How to use device portal to share anchors between different HoloLens - hololens

I would like to create anchors on one HoloLens and then share it with other HoloLens. I want to know does the device portal support this?
Thank you.

Programmatically, moving anchors between headsets in an offline environment can be done with TryGetAnchorStoreAsync, XRAnchorStore or XRAnchorTransferBatch APIs from Microsoft.MixedReality.OpenXR.
There is also a way of exporting/importing maps & anchors from a Hololens through Device Portal as described here


Azure spatial anchors - Hololens - Not working

I am using azure spatial anchors samples in my unity project for Hololens 2. I have successfully able to deploy the sample project build to my hololens but when i try to create the anchors it does not do anything, i also have entered the keys.
I dont see any details of anchors created in the admin panel of azure spatial anchors.
Any help would be appreciated.
We have recently polished the documentation page on how to run the sample.
We have also completely revamped the tutorial on implementing your own ASA sample.
Please let us know if you still have any issues running the sample by going to the appropriate link on the support page

Hololens Device Portal Kiosk Mode web api

I am building a tool in which I am using windows device portal wrapper in order to connect and access hololen's device portal.
I would like to be able to get/set kiosk mode from my tool so I dont need to go to device portal and do it manually.
Windows device portal wrapper doesnt give any functionality to access kiosk mode though.
Does anyone know the web api path for this?
Thanks in advance
So since it looks like you're building a tool for converting HoloLens into Kiosks, you need to do this at scale. If you are looking to create a different method of converting your HoloLens into Kiosks, I think you should go provisiong packages.
Provisioning packages will let you make a package you can keep applying to multiple HoloLens. Also some companies don't like enabling developer mode, and this is a method that doesn't have a security risk. Also device portal only allows a single app Kiosk, where as you could create a Multi app Kiosk if you wanted using other methods.
Do this help things? I know it's not actually what you were looking for, but hopefully it helps. It it doesn't let me know, I might have a different potential solution.
Kiosk Mode can be set via Device Portal’s REST API by doing a POST to /api/holographic/kioskmode/settings with one required query string parameter (“kioskModeEnabled” with a value of “true” or “false”) and one optional parameter (“startupApp” with a value of a package name). Please keep in mind that Device Portal is intended for developers only and should not be enabled on non-developer devices. The REST API is subject to change in future updates/releases.

Not getting access to Windows SpatialPerception for Immersive VR

I am developing in Unity for the new HP Reverb building on UWP. I would like to use Azure Spatial Anchors to share those anchors between computers.
Since the HP Reverb is an InsideOut tracked Headset, the Spatial Anchors are working fine, but I am not getting access to the SpatialAnchorExporter. Using the Azure Example Project for connecting to the cloud from Unity gives me an Access denied to spatial anchor exporter. error.
In "Capabilities" I have SpatialPerception ENABLED, I checked it in Unity AND in VS2019.
Specifically the following lines which tell me that I have no access:
Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus accessStatus =
await Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialAnchorExporter.RequestAccessAsync();
Trying to do the same thing without Azure gives me more or less the same error, UnityEngine.XR.WSA.Sharing.WorldAnchorTransferBatch.ExportAsync() returns:
SpatialAnchorTransferManager denied access to WorldAnchor serialization
SerializationDataAvailableDelegate, SerializationCompleteDelegate)
SerializationDataAvailableDelegate, SerializationCompleteDelegate)
For the HP Reverb usage scenario raised on saving spatial anchors, this is not available. This WorldAnchorTransferBatch API is exposed for HoloLens at this point solely.
That said, Microsoft has provided specific support and guidance for LBE(Location based entertainment) usage. Specifically, we have documented the ability to importing and exporting of the map. Microsoft has also provided tools to export the configurations to multiple immersive headset devices. See LBE-MULTI-PLAYER SETUP

Visual Studio App Center - Remove unprovisioned devices / re-sign manually?

I have some users who have added some devices and I don't want to register them with as the apple developer device or have them part of the provisioning profile. Is there a way to remove unprovisioned apple devices? I am getting dangerously close to the 100 mark and I have 1 device that I do need to register with the app center. The alternative question would be is there a way to update the provisioning profile without letting app center do the registration?
Any help would be appreciated
As of today, there is no way to do either of things mentioned in my question. The AppCenter team is going to be looking at adding these features in the near future.
Follow the feature request here:
You can remove devices. You have to go to Account settings -> My Devices -> choose a device and remove it.
This may not work for everyone but I was able to work around this limitation of AppCenter by deleting the Tester from the Distribution Group. The Unprovisioned devices associated with that Tester were also removed from the Distribution Group.

nest home simulator -- sample apps

I am looking forward to create a UiMagician binding for NEST users. At present UiMagician have binding for VSCP iot project.
Please suggest right path for documentation for gateway agent so that REST communication can be establish to communicate with REST device.
Also if some reference example javascript code is available then please suggest the right link.
NEST home simulator does it create the virtual device or it create a HTML app to controll the devices.
The simulator is to create virtual devices for testing. You login with a new nest account and you can add devices and locations.
Link to Chrome App
There are also Javascript code samples here
What you need to decide is whether you will do REST polling or have a real-time REST Streaming/Firebase.
