Problem of running command from Rundeck (Linux) - linux

On a linux server I am running following command with any error and getting the result.
xxxxx#server1 ~]$ grep -o "\-w.*%" /etc/sysconfig/nrpe-disk
-w 15% -c 7%
[xxxxx#server1 ~]$
I want to run same command from Rundeck's command line interface with same xxx user which has sudo rights too.
Command executed from rundeck gives option '.' invalide error:
option invalide -- '.'
Utilisation : grep [OPTION]... MOTIF [FICHIER].
I tried many times with different ways such as escaping . sign, running it with sudo, with absolute path, double quotes - single quotes etc. Still I am receiving same output however, in the server command works locally. What's the way to fix it ?

You can do that putting that on an inline-script ("Script" step) or call an external script with the command content ("Script file or URL" step).
Another way is to use cat tool to print the file and capture the output using log filter (Click on the tiny Gear icon at the left of the step > Click on "Add Log Filter" > Select "Key/value data" and in pattern use with this regex: .*(-w .*%).*, put a name of the data - eg: diskdata - and click on "Log data" checkbox) and you get the output that you want, you can print that value using echo ${data.diskdata} in next step. Check.


sh shell redirecting a subshell to file, can't find the right syntax

i want to run a sed command with programatically with changing parameters.
the thing is that i cant find the correct syntax to do so.
i want to configure a conf file with this and
change a dir path to another.
i'm currently using:
RESULT=$("sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf")
and i get the error message:
./ line 7: sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--//home/test_dir/g' /home/tst/conf.conf > /home/script_tst/conf.conf: No such file or directory
the ">" is not working for some reason.
what am i doing wrong? or what is the best way to do this ?
i drooped the result variable and now running this:
(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/$root_inst_dir/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf) > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf
the new file is being created in > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf,
but the search/replace is happening literally and not as a variable...
Putting " inside parenthesis will result in bash wanting to execute a command named exactly:
sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Such command does not exist on your system.
Probably you intended to put " outside $(...):
RESULT="$(sed 's/--ROOT_DIR--/${root_inst_dir}/g' ${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf > ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)"
Better way, if you don't need the RESULT variable and if you want to properly escape root_inst_dir variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
Or if you need RESULT variable:
sed 's#--ROOT_DIR--#'"${root_inst_dir}"'#g' "${root_inst_dir}/${tool_name}/etc/${tool_name}.conf" > "${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf"
RESULT=$(cat ${SOURCE_DIR}/${tool_name}.conf)

Powershell script to parse a log file and then append to a file

I am new to Shellscripting.I am working on a poc in which a script should read a log file and then append to a existing file for the purpose of alert.It should work as per below
There will be some predefined format according to which it will decide whether to append in file or not.For example:
WWXXX9999XS message
**XXX** - is a 3 letter acronym (application code) like for **tom** for tomcat application
9999 - is a 4 numeric digit in the range 1001-1999
**E or X** - For notification X ,If open/active alerts already existing for same error code and same message,new alerts will not be raised for existing one.Once you have closed existing alerts,it will raise alarm for new error.There is any change in message for same error code from existing one, it will raise a alarm even though open/active alerts present.
X option is only for drop duplicates on code and message otherwise all alert mechanisms are same.
**S** - is the severity level, I.e 2,3
**message** - is any text that will be displayed
The script will examine the log file, and look for error like cloud server is down,then it would append 'wwclo1002X2 cloud server is down'if its a new alert.
2.If the same alert is coming again,then it should append 'wwclo1002E2 cloud server is down
There are some very handy commands you can use to do this type of File manipulation. I've updated this in response to your comment to allow functionality that will check if the error has already been appended to the new file.
My suggestion would be that there is enough functionality here to warrant saving it in a bash script.
My approach would be to use a combination of less, grep and > to read and parse the file and then append to the new file. First save the following into a bash script (e.g. a file named
result=$(less $1 | grep $2)
exists=$(less $3 | grep $2)
if [[ "$exists" == "$result" ]]; then
echo "error, already present in file"
exit 1
echo $result >> $3
exit 0
Then use this file in the command passing in the log file as the first argument, the string to search for as the second argument and the target results file as the third argument like this:
./ <logFileName> "errorToSearchFor" <resultsTargetFileName>
Don't forget to run the file you will need to change the permissions - you can do this using:
chmod u+x
Just to clarify as you have mentioned you are new to scripting - the less command will output the entire file, the | command (an unnamed pipe) will pass this output to the grep command which will then search the file for the expression in quotes and return all lines from the file containing that expression. The output of the grep command is then appended to the new file with >>.
You may need to tailor the expression in quotes after grep to get exactly the output you want from the log file.
The filenames are just placeholders, be sure to update these with the correct file names. Hope this helps!
Note updated > to >> (single angle bracket overwrites, double angle bracket appends

Internal Variable PIPESTATUS

I am new to linux and bash scripting and i have query about this internal variable PIPESTATUS which is an array and stores the exit status of individual commands in pipe.
On command line:
$ find /home | /bin/pax -dwx ustar | /bin/gzip -c > myfile.tar.gz
$ echo ${PIPESTATUS[*]}
$ 0 0 0
working fine on command line but when I am putting this code in a bash script it is showing only one exit status. My default SHELL on command line is bash only.
Somebody please help me to understand why this behaviour is changing? And what should I do to get this work in script?
find_fun() {
find /home
cmd1="find_fun | /bin/pax -dwx ustar"
cmd2="/bin/gzip -c"
eval "$cmd1 | $cmd2 > $backfile.tar.gz " 2>/dev/null
echo -e " find ${PIPESTATUS[0]} \npax ${PIPESTATUS[1]} \ncompress ${PIPESTATUS[2]} > $cmdfile
The problem you are having with your script is that you aren't running the same code as you ran on the command line. You are running different code. Namely the script has the addition of eval. If you were to wrap your command line test in eval you would see that it fails in a similar manner.
The reason the eval version fails (only gives you one value in PIPESTATUS) is because you aren't executing a pipeline anymore. You are executing eval on a string that contains a pipeline. This is similar to executing /bin/bash -c 'some | pipe | line'. The thing actually being run by the current shell is a single command so it has a single exit code.
You have two choices here:
Get rid of eval (which you should do anyway as eval is generally something to avoid) and stop using a string for a command (see Bash FAQ 050 for more on why doing this is a bad idea.
Move the echo "${PIPESTATUS[#]}" into the eval and then capture (and split/parse) the resulting output. (This is clearly a worse solution in just about every way.)
Instead of ${PIPESTATUS[0]} use ${PIPESTATUS[#]}
As with any array in bash PIPESTATUS[0] contains the first command exit status. If you want to get all of them you have to use PIPESTATUS[#] which returns all the contents of the array.
I'm not sure why it worked for you when you tried it in the command line. I tested it and I didn't get the same result as you.

egrep command with piped variable in ssh throwing No Such File or Directory error

Ok, here I'm again, struggling with ssh. I'm trying to retrieve some data from remote log file based on tokens. I'm trying to pass multiple tokens in egrep command via ssh:
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "$(egrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log)"))
echo ${commentsArray[0]}
echo ${commentsArray[1]}
echo $commax
where $v is something like below but it's length is dynamic. Meaning it can have many file names seperated by pipe.
The output which I get is:
oracle#'s password:
bash: UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:03:57.jar/New: No such file or directory
bash: line 1: UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:05:37.jar/nouserinput: No such file or directory
Thing worth noting is that my log file data has spaces in it. So, in the code piece I've given, the actual comments which I want to extract start after the jar file name like : UserComments/propagateBundle-2013-10-22--07:03:57.jar/
The actual comments are 'New Life Starts here' but the logs show that we are actually getting it till 'New' and then it breaks at space. I tried giving IFS but of no use. Probably I need to give it on remote but I don't know how should I do that.
Any help?
Your command is trying to run the egrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log on the local machine, and pass the result of that as the command to run via SSH.
I suspect that you meant for that command to be run on the remote machine. Remove the inner $() to get that to happen (and fix the quoting):
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "egrep '$v' '/$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log'"))
You should use fgrep to avoid regex special interpretation from your input:
commentsArray=($(ssh $sourceUser#$sourceHost "$(fgrep "$v" /$INSTALL_DIR/$PROP_BUNDLE.log)"))

Unable to see the whole content of displayed log as a result of tail option

I am using Putty to log on to the Linux Server and see the logs .
I used the command tail -f -n 1000 MyLog.log
It started displaying the last 1000 lines , On to the displayed content but i could the cursor to the whole displayed content , i could able to move only within the buffer content .
Please tell me is there any other option so that i could able to see the whole content (That is 1000 lines )
Thank you .
Where do i need to change the settings
This might be because of Putty, which has by default 200 lines of scrollback.
You can change this by going to Putty - Window - Lines of scrollback.
You can use pagers, less is more common!
Run like
tail -f -n REQD_LINE_NOS FILENAME | less
