Google Cloud Platform : Running several hours scraping script - node.js

I have a NodeJS script, that scrapes URLs everyday.
The requests are throttled to be kind to the server. This results in my script running for a fairly long time (several hours).
I have been looking for a way to deploy it on GCP. And because it was previously done in cron, I naturally had a look at how to have a cronjob running on Google Cloud. However, according to the docs, the script has to be exposed as an API and http calls to that API can only run for up to 60 minutes, which doesn't fit my needs.
I had a look at this S.O question, which recommends to use a Cloud Function. However, I am unsure this approach would be suitable in my case, as my script requires a lot more processing than the simple server monitoring job described there.
Has anyone experience in doing this on GCP ?
N.B : To clarify, I want to to avoid deploying it on a VPS.
Edit :
I reached out to google, here is their reply :
Thank you for your patience. Currently, it is not possible to run cron
script for 6 to 7 hours in a row since the current limitation for cron
in App Engine is 60 minutes per HTTP
If it is possible for your use case, you can spread the 7 hours to
recurrring tasks, for example, every 10 minutes or 1 hour. A cron job
request is subject to the same limits as those for push task
queues. Free
applications can have up to 20 scheduled tasks. You may refer to the
for cron schedule format.
Also, it is possible to still use Postgres and Redis with this.
However, kindly take note that Postgres is still in beta.
As I a can't spread the task, I had to keep on managing a dokku VPS for this.

I would suggest combining two services, GAE Cron Jobs and Cloud Tasks.
Use GAE Cron jobs to publish a list of sites and ranges to scrape to Cloud Tasks. This initialization process doesn't need to be 'kind' to the server yet, and can simple publish all chunks of works to the Cloud Task queue, and consider itself finished when completed.
Follow that up with a Task Queue, and use the queue rate limiting configuration option as the method of limiting the overall request rate to the endpoint you're scraping from. If you need less than 1 qps add a sleep statement in your code directly. If you're really queueing millions or billions of jobs follow their advice of having one queue spawn to another.
Large-scale/batch task enqueues
When a large number of tasks, for
example millions or billions, need to be added, a double-injection
pattern can be useful. Instead of creating tasks from a single job,
use an injector queue. Each task added to the injector queue fans out
and adds 100 tasks to the desired queue or queue group. The injector
queue can be sped up over time, for example start at 5 TPS, then
increase by 50% every 5 minutes.
That should be pretty hands off, and only require you to think through the process of how the cron job pulls the next desired sites and pages, and how small it should break down the work loads into.

I'm also working on this task. I need to crawl website and have the same problem.
Instead of running the main crawler task on the VM, I move the task to Google Cloud Functions. The task is consist of add get the target url, scrape the web, and save the result to Datastore, then return the result to caller.
This is how it works, I have a long run application that call be called a master. The master know what URL we are going to access in to. But instead of access the target website by itself, it sends the url to a crawler function in GCF. Then the crawling tasked is done and send result back to the master. In this case, the master only request and get a small amount of data and never touch the target website, let the rest to GCF. You can off load your master and crawl the website in parallel via GCF. Or you can use other method to trigger GCF instead of HTTP request too.


Google Cloud Run - One container handling multiple similar requests with queue for each user

I have a SERVICE that gets a request from a Webhook and this is currently deployed across seperate Cloud Run containers. These seperate containers are the exact same (image), however, each instance processes data seperately for each particular account.
This is due to a ~ 3-5 min processing of the request and if the user sends in more requests, it needs to wait for the existing process to be completed for that particular user before processing the next one to avoid racing conditions. The container can still receive webhooks though, however, the actual processing of the data itself needs to be done one by one for each account.
Is there no way to reduce the container count, as such for example, to use one container to process all the requests, while still ensuring it processes one task for each user at a time and waits for that to complete for that user, before processing the next request from the same user.
To explain it better, i.e.
Multiple tasks can be run across all the users
However, per user 1 task at a time processed; Once that is completed, the next task for that user can be processed
I was thinking of monitoring the tasks through a Redis Cache, however, with Cloud Run being stateless, I am not sure that is the right way to go.
Or seperating the requests and the actual work - Master / Worker - And having the worker report back to the master once a task is completed for the user across 2 images (Using the concurrency to process multiple tasks across the users), however that might mean that I would have to increase the timeout time for Cloud Run.
Good to hear any other suggestions.
Apologies if this doesn't seem clear, feel free to ask for more information.

How to poll another server from Node.js?

I'm currently developing a Shopify app with Node/Express and a Postgres database. When a user registers an account and connects their Shopify store, I'll need to download all of their store's orders. They could have 100,000s of orders, so I'd like to use a Shopify GraphQL Bulk Operation. While Shopify is handling this, my Node server will need to poll the Shopify server to check on the progress, and when the operation is complete, Shopify will send me a link where I can download all of the data. Once the data is processed and stored in my database, I'll send the user an email to say that their account is now set up.
How should I handle polling the Shopify server? The process could take anywhere from a few mins to hours. Using setInterval() would be a bad idea right? Because if the server restarts for whatever reason, It will lose the interval? So, should I use some sort of background task? And would I need to store anything in my database? I've researched cron jobs, child processes, worker threads, the bull package -- and it's left me a little confused.
(I also know that I could use a webhook, but Shopify offers no guarantees that my app will receive the webhook.)
Upon installation, launch a background job labeled "GetCustomerOrders". As you know, background jobs are mature, and nicely handle problems. For example, they can retry themselves if something goes wrong.
The Background job itself just sets up the Bulk Download and then settles into Poll. Polling is no big deal and just happens. As you said, could be minutes, could take hours. Nevertheless, a poll gets status on a bulk download, and that can even be hot-rodded. For example, you poll with an ID. So you poll till that ID completes. Regardless of restarts.
At the end of that rather simple setup, you get an URL to download and parse JSON. Spawn another job even for that. Endless fun. Why sweat it? Background jobs are the way to go.
The Webhook idea is OK but as the documentation says, they are not 100% and CRON is bush-league in that it misses out on the mature development of jobs in queues and is more like a simple trigger. Relying on CRON to start something is fine, but gives you zero management over what it starts.
I am guessing NodeJS has a decent background job system by this time. When you look at Sidekiq for Ruby you realize what awesome is. Surely you can find a copycat in Node that comes close anyway.

App Engine Flexible cron is terminated after 120 seconds

My App Engine Flexible cron sometimes takes more than 120 seconds. So, whenever it exceeds 120 seconds, app engine throws 502 error. It doesn't terminate my nodejs task, it only terminates the http request started by App Engine Cron job.
There is one value 240 seconds, I didn't understand where its coming from. I guess this is a retry request. It would be helpful if anyone can highlight this as well.
As per App Engine documentation, a cron can run for an hour. Is this true for http requests started by cron job as well?
To be clear, I want to run my cron for more than 120 seconds and http request to be active for 1 hour.
Even though you have switched to Kubernetes Engine, I would like to take the chance and clarify the purpose of cron jobs here.
As it is stated in the official documentation, cron jobs are used to perform jobs at regular time intervals. They involve invoking a URL through an HTTP request and run for up to 60 minutes while respecting the request's own limitations.
Some good uses for cron jobs: sending report emails on a daily basis, update cached data at regular time intervals or update summary information every hour. When a task involves obtaining external information, especially when there is a large number of operations involved that may exceed the time an HTTP connection remains open, or when there are different types of data that are coming from the external application, I would not consider it a good use of cron jobs.
If you are using Kubernetes now, and consider it to be more useful for the tasks you need to perform, go ahead and continue with it.

Cron job on NodeJS server runs multiple times simultaneously due to load balancers

I have cron job services on my nodeJS server (part of a React app) that I deploy using Convox to AWS, which has 4 load balancer servers. This means my cron job runs 4 times simultaneously on each server, when I only want it to run once. How can I stop this from happening and have my cron jobs run only once? As far as I know, there is no reliable way to lock my cron to a specific instance, since instances are volatile and may be deleted/recreated as needed.
The cron job services conduct tasks such as querying and updating our database, sending out emails and texts to users, and conducting external API calls. The services are run using the cron npm package, upon the server starting (after server.listen).
Can you expose these tasks via url? That way you can have an external cron service that requests each job via url against the ELB.
Another advantage of this approach is you get error reports if a url does not return a 200 status. This could simplify error tracking across all jobs.
Also this provides better redudency and load balancing, as opposed to having a single instance where you run all jobs.
I had the same issue. Se my solution here. Two emails was sent because of two instances on AWS. I lock each sending by unique random number.
My example based on MongoDB.

SQS: Know remaining jobs

I'm creating an app that uses a JobQueue using Amazon SQS.
Every time a user logs in, I create a bunch of jobs for that specific user, and I want him to wait until all his jobs have been processed before taking the user to a specific screen.
My problem is that I don't know how to query the queue to see if there are still pending jobs for a specific user, or how is the correct way to implement such solution.
Everything regarding the queue (Job creation and processing is working as expected). But I am missing that final step.
Just for the record:
In my previous implementation I was using Redis + Kue and I had created a key with the user Id and the job count, every time a job was added that job count was incremented, and every time a job finished or failed I decremented that count. But now I want to move away from Redi + Kue and I am not sure how to implement this step.
Amazon SQS is not the ideal tool for the scenario you describe. A queueing system is normally used in a "Send and Forget" situation, where the sending system doesn't remain interested in later processing.
You could investigate Amazon Simple Workflow (SWF), which allows work to be monitored as it goes through several processes. Your existing code could mostly be re-used, just with the SWF framework added. Or even power it from Lambda, since you are already using node.js.
