Is there a way to save a txt file under a new name after reading/writing the file? - python-3.x

I am trying to run a python program to open a template multiple times and while running through a loop, save multiple copies of the txt template under distinct file names.
An example problem is included below: The example template takes the following form:
Null Null
This is the test
But there is still more text.
The code I've made to do a quick edit is as follows:
longStr = (r"C:\Users\jrwaller\Documents\Automated Eve\NewTest.txt")
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.FileInput(longStr,inplace=1):
if "This" in line:
print(line, end='')
The output of the code correctly adds the new line "added" to the text file:
Null Null
This is the test
But there is still more text.
However, I want to save this new text as a new file name, say "New Test Edited" while keeping a copy of the old txt file available for further edits.

Here is a working example for you:
longStr = (r"C:\Users\jrwaller\Documents\Automated Eve\NewTest.txt")
with open(longStr) as old_file:
with open(r"C:\Users\jrwaller\Documents\Automated Eve\NewTestEdited.txt", "w") as new_file:
for line in old_file:
if "This" in line:
A simple file read and write operation with a context managers to close up when you're finished.


Deleting a particular column/row from a CSV file using python

I want to delete a particular row from a given user input that matches with a column.
Let's say I get an employee ID and delete all it's corresponding values in the row.
Not sure how to approach this problem and other sources suggest using a temporary csv file to copy all values and re-iterate.
Since these are very primitive requirements, I would just do it manually.
Read it line by line - if you want to delete the current line, just don't write it back.
If you want to delete a column, for each line, parse it as csv (using the module csv - do not use .split(',')!) and discard the correct column.
The upside of these solutions is that it's very light on the memory and as fast as it can be runtime-wise.
That's pretty much the way to do it.
Something like:
import shutil
file_path = "test.csv"
# Creates a test file
data = ["Employee ID,Data1,Data2",
with open(file_path, 'w') as write_file:
for item in data:
write_file.write(item + "\n")
# /Creates a test file
input("Look at the test.csv file if you like, close it, then press enter.")
employee_ID = "222"
with open(file_path) as read_file:
with open("temp_file.csv", 'w') as temp_file:
for line in read_file:
if employee_ID in line:
shutil.move("temp_file.csv", file_path)
If you have other data that may match the employee ID, then you'll have to parse the line and check the employee ID column specifically.

How to convert Navigable String to File Object

I am trying to get some data from a website (using the modules named requests & BeautifulSoup) and print it in a text file but every time I try to do so, it says the following:
TypeError: descriptor 'write' requires a 'file' object but received a 'NavigableString'
I have tried using the csv library to import the data but since I couldn't add the line by line data to the csv, I decided to add all the output to a text file and then take out the data I require.
file_object = open("name-list.txt", "w") #Opening the file
name = soup.find(class_='table-responsive') #Extracting the data
name_list = name.find_all('td') #Refining the data
for final in name_list:
all = final.contents[0] #Final result
file.write(all) #This is where the Error Comes
When I use print(all) in the for loop, I get the output that I need which consists of multi-line text including the names, age, gender, etc. of the people from the table on the website but when I try to print that output into the text file, the error pops up.

Why the output of "open" function doesn't allow me to attribute index?

I started to learn programming in python3 and i am doing a project that reads the content of a text file and tells you how many words are in the file. Being me I always want to challenge myself and tried to add in the output message the name of the file so in the future I will do a GUI for it and so on.
The error that I get is : AttributeError: '_io.TextIOWrapper' object has no attribute 'index'
Here is my code:
# Open text file
document = open("text2.txt", "r+")
# Reads the text file and splits it into arrays
text_split =
# Count the words
words = len(text_split)
# Display the counted words
document_name = document[document.index("name=")]
output = "In the file {} there are {} words.".format(document_name, words)
print (output)
Decided to take #Jean-François Fabre 's advice and abandoned the idea to also output the name of the file (FOR NOW).

python : How to allow python to not add quotation marks while changing delimiter in the csv file

I have written a script to convert delimiter in the csv file from comma to pipe symbol but while doing so it doesn't remove the extra quotation marks added by csv file.
script is as follows:-
import csv
filename = "sample.csv"
with open(filename,mode='rU') as fin,open('c:\\files\\sample.txt',mode='w') as fout:
reader= csv.DictReader(fin)
writer = csv.DictWriter(fout,reader.fieldnames,delimiter='|')
case 1:
Now, for example if one of the field in the csv contains "hi" hows you,good then the csv will make it as """hi" hows you,good"" and python loads it as """hi" hows you,good"" in the text file instead of "hi" hows you,good
case 2:
Whereas for the fields like hi hows, you csv makes it as "hi hows,you" and after running the script it is saved as hi hows,you in the text file which is correct.
Please could you help me to solve case 1.
example csv file when you open it in notepad:-
A019,1,"""Pins "" is dangerous",2
C021,2,stomach cancer,1
after script result:
A019|1|"""Pins "" is dangerous"|2
C021|2|stomach cancer|1
i want the result as :
A019|1|"Pins " is dangerous|2
C021|2|stomach cancer|1
that works:
writer = csv.DictWriter(fout,reader.fieldnames,delimiter='|',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,quotechar="")
defining the quoting as "no quoting": quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE
defining the quote char as "no quote char": quotechar=""
A019|1|"Pins " is dangerous|2
C021|2|stomach cancer|1
note that quoting is useful. So disabling it exposes you to the joy of "delimiters in the fields". It's up to you to make sure it's not going to happen.

User input after file input in Python?

First year Comp Sci student here.
I have an assignment that is asking us to make a simple game using Python, which takes an input file to create the game-world (2D grid). You're then supposed to give movement commands via user input afterwards. My program reads the input file one line at a time to create the world using:
def getFile():
line = input()
except EOFError:
line = EOF
return line
...after which it creates a list to represent the line, with each member being a character in the line, and then creates a list containing each of these lists (amounting to a grid with row and column coordinates).
The thing is, I later need to take input in order to move the character, and I can't do this because it still wants to read the file input, and the last line from the file is an EOF character, causing an error. Specifically the "EOF when reading a line" error.
How can I get around this?
Sounds like you are reading the file directly from stdin -- something like:
python3 < game_world.txt
Instead, you need to pass the file name as an argument to your program, that way stdin will still be connected to the console:
python3 game_world.txt
and then get_file looks more like:
def getFile(file_name):
with open(file_name) as fh:
for line in fh:
return line
File interaction is python3 goes like this:
# the open keyword opens a file in read-only mode by default
f = open("path/to/file.txt")
# read all the lines in the file and return them in a list
lines = f.readlines()
#or iterate them at the same time
for line in f:
#now get each character from each line
for char_in_line in line:
#do something
#close file
line terminator for the file is by default \n
If you want something else you pass it as a parameter to the open method (the newline parameter. Default=None='\n'):
open(file, mode='r', buffering=-1, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None, closefd=True, opener=None)
