I am developing library for Ionic 2, that should be installed via NPM, but i can't do this in classic way. If you want to develop module you can use npm link command to link module to your project where you want test and develop it, but in Ionic it everytime fall on compilation error, when is module linked using npm link.
This is error that i get evertime:
[10:14:15] Error: Could not resolve entry (./.tmp/app/main.dev.js)
at /Users/daniel/ionic/cache-test/node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.js:8602:28
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:103:7)
So, is there any trick how to develop and test NPM module in Ionic 2?
We did experiment with this, to share ngrx-based core module in between a web Angular2 app and an Ionic2 mobile app:
However, we did not manage to make it work through npm link, only with npm pack/install.
The trick is to define your external lib in a custom rollup.config.js. You can find more info here:
create react app is not working recently and I get this error
Node couldn't find your project's modules. Have you tried
npm i
I am writing an Electron application and would like to integrate my AI. For this I have installed #tensorflow/tfjs-node version 3.0.0. When I want to execute my code (const tf = require("#tensorflow/tfjs-node");) the following error message appears in the console:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: The Node.js native addon module (tfjs_binding.node) can not be found at path: C:\...\simplePhishNew\node_modules\#tensorflow\tfjs-node\lib\napi-v6\tfjs_binding.node.
Please run command 'npm rebuild #tensorflow/tfjs-node build-addon-from-source' to rebuild the native addon module.
The Console is tell me:
node-pre-gyp info This Node instance does not support builds for N-API version 7
The Solution,
Please run command 'npm rebuild #tensorflow/tfjs-node build-addon-from-source' to rebuild the native addon module.
doesnt work and is showing the following error message.
* Building TensorFlow Node.js bindings
symlink ./lib/napi-v7 failed: null
#tensorflow/tfjs-node#3.0.0 C:\...\node_modules\#tensorflow\tfjs-node
Thanks for the effort
I did it guys...
Step 1:
Stop crying
Step 2:
Call the boss again and take back the notice of termination
Step 3:
Electron need a specific node version
For example Electron v. 11.3.0 needs node 12.18.3
Step 4:
Ask yourself why you actually got the job
I am fairly new to React and am trying to run an example to get started with understanding how Twilio interfaces with React/Node. I am currently using the repo https://github.com/twilio/twilio-video.js, and am trying to run the test > framework > twilio-video-react, but when I npm install then npm start, the server starts, but throws the error:
Failed to compile
Module not found: Can't resolve 'twilio-video'
I did `npm install twilio-video`, but still throwing error. What am I missing here? Can anyone else get this example started? I want a base example with Twilio Video working with React so I can learn from there, any other resources would help, thanks!
I tried these two examples as well, but they are outdated:
Okay, got an example up and running with a little fudging.
I followed this example: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2018/03/video-chat-react.html
But there were a few old libraries that were causing errors.
Posted a working version on my Github linked here.
As we know Create React Native App is the easiest way to start building a new React Native application. But I tried to install this but I got failed.
I am using Node v8.10.0 and npm v4.2.0.
Error Attached below.
I stucked here.
Final Error
Go to Task Manager by ctrl+alt+del and close all the node.js processes. Then rerun the command create-react-native-app <yourname>, this time try it with other name instead of "AwesomeProject".
I'm trying to make use of the axios library to call some API endpoints.
My project setup is a Phoenix app (with brunch for asset management) and a React app (all in the web/static/js directory)
Most npm modules are ok, I do:
npm install --save _module-name_
Then I add the module to the brunch-config.js into the npm whitelist array.
Which I've done with axios, so it doesn't complain that it cannot find the library.
However, when I try and use axios e.g axios.post
I get the following error in the JS Console:
Cannot find module "axios/lib/adapters/xhr"
It's like brunch isn't loading in the axios dependencies (even though I can see that file if i navigate to node_modules/axios/lib/adapters
Has anyone had this issue (with any npm module and brunch/phoenix) and if so how do you go about fixing it?
It seems to be a wider spread problem with brunch.
I also cannot use "React-Bootstrap" I get a similar error where it cannot find the sub-dependencies....
I had the same issue and updated brunch to the latest (2.7.5 at the time), which resolved my issue.
See https://github.com/brunch/brunch/issues/1136