How to dismiss the Authentication View Controller in mobile SDK 7.0? - salesforce-ios-sdk

With SDK 7.0 version of the mobile sdk we are looking for a way to dismiss the auth view controller. Is there a way to accomplish this?

try the following. The SDK uses multiple windows to display auth related prompts. If at any point you need to dismiss it using the SFSDKWindowManager.
SFSDKWindowManager.shared().authWindow.dismissWindow(animated: false) {
// called when dismiss is complete. Make the application window


Is there a way to remove the custom browser frame that occurs during Azure Active Directory B2C SignUp Authentication using Xamarin on Android?

I have followed the documentation in creating the Authentication Flow, and currently i works fine. However we get a custom web-frame, which doesn't make the app look native. So am wondering if there is a way to remove that. Probably using a WebView or changing the navigation bar.
I fixed my above question. So it seems there is an option to add an Embedded WebView in Azure which takes in a Boolean.
The article below fixed it for me.

onesignal Android disable double opt-in

I would like to avoid the behaviour that was descibed in the blog post In other words I want to show only android native consent without the slide-up permission box. Is there a way to do that?
Looks like I found a solution, I set autoRegister to false in the initialization and call OneSignal.registerForPushNotifications() and it shows the native consent dialog without the slide-up dialog.

Primefaces interface test on pc?

I am developing a web application with a mobile interface using JSF/Primefaces and I want to test the change from one view to another but the only view that appears is the first one.
How to make it work on PC?
If you use Mozilla Firefox you can download a plugin called User Agent Switcher. There you go to tools -> Default user Agent -> By default it shows Iphone 3.0, but you can download more agents to render different browser views.
You can learn some about the User Agents here

Facebook native share dialog feature "is not available presently" on iOS

I am trying to integrate SDK 3.5 into my iOS app. I can make the facebook app to pop up the share dialog and ask me to input text. But once I tap "Post" it shows me an alert "Beta Feature This feature is not available presently". Is this a temporary error or something I need to turn on in my app settings? Here is a screenshot of the error:
This feature is enabled only in Beta as of now. You need to add this line to your share dialog code to make this work.
// Set this flag on to enable the Share Dialog beta feature
[FBSettings enableBetaFeature:FBBetaFeaturesShareDialog];
For more details, you can see the how-to here:

JavaFx 2.0 WebEngine component's Popup Handler not opening a new window for Skype button, also not connecting to skype for a phone call

I need to create a popup handler that opens an external window. How can I do this? The default opens the popup in the same webview, and there is no code in the JavaFx learning trail to provide me a general idea or anything. The origin of the popup request comes from a skype button widget. When the user clicks the widget a new "window" (stage) needs to open and the popup must be included within the new stage. The stage is just a composition of a Webview and its engine.
This should happen if the user does not have skype. If the user has skype then skype should open and connect the phone call. Neither is happening.
Update: I also asked in the JavaFx 2.0 forum and got an answer. Here it is. (I'll move it to the Answer area as soon as I can):
It still wont open skype and connect for a phone call or open a popup to install skype.
Although the Javascript widget does open skype and connects for a phone call if I open the widget inside a browser in standalone mode.
Therefore it is an issue with the JavaFx 2.0 web app.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
AFAIK, to make calls from the browser Skype needs plugin named "Click to Call" to be installed into the browser.
But there is no such plugin for JavaFX WebView, so you can't have Skype "click-to-call" functionality inside webview.
