Cannot load image from Images.xcasset using React Native? - react-native-ios

I'm learning React Native for IOS development. I followed the instruction below to load a image from Images.xcassets:
<Image source={require('image!house')}/>
Then I got this error:
Unable to resolve module image!house from **/ProjectName/index.ios.js: Module does not exist in the module map or in these directories: **/ProjectName/node_modules
I found a solution from this : But it doesn't seen to work
node_modules/react-native/packager/ --assetRoots=./ios/ProjectName/Images.xcassets
Any idea to help me out?

In order to use xcassets catalog, you don't have to use require.
Something like that should work:
<Image source={{uri: 'house'}} style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />


Translation from C++ to Python for Pyside2

I am trying to change the color of my progressbar. According to the PYSIDE2 Docs (which are actually pretty much copy pasted from C++), the syntax is the following:
QProgressBar::chunk {
background-color: #05B8CC;
width: 20px;
I have tried the following:
self.pbar.chunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar(chunk{'background-color: whatever'})
self.pbar(chunk('background-color: whatever'))
self.pbar.Qchunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar::chunk('background-color: whatever')
self.pbar:chunk('background.color: whatever')
It seems that no matter how or where I place "chunk" I get an error that "chunk" is not recognized, is not a method, is not an option, or generally not understood. Chunk is also not recognized in StyleSheets in the ways I tried it. I have extensively searched the PySide2 docs and can only find a couple of examples written in C++ which are actually no help at all.
Please translate the above C++ statement to Python. Also, if there is a resource for the PYTHON docs for PySide2, I would greatly appreciate the link. Thanx
In Pyside2, you can set the stylesheet of the widget with a Python string:
app.setStyleSheet('QProgressBar::chunk { background: solid orange; }')
P.S: and you can indeed do really ugly designs ;)

Why are there symbols in my code?

I'm am using MeteorJS and VueJs. When the code gets compiled I get som ugly bundled stuff.
The module that I am trying to include is something that i made up myself.
I am including the module like this
import * as fun from 'azure-image-upload';
Thanks in advance

How do I use MorphSVGPlugin?

I want to use .convertToPath() to convert some primitives such as circle, rectangle, etc. I am doing it like this -
but I am getting the error that
MorphSVGPlugin is not defined.
Can anyone please help me out on this?
I had issues with the es5 method of loading.
A couple things to know -
It's very picky about the directory location relative to each other. You need to have
Link here -
The other thing I ran into, is that if you use 'require.js', it must be loaded AFTER any plugins lest you get this -
Mismatched anonymous define() module
You can Add the following additional script after loading all java-script scripts--
<script src=""></script>

load x3dom using requirejs

I want to load the x3dom js library using requirejs. It's not working and produce the following error: TypeError: x3dom.gfx_webgl is not a function
I load the x3dom library like that:
require(['jquery-ui', 'x3dom'], function($, x3dom){
You can see here that the loading of the libs seems to work (it's working for jquery).
I have a jsfiddle that shows the problem:
If you load the script in the html pane (uncomment <!--<script src=""></script>--> and comment lines 20-22 in the js pane), it's working.
It was a bug in x3dom. It's fixed now.

LESS compile error on individual bootstrap components

I am a little bit confused. I am trying to use Node.js with lessc to compile my application which includes parts of bootstrap. I want to be able to pick bits and pieces of bootstrap for what I need since I won't be using all of it. When I import bootstrap.less everything compiles perfectly. But if I import just reset.less or buttons.less I get: TypeError: Cannot call method 'charAt' of undefined. What is going on here?
My Folder Setup
Everything compiles fine when I have #import 'bootstrap/bootstrap'
I get the above error when I have #import 'bootstrap/reset'
And I have tried adding .less to the end of the file name as well, same results.
I found online that less version 1.3.0 should fix this, but that is the version I am using.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
The components are dependent on the variables.less and mixins.less. You will need to include them when compiling any component (or even just the reset.less, since it uses the mixins).
