Visual Studio App Center - Remove unprovisioned devices / re-sign manually? - visual-studio-app-center

I have some users who have added some devices and I don't want to register them with as the apple developer device or have them part of the provisioning profile. Is there a way to remove unprovisioned apple devices? I am getting dangerously close to the 100 mark and I have 1 device that I do need to register with the app center. The alternative question would be is there a way to update the provisioning profile without letting app center do the registration?
Any help would be appreciated

As of today, there is no way to do either of things mentioned in my question. The AppCenter team is going to be looking at adding these features in the near future.
Follow the feature request here:

You can remove devices. You have to go to Account settings -> My Devices -> choose a device and remove it.

This may not work for everyone but I was able to work around this limitation of AppCenter by deleting the Tester from the Distribution Group. The Unprovisioned devices associated with that Tester were also removed from the Distribution Group.


How to use device portal to share anchors between different HoloLens

I would like to create anchors on one HoloLens and then share it with other HoloLens. I want to know does the device portal support this?
Thank you.
Programmatically, moving anchors between headsets in an offline environment can be done with TryGetAnchorStoreAsync, XRAnchorStore or XRAnchorTransferBatch APIs from Microsoft.MixedReality.OpenXR.
There is also a way of exporting/importing maps & anchors from a Hololens through Device Portal as described here

Hololens Device Portal Kiosk Mode web api

I am building a tool in which I am using windows device portal wrapper in order to connect and access hololen's device portal.
I would like to be able to get/set kiosk mode from my tool so I dont need to go to device portal and do it manually.
Windows device portal wrapper doesnt give any functionality to access kiosk mode though.
Does anyone know the web api path for this?
Thanks in advance
So since it looks like you're building a tool for converting HoloLens into Kiosks, you need to do this at scale. If you are looking to create a different method of converting your HoloLens into Kiosks, I think you should go provisiong packages.
Provisioning packages will let you make a package you can keep applying to multiple HoloLens. Also some companies don't like enabling developer mode, and this is a method that doesn't have a security risk. Also device portal only allows a single app Kiosk, where as you could create a Multi app Kiosk if you wanted using other methods.
Do this help things? I know it's not actually what you were looking for, but hopefully it helps. It it doesn't let me know, I might have a different potential solution.
Kiosk Mode can be set via Device Portal’s REST API by doing a POST to /api/holographic/kioskmode/settings with one required query string parameter (“kioskModeEnabled” with a value of “true” or “false”) and one optional parameter (“startupApp” with a value of a package name). Please keep in mind that Device Portal is intended for developers only and should not be enabled on non-developer devices. The REST API is subject to change in future updates/releases.

actions on google demo code is not working on my android phone

I followed tutorial and built my first google action. The action is working fine on my laptop browser in the test (Followed "Preview the App" section of the tutorial) environment. However, when I am trying to use this action on my phone by saying "OK Google talk to my first app". It's not working. Is it supposed to work on my phone as well? I have logged in with the same Gmail account on my phone also.
PS - I have posted the same question on "actions on google" google plus community google as well but I am not sure if that community is to post such questions or not. Therefore, I am posting it here also.
Thanks in advance!
Once you have enabled testing through the simulator, it should be available on all devices (mobile, speakers like Google Home, etc) with the same account your simulator is running in. Double check to make sure they're the same account.
In your case, however, you may be using the wrong invocation phrase. If you actually said what you did above, you need to say the exact same thing that you typed to invoke it.
If you haven't set a name in the configuration, then that phrase will be
Talk to my test app
As you note in the comments - you also need to make sure you're running the Google Assistant, and not one of the other voice search components. The Google Assistant requires:
Android 6.0 or higher
Google app 6.13 or higher
Google Play services
1.5 GB of memory
720p screen resolution
Phone set to a supported language
As you probably already know you have to enable Web & App Activity, Device Information, Voice & Audio Activity in the Activity controls page.
Then you also have to be sure that the language of your agent is the same used by your google assistant.
I solved thanks this last step.
Hope this helps

How do you know the latest chromecast device build?

A user of mine is reporting that there is a new chromecast version and my app broke. I have 4 different devices and they all have build 16041, but I have no idea where to check if that is the latest. I've tried rebooting all 4 of them already.
So is there a page or blog where that is listed?
Also as a bonus question, is there a way to get updates for when the Cast Companion Library is updated? or the sdk?
You can check the build using the Chromecast app for Android or iOS.
Once the app detects a device, select it and then, at the very bottom of the information view, you'll find the build number of the device's firmware.
There is no page to tell you what the latest build is; new builds go out in batches like other updates so not everyone gets them all at the very same time.
As your second question, register yourself on Github for that project to be notified when there is a commit.
In future, it is best if you open different StackOverflow questions for different questions.

How to access silent/vibrate mode for windows phone using C#?

I want to identify the current profile of windows phone.Is it is silent/ring.How can I check it.Please give suggestion.
This is not possible with the current Windows Phone SDK.
You can vote for this API to be added to a future version of the SDK here: Extend the API to query phone volume and vibration settings, maybe even set them.
As of wp SDK 8 you can't, nor can you adjust the volume or view/change current profile.
see this link
You can do these sort of things with windows store apps so perhaps it will come with the blue.
Humm seems I took to long to post but as olivier stated its high on the wanted list
user1021583 have you thought about running back over your questions and marking answers? you seem to have a lot of questions and none are marked as answers
