', foreignField: '_id', as: 'vehicle'} },
{ $match: { "vehicle.color": {$regex: '.*'+ "Pink" +'.*', $options: 'si'}}},
"_id" : ObjectId("5d51bd5ef5fc3d6486b40ffb"),
"email" : "h#gmail.com",
"name" : "Hardik",
"vehicleId" : ObjectId("5d539786f5fc3d6486b4252b")
"_id" : ObjectId("5d539786f5fc3d6486b4252b"),
"name" : "Bike",
"color" : "Pink"
"_id" : ObjectId("5d51bd5ef5fc3d6486b40ffb"),
"email" : "h#gmail.com",
"name" : "Hardik",
"vehicleId" : ObjectId("5d539786f5fc3d6486b4252b"),
"vehicle" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5d539786f5fc3d6486b4252b"),
"name" : "Bike",
"color" : "Pink"
Hope this helps!
I am using node express in a project. I am getting or setting data like
Service.find({ $and:
[{ name: req.body.service },
{ order: req.body.order }]
Now I want to add a column in the same table and set a default value. For example, in service table I want to add a column 'deleted' and set it to false for all the current rows. How to do that?
You have to add the column in your model definition and set the default value.
columnName : {
type : String,
default : 'Abcd'
// For your case
isDeleted : {
type : Boolean,
default : false
I like to convert the following query into sequelize code
select * from table_a
inner join table_b
on table_a.column_1 = table_b.column_1
and table_a.column_2 = table_b.column_2
I have tried many approaches and followed many provided solution but I am unable to achieve the desired query from sequelize code.
The max I achieve is following :
select * from table_a
inner join table_b
on table_a.column_1 = table_b.column_1
I want the second condition also.
and table_a.column_2 = table_b.column_2
any proper way to achieve it?
You need to define your own on clause of the JOIN statement
include: [
model: ModelB,
on: {
col1: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("ModelA.col1"), "=", sequelize.col("ModelB.col1")),
col2: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("ModelA.col2"), "=", sequelize.col("ModelB.col2"))
attributes: [] // empty array means that no column from ModelB will be returned
}).then((modelAInstances) => {
// result...
Regarding #TophatGordon 's doubt in accepted answer's comment: that if we need to have any associations set up in model or not.
Also went through the github issue raised back in 2012 that is still in open state.
So I was also in the same situation and trying to setup my own ON condition for left outer join.
When I directly tried to use the on: {...} inside the Table1.findAll(...include Table2 with ON condition...), it didn't work.
It threw an error:
EagerLoadingError [SequelizeEagerLoadingError]: Table2 is not associated to Table1!
My use case was to match two non-primary-key columns from Table1 to two columns in Table2 in left outer join. I will show how and what I acheived:
Don't get confused by table names and column names, as I had to change them from the original ones that I used.
SO I had to create an association in Table1(Task) like:
Task.associate = (models) => {
Task.hasOne(models.SubTask, {
foreignKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table2 - SubTask: not a primary key here in my case; can be primary key also
sourceKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table1 - Task: not a primary key here in my case; can be a primary key also
scope: {
[Op.and]: sequelize.where(sequelize.col("Task.some_id_2"),
// '=',
Op.eq, // or you can use '=',
as: 'subTask',
// no constraints should be applied if sequelize will be creating tables and unique keys are not defined,
//as it throws error of unique constraint
constraints: false,
So the find query looks like this :
where: whereCondition,
// attributes: ['id','name','someId','someId2'],
include: [{
model: SubTask, as: 'subTask', // <-- model name and alias name as defined in association
attributes: [], // if no attributes needed from SubTask - empty array
Resultant query:
One matching condition is taken from [foreignKey] = [sourceKey]
Second matching condition is obtained by sequelize.where(...) used in scope:{...}
"Task"."some_id" as "someId",
"Task"."some_id_2" as "someId2"
"task" as "Task"
left outer join "sub_task" as "subTask" on
"Task"."some_id" = "subTask"."some_id"
and "Task"."some_id_2" = "subTask"."some_id_2";
Another approach to achieve same as above to solve issues when using Table1 in include i.e. when Table1 appears as 2nd level table or is included from other table - say Table0
Task.associate = (models) => {
Task.hasOne(models.SubTask, {
foreignKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table2 - SubTask: not a primary key here in my case; can be primary key also
sourceKey: 'someId', // <--- one of the column of table1 - Task: not a primary key here in my case; can be a primary key also
as: 'subTask',
// <-- removed scope -->
// no constraints should be applied if sequelize will be creating tables and unique keys are not defined,
//as it throws error of unique constraint
constraints: false,
So the find query from Table0 looks like this : Also the foreignKey and sourceKey will not be considered as we will now use custom on: {...}
where: whereCondition,
// attributes: ['id','name','someId','someId2'],
include: {
model: Task, as: 'Table1AliasName', // if association has been defined as alias name
include: [{
model: SubTask, as: 'subTask', // <-- model name and alias name as defined in association
attributes: [], // if no attributes needed from SubTask - empty array
on: {
[Op.and]: [
Op.eq, // '=',
Op.eq, // '=',
Skip below part if your tables are already created...
Set constraints to false, as if sequelize tries to create the 2nd table(SubTask) it might throw error (DatabaseError [SequelizeDatabaseError]: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "task") due to following query:
create table if not exists "sub_task" ("some_id" INTEGER, "some_id_2"
INTEGER references "task" ("some_id") on delete cascade on update
cascade, "data" INTEGER);
If we set constraint: false, it creates this below query instead which will not throw unique constraint error as we are referencing non-primary column:
create table if not exists "sub_task" ("some_id" INTEGER, "some_id_2" INTEGER, "data" INTEGER);