issue uploading images with ionic 3 - android-studio

I followed this tutorial to upload images to my server with Ionic 3 ,
The image capture works: I can take pictures from gallery and show them. However, when I click in upload image button, in chrome of course without images I see a image file is created in the folder , but when I used Android Studio the image appear in the page but when I click on upload button, nothing happens and in the console of Android Studio this message appears:
W/zygote: Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread
D/SystemWebChromeClient: file:///android_asset/www/build/vendor.js: Line 1822 : ERROR
I/chromium: [INFO:CONSOLE(1822)] "ERROR", source: file:///android_asset/www/build/vendor.js (1822)
W/zygote: Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread
I/chatty: uid=10079(io.ionic.starter) identical 16 lines
W/zygote: Attempt to remove non-JNI local reference, dumping thread

I have used this code recently, and it worked like a charm


Error Loading Preview on Firebase Storage when click on the image

We are making app for school project.. and we use firebase as our database.. when I try to directly upload the image files on firebase storage, I cant view it, theres this message "Error loading preview".. while my other team member can view it on his device.. same thing happen when uploading and retrieving images to our app.. I cant seem to upload and view image(using Piccasso and Glide) on my device.. but my other group member works fine..
Im using my phone to run our app. Storing and retreiving other data works fine except for images.
please help

error during installation android app

i have an application that collect the motiondata from (accelermeter and gyrscope sensors ) of the android phone and smartwatches at same time). i have problem , when i install the App on the phone i got this error
E/GMPM: GoogleService failed to initialize, status: 10, Missing an expected resource: 'R.string.google_app_id' for initializing Google services. Possible causes are missing google-services.json or gradle plugin.
E/GMPM: Scheduler not set. Not logging error/warn.
E/GMPM: Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
the App is designed to collect only five min of the user's motion data and then stop automatically and send the data from the watch to the phone.then finally the phone send the data to my email. howover , the current problem the app doesnt stop in the watch and didnt send the data to the phone .
could i get anyhelp please ?
with my respect.
I have same issue , just add this to string.xml
<string name="google_app_id">your app id</string>
You need to place the configuration file generated by this link
And then as quoted in step 3:
Copy the google-services.json file you just downloaded into the "app"
directory of your Android

no such repository on migrating to a new cvs server

I am moving from cvsserv1 to cvsserv2. I am running cvs1.11 on current server on RHEL. I am moving to cvsserv2 which is running ubuntu 12. This is my procedure to port cvs:
zip entire repository on cvsserv1
move zip to cvsserv2
extract zip to /home/users on cvsserv2.
setup cvs service on cvsserve2 in pserver mode.
initialize repository on /home/users/cvsroot by using "cvs -d /home/users/cvsroot init"
connect to cvsserv2 from eclipse using anonymous access to do a test checkout.
I am failing on step6 with the error message "no such repository". What am I doing wrong?
I tried to change the above method, by adopting this and I was partially successful.
At step 3 (as in that link), after initializing repo on cvsserv2, I copied my repository to /var/lib/cvsd/project1, overwriting CVSROOT folder. Now, after finishing all steps, I was able to connect successfully. However, when I try to check out, I don't see any branches. When I tried to Refresh Tags, I receive the following error:
What is going wrong?
Ok. I figured this one out. For those who might encounter this issue again, here's how I managed to identify and fix it:
Eclipse's cvs client sucks - it doesn't give you much information. (I could be wrong, may be it writes some debug info to eclipse log file - still, I think that error message should have been more descriptive). Anyway, I obtained TortoiseCVS and attempted a checkout and it failed with an error message on the lines of -"failed to obtain dir lock in repository `/home/cvsroot/foo'. This is not the exact message, but it was something like that.
So, all I had to do, was go into my cvs dump from cvsserv1, look for references to that directory (which is a valid path on cvsserv1 but not cvsserv2). I found a reference to it in config file under CVSROOT folder. It was assigned to a property called LockDir. This property was referring to a /home/cvsroot/foo on the older server as a lock directory. All I had to do was comment out this property and restart cvsd. Everything started working just fine after this!

Image Uploading in Meteor , uploading empty files

I am working on meteor framework and trying to upload images in one of my app using the code from the link
Everything works good , except that it uploads the empty file in my public folder of app .
I checked console and it shows 503 error there after I select a file to upload
Here is the console screenshot
It keeps on looping and the number of errors keeps on adding in console
I am using meteor on windows .
Does anyone has managed to get file uploads work in meteor on windows platform ? and if yes can you please share the code which worked for you .
The reason you are getting a 503 is that when anything in the public folder changes meteor reloads. Because your uploads are going there the server is resetting. Change your code not to save it to public but rather somewhere else and you should see the error go away.

SignataureTool doesn't open in Blackberry

I have build an application in BB.It works fine on the simulator.Now i have to run it on device,so i bought keys from RIM,and installed them successfully.I can see three file (2 .csk file and one .db file) being created in the vmTool folder of eclipse.I copy those file in the respective bin folder of the particular OS.When i try to open the SignatureTool via command line,the SignatureTool opens and closes within a blink of an eye.Even i can't do code signing from eclipse,it shows at the bottom right "Packaging Project 99%" and after few seconds my eclipse freezes.So if anyone has encountered the same problem,kindly help.
maybe the signing server was not responding in time? check and retry signing.
