count unique values by category using excel formula - excel

I have a database table with a set of category names in column A. think of it as category A, B, C, D, etc. then in column b I have numbers for each category. for a specific category, say category A, the related numbers are not unique and may occur in different frequencies.
now I have another table, a summary one and I want a formula to count unique numbers for each category from the database table and return it in front of the category name.
I use excel 2010
for some reasons I do not want to use pivot table or macros
data is as below
A 10
A 10
A 20
A 15
B 25
B 25
B 25
B 30
B empty(blank)
the desired results should be as this
A 3
B 2
thanks for help

So an example of sumif() and countif().
But I am not sure what you really want as there are 4 categories of A, and 4 of B - unless some numbers must be ignored.
However, see:
Note, if the columns A & B only have the relevant information you can define the range as A:A, but if the range has to be limited then you need to use A1:A17.
Edit try:

The best way of doing these is to use Frequency:
entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
Plz search on 'Count unique with a condition' for more information.


Displaying a label, sorted in a third column pulled from the first column according to data in the second column? i.e. Ranking

Imagine you have spreadsheet with data in a fixed # of contiguous rows.. let's say row 1 through row 20
Now let's say you have 3 columns of interest.
A, B and C
Column A is a label column.. the data in there are just string labels.. let's say types of canned food.. Tuna, Spam, Sardines, etc.
Column B is our number column.. let's say it is prices. e.g. 2 for Tuna, 5 for Spam and 3 for Sardines. These prices can change often very rapidly.. ok so prices are not the best example but let's imagine that prices change rapidly.
Now Column C is where we want to put the formula.
I would like to have a formula in Column C that will pull the labels from Column A, based on their prices in column B and rank them from highest to lowest.. that is C1 would calculate to "Spam", C2 to "Sardines" and C3 to "Tuna"
right now there are 20 rows of data.. but maybe at some other point there might be 30 or 6 or 40, etc.
So can someone help me out with the formula or at least explain what functions I need to use and the general idea involved? thanks
You can simply use SORT formula. In this case =SORT(A1:B1000,2,-1) where A1:B1000 is range to be sorted, second parameter 2 is column number from range to sort by, 3rd parameter for order (-1 is desceding).
Place formula in C1 and you will get spilled array.

Number occurrences in another cell (Excell) [duplicate]

I have simple problem, but I've not be able to get an answer from searching. I require a column to calculate the number of the nth occurrence of a value. It's best explained in this picture
I require a method to calculate column B.
I'd be very grateful for any help.
Are you looking to merely provide a count of the distinct entries of column A in column B? Or merely add a formula to come up with the table in your link?
If the latter, then the formula to write in cell B2 is:
then copy/paste it down column B. Note - if your data is both a Date and Time, but the cell is formatted to only display a date, you may not get the results you want. You'd need to interject a new column with a "floor" calculation to round the date/time value to a date (Excel date times are decimal, with integer part dictating the date, and remaining 0.0 -> 1.0 dictating the time of day)
If you just want to derive a table of the counts of distinct entries in column A, then a pivot table will do this for you - simple add a pivot table to cover the data in column A, then select column A into the rows category, and then also drag it into the values category, ensuring the field is set to "Count of". You should then have a table with the distinct entries in your data set in one column, and the count of their occurrences in the other column.
You can use the COUNTIF worksheet function, with a relative address.
Eg. In cell B2, enter this formula:
And then fill-down.
Use the following formula to generate the required series:
=COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1) and strech(copy) it in all the cells
This will generate result like this:
A 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)
A 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A2,A2)
C 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A3,A3)
C 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A4,A4)
B 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A5,A5)
B 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A6,A6)
A 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A7,A7)
C 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A8,A8)
D 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A9,A9)
D 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A10,A10)
D 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A11,A11)
D 4 COUNTIF($A$1:A12,A12)

EXCEL - Find if value exists in column B in the range of a value in column A

I have a list of companies with certain products. Now I want to find out if one company has a certain product or not. Example, I want to find out which company had Product C and return a one on all cells:
Column 1
Company A
Company A
Company A
Company A
Company B
Company B
Column 2
Product A
Product B
Product C
Product A
Product B
Column 3 (Result):
This solution will require 2 additional columns. I'm assuming your first row is headers, and the range is from A1:B6. Data starts on Row 2. I'll give a few options on how to execute this though. Where I put "Product C" can also reference a cell. Whenever I'm using binary like this it's usually to filter datasets, so there might be a better alternative to what you want vs. what's below.
In Column C, =if(B2="Product C",1,0) or you can use =--(B2="Product C")
Sort by Column C in Descending Order, =vlookup(A2,$A$2:$A$6,1,0) copy and paste as values, but if you keep the formula and resort it will mess up.
If Product C would only appear once for any given company you can us Sumifs too. =Sumifs($C$2:$C$6,$A$2:A$6$,A2)
If you have 365, you can also use Maxifs($C$2:$C$6,$A$2:A$6$,A2), which won't care how you sort the dataset.

Calculate Occurrence Number - Excel

I have simple problem, but I've not be able to get an answer from searching. I require a column to calculate the number of the nth occurrence of a value. It's best explained in this picture
I require a method to calculate column B.
I'd be very grateful for any help.
Are you looking to merely provide a count of the distinct entries of column A in column B? Or merely add a formula to come up with the table in your link?
If the latter, then the formula to write in cell B2 is:
then copy/paste it down column B. Note - if your data is both a Date and Time, but the cell is formatted to only display a date, you may not get the results you want. You'd need to interject a new column with a "floor" calculation to round the date/time value to a date (Excel date times are decimal, with integer part dictating the date, and remaining 0.0 -> 1.0 dictating the time of day)
If you just want to derive a table of the counts of distinct entries in column A, then a pivot table will do this for you - simple add a pivot table to cover the data in column A, then select column A into the rows category, and then also drag it into the values category, ensuring the field is set to "Count of". You should then have a table with the distinct entries in your data set in one column, and the count of their occurrences in the other column.
You can use the COUNTIF worksheet function, with a relative address.
Eg. In cell B2, enter this formula:
And then fill-down.
Use the following formula to generate the required series:
=COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1) and strech(copy) it in all the cells
This will generate result like this:
A 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A1,A1)
A 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A2,A2)
C 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A3,A3)
C 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A4,A4)
B 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A5,A5)
B 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A6,A6)
A 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A7,A7)
C 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A8,A8)
D 1 COUNTIF($A$1:A9,A9)
D 2 COUNTIF($A$1:A10,A10)
D 3 COUNTIF($A$1:A11,A11)
D 4 COUNTIF($A$1:A12,A12)

How to get uniques in column A and totals from column B?

I have a spreadsheet that looks like this:
DeptA 10
DeptB 5
DeptA 5
DeptA 10
DeptC 5
DeptB 10
DeptA 20
DeptB 5
I'm trying to get a list of the unique values in A, and then the total in B for each unique value. The output I'm looking for is this, which can go in columns C/D (or wherever, doesn't matter)
DeptA 45
DeptB 20
DeptC 5
I know I can pull the uniques in A and place them in C with the following array formula:
=INDEX($A$2:$A$8, MATCH(0, COUNTIF($C$1:C1, $A$2:$A$8), 0))
How to list the column B totals along with it?
No formula is necessary.
For example, uniques may be obtained (avoiding COUNTIF, INDEX and MATCH) with Data > Sort & Filter – Advanced , Copy to another location selected, Unique records only checked and Copy to: set to C1 (though my version is a bit temperamental and at present also requires deleting C1 and sorting).
But with sorting (select A:B, Data > Sort & Filter – AZ) then subtotal can be used (insert a new row as Row1, select A:B Data > Outline – Subtotal, OK , OK [defaults are probably as required: At each change in: (Column A), Use function: Sum, Add subtotal to: (Column B), Replace current subtotals, Summary below data] then click on small ‘2’ at the top left.
Grand Total is a bonus.
You might want to use the DSUM Function as it's less work than pivoting.
EDIT: Corrected URL
You can keep your current construct and do a sumif or sumifs (they have different order of the arguments) in column D based on column C that sums column B.
Alternatively you can use a pivot table to get the complete result for you. Note however that a pivot requires manual refreshing, where the formulas will auto update when calculation is set to automatic
