Multivariate LSTM Forecast Loss and evaluation - keras

I have a CNN-RNN model architecture with Bidirectional LSTMS for time series regression problem. My loss does not converge over 50 epochs. Each epoch has 20k samples. The loss keeps bouncing between 0.001 - 0.01.
epochs = 50
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam'),trainY,epochs=epochs,batch_size=batch_size,shuffle=False)
I tried to train the model with incorrectly paired X and Y data for which the
loss stays around 0.5, is it reasonable conclusion that my X and Y
have a non linear relationship which can be learned by my model over
more epochs ?
The predictions of my model capture the pattern but with an offset, I use dynamic time warping distance to manually check the accuracy of predictions, is there a better way ?
Model :
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=128, dropout=0.05, recurrent_dropout=0.35, return_sequences=True, batch_input_shape=(batch_size,featureSteps,input_dim)))
model.add(LSTM(units=32, dropout=0.05, recurrent_dropout=0.35, return_sequences=False))
model.add(Dense(units=2, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy'])

If you tested with:
Wrong data: loss ~0.5
Correct data: loss ~0.01
Then your model is actually cabable of learning something.
There are some possibilities there:
Your output data does not fit in the range of the last layer's activation
Your model reached a limit for the current learning rate (gradient update steps are too big and can't improve the model anymore).
Your model is not good enough for the task.
Your data has some degree of random factors
Case 1:
Make sure your Y is within the range of your last activation function.
For a tanh (the LSTM's default), all Y data should be between -1 and + 1
For a sigmoid, between 0 and 1
For a softmax, between 0 and 1, but make sure your last dimension is not 1, otherwise all results will be 1, always.
For a relu, between 0 and infinity
For linear, any value
Convergence goes better if you have a limited activation instead of one that goes to infinity.
In the first case, you can recompile (after training) the model with a lower learning rate, usually we divide it by 10, where the default is 0.0001:
Case 2:
If data is ok, try decreasing the learning rate after your model stagnates.
The default learning rate for adam is 0.0001, we often divide it by 10:
from keras.optimizers import Adam
#after training enough with the default value:
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=Adam(lr=0.00001)
trainingHistory2 =
#you can even do this again if you notice that the loss decreased and stopped again:
If the problem was the learning rate, this will make your model learn more than it already did (there might be some difficult at the beginning until the optimizer adjusts itself).
Case 3:
If you got no success, maybe it's time to increase the model's capability.
Maybe add more units to the layers, add more layers or even change the model.
Case 4:
There's probably nothing you can do about this...
But if you increased the model like in case 3, be careful with overfitting (keep some test data to compare the test loss versus the training loss).
Too good models can simply memorize your data instead of learning important insights about it.


validation loss and accuracy rising

I am using an MLP for classification
Here is my model
model = keras.Sequential([
keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(X.shape[1], X.shape[2])),
keras.layers.Dense(2048, activation='relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax')
lr_schedule = keras.optimizers.schedules.ExponentialDecay(0.00015, decay_steps=1000, decay_rate=0.96, staircase=True)
optimiser = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=lr_schedule)
model.compile(optimizer=optimiser, loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
I noticed that the traning/validation loss and accuracy(image) validation loss increases as the validation accuracy increases.
Isn't loss supposed to decrease as accuracy increases?
I would recommend checkout out this post. Another aspect that is not mentioned there, but I think is worth noting, is the class-balance in your data set. Since you are using Softmax as your final layer, eg multi-class classification, the reason you observe validation loss increases and validation accuracy increases could be because your data is imbalanced in regards to how many observations of each label(class) exist. Your classifier becomes better (more accurate) at determining your most frequent classes, but worse (less accurate) with the more rare classes. You could say that you are "overfitting" your model to more often predict the common classes.
Because of this, accuracy increases since your classifier is overall correct more often, but the loss increases as well, since the loss for the rare classes become large (since it predicts the probability of them to be 0).
To solve this, you could either upsample or downsample your data, or set class-weights as described here.

Can I use BERT as a feature extractor without any finetuning on my specific data set?

I'm trying to solve a multilabel classification task of 10 classes with a relatively balanced training set consists of ~25K samples and an evaluation set consists of ~5K samples.
I'm using the huggingface:
model = transformers.BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(...
and obtain quite nice results (ROC AUC = 0.98).
However, I'm witnessing some odd behavior which I don't seem to make sense of -
I add the following lines of code:
for param in model.bert.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
while making sure that the other layers of the model are learned, that is:
[param[0] for param in model.named_parameters() if param[1].requires_grad == True]
['classifier.weight', 'classifier.bias']
Training the model when configured like so, yields some embarrassingly poor results (ROC AUC = 0.59).
I was working under the assumption that an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers. So, where do I got it wrong?
From my experience, you are going wrong in your assumption
an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model (without any fine-tuning) should serve as a relatively good feature extractor for the classification layers.
I have noticed similar experiences when trying to use BERT's output layer as a word embedding value with little-to-no fine-tuning, which also gave very poor results; and this also makes sense, since you effectively have 768*num_classes connections in the simplest form of output layer. Compared to the millions of parameters of BERT, this gives you an almost negligible amount of control over intense model complexity. However, I also want to cautiously point to overfitted results when training your full model, although I'm sure you are aware of that.
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers. The one instance in which it can be helpful to disable at least partial layers would be the embedding component, depending on the model's vocabulary size (~30k for BERT-base).
I think the following will help in demystifying the odd behavior I reported here earlier –
First, as it turned out, when freezing the BERT layers (and using an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model without any fine-tuning), the number of training epochs required for the classification layer is far greater than that needed when allowing all layers to be learned.
For example,
Without freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.98, train loss = 0.0988, validation loss = 0.0501 # end of epoch 1
ROC AUC = 0.99, train loss = 0.0484, validation loss = 0.0433 # end of epoch 2
Overfitting, train loss = 0.0270, validation loss = 0.0423 # end of epoch 3
Whereas, when freezing the BERT layers, I’ve reached:
ROC AUC = 0.77, train loss = 0.2509, validation loss = 0.2491 # end of epoch 10
ROC AUC = 0.89, train loss = 0.1743, validation loss = 0.1722 # end of epoch 100
ROC AUC = 0.93, train loss = 0.1452, validation loss = 0.1363 # end of epoch 1000
The (probable) conclusion that arises from these results is that working with an out-of-the-box pre-trained BERT model as a feature extractor (that is, freezing its layers) while learning only the classification layer suffers from underfitting.
This is demonstrated in two ways:
First, after running 1000 epochs, the model still hasn’t finished learning (the training loss is still higher than the validation loss).
Second, after running 1000 epochs, the loss values are still higher than the values achieved with the non-freeze version as early as the 1’st epoch.
To sum it up, #dennlinger, I think I completely agree with you on this:
The entire idea of BERT is that it is very cheap to fine-tune your model, so to get ideal results, I would advise against freezing any of the layers.

For regression model, why the validation set passed to have different metric result than the model.evaluate?

I have a regression model with Euclidean distance as a loss function and RMSE as a metric evaluation (lower is better). When I passed my train, test sets to I have train_rmse, and test_rmse which their values made sense to me. But when I pass the test sets into model.evalute after loading the weight of the trained model I got different results which are approximately twice the result with And I am aware of the difference that should happen between the train evaluation and test evaluation as I know from Keras that :
the training loss is the average of the losses over each batch of training data. Because your model is changing over time, the loss over the first batches of an epoch is generally higher than over the last batches. On the other hand, the testing loss for an epoch is computed using the model as it is at the end of the epoch, resulting in a lower loss.
But here I am talking about the result of test-set passed to in which I beleived is evaluated on the final model. In Keras documentation, they said on validation argument that I am passing the test set in it:
validation_data: Data on which to evaluate the loss and any model metrics at the end of each epoch. The model will not be trained on this data.
When I searched about the problem I found several issues
1- Some people like here report that this issue is with the model itself if they have batch normalization layer,or if you do transfer learning and freeze some BN layers like here. my model has BN layers, and I did not freeze any layer. Also, I used the same model for the mulit-class classification problem (not regression) and the result was the same for test set in the and model.evaluate.
2- Other people like said that this is related with either the prediction or metric calculation like here, in which they found that this difference is related with the different of dtype for y_true and y_pred if someone is float32 and other float64 for example, then the metric calculation will be different. When they unified the dtype the problem is fixed.
I believed that the last case applied to me since in the regression task my labels now is tf.float32. My y_true labels already cast to tf.float32 through tfrecord, so I tried to cast the y_pred to tf.float32 before the rmse calculation, and I still have the difference in the result.
So My questions are:
Why this difference in results
To whom I should rely for test set, on result or model.evalute
I know that for training loss and accuracy, keras does a running average over the batches, and I know for model.evalute, these metric are calculated by taking all the dataset one time on the final model. But how the validation loss and accuracy calculated for validation set passed to
The problem was in the shape conflict between the y_true and y_pred. As for y_true label I save it in tfrecords as float single value and eventually will be with the size of [batch_size] while the regression model gives the prediction as [batch_size, 1] and then the result of tf.subtract(y_true, y_pred) in rmse equation will result in matrix of [batch_size, batch_sizze] and with taking the mean of this final one you will never guess it is wrong and the code will not throw any error but the calculation of rmse will be wrong. I am still working to make the shape consistent but still didn't find a good solution.

Overfitting after one epoch

I am training a model using Keras.
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=300, input_shape=(timestep,103), use_bias=True, dropout=0.2, recurrent_dropout=0.2))
model.compile(loss="binary_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"])
while True:
history = model.fit_generator(
generator = data_generator(x_[train_indices],
y_[train_indices], batch = batch, timestep=timestep),
steps_per_epoch=(int)(train_indices.shape[0] / batch),
validation_steps=(int)(validation_indices.shape[0] / batch),
x_[validation_indices],y_[validation_indices], batch=batch,timestep=timestep))
It is a multiouput classification accoriding to definition:
Multioutput regression assigns each sample a set of target values.This can be thought of as predicting several properties for each data-point, such as wind direction and magnitude at a certain location.
Thus, it is a recurrent neural network I tried out different timestep sizes. But the result/problem is mostly the same.
After one epoch, my train loss is around 0.0X and my validation loss is around 0.6X. And this values keep stable for the next 10 epochs.
Dataset is around 680000 rows. Training data is 9/10 and validation data is 1/10.
I ask for intuition behind that..
Is my model already over fittet after just one epoch?
Is 0.6xx even a good value for a validation loss?
High level question:
Therefore it is a multioutput classification task (not multi class), I see the only way by using sigmoid an binary_crossentropy. Do you suggest an other approach?
I've experienced this issue and found that the learning rate and batch size have a huge impact on the learning process. In my case, I've done two things.
Reduce the learning rate (try 0.00005)
Reduce the batch size (8, 16, 32)
Moreover, you can try the basic steps for preventing overfitting.
Reduce the complexity of your model
Increase the training data and also balance each sample per class.
Add more regularization (Dropout, BatchNorm)

Weird Training Issue with keras - sudden huge drop in loss with zeros in FC layer

I'm getting this odd issue with training a siamese-style CNN with Keras (backend of Tensor Flow, Ubuntu 14.04, Cuda 8, with cudnn). In short, the CNN has a shared set of weights that takes in two images, merges their respective FC layers, and then estimates a regression. I'm using MSE loss with the Adam optimizer (with default parameters). I've done this several times with different types of problems and have never seen the following.
Essentially what happens is on the first epoch, everything seems to be training fine, and the loss is decreasing slowly, as expected (ends at around an MSE of ~3.3 using a batch size of 32). The regression is estimating a 9-dimensional continuous-valued vector.
Then, as soon as the second epoch starts, the loss drops DRAMATICALLY (to ~ 4e-07). You'd think "oh yay the loss is really small--I win", but when I inspect the trained weights by prediction on novel inputs (I'm using the checkpointer to dump out the best set of weights according to the loss), I get odd behavior. No matter what the inputs are (different images, random noise as inputs, even zeros), I always get the same exact output. Further inspection shows that the last FC layer in the shared weights are all zeros.
If I look at the weights after the first epoch, when everything seems "normal", this doesn't happen--I just don't get optimal results (makes sense--only one epoch has occurred). This only happens with the second epoch and on.
Has anybody ever seen this? Any ideas? You think it's a dumb error on my part, or some weird bug?
More details on my network topology here. Here are the shared weights:
shared_model = Sequential()
shared_model.add(Convolution2D(nb_filter=96, nb_row=9, nb_col=9, activation='relu', subsample=(2,2), input_shape=(3,height,width)))
shared_model.add(Convolution2D(nb_filter=256, nb_row=3, nb_col=3, activation='relu', subsample=(2,2)))
shared_model.add(Convolution2D(nb_filter=256, nb_row=3, nb_col=3, activation='relu'))
shared_model.add(Convolution2D(nb_filter=512, nb_row=3, nb_col=3, activation='relu', subsample=(1,1)))
shared_model.add(Dense(2048, activation='relu'))
Then I merge them for regression as follows:
input_1 = Input(shape=(3,height,width))
input_2 = Input(shape=(3,height,width))
encoded_1 = shared_model(input_1)
encoded_2 = shared_model(input_2)
encoded_merged = merge([encoded_1, encoded_2], mode='concat', concat_axis=-1)
fc_H = Dense(9, activation='linear')
h_loss = fc_H(encoded_merged)
model = Model(input=[input_1, input_2], output=h_loss)
Finally, each epoch trains on about 1,000,000 samples, so there should be plenty of data to train. I've just never seen a FC layer get set to all zeros. And even at that, I don't understand how that makes for a very low loss when the training data are not all zeros.
For the zeroes which are seemingly getting predicted by the last layer what might have happened is the dying ReLU problem. Try LeakyReLU, tweak alpha. This worked for me in eradicating those zeros which I would get in the first epoch itself.
