react-virtualized FlexTable rowHeight based on content - react-virtualized

Is it possible to render cells in FlexTable in a way when all cell content is always visible (long texts), just like CellMeasurer for Grid but for FlexTable?
Thank You!


When the all cells are editable, unable to select row

Neither select-row work nor row-click works when the cell are editable. Anyway to get row selected?
If I click inbetween the cells then it works but it's not practicle click small space inbetween cells.
You really need to show an example of what you are trying to do. A JSFiddle would be helpful. Still if I'm following correctly what you want to add to your table layout is:
"Row Handle
The handle formatter fills the cell with hamburger bars, to be used as a row handle
{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"handle"}"

make direction of excel sheets of my birt report right to left

I have a birt report with excel output. I want to make the sheet direction right to left.
I try to do this via adding new style, but the style just make the text in cells right to left, not the direction of excel sheets itself.
This is an unresolved issue in BIRT. The report orientation does not work for XLS/XLSX. It might be either because of the way BIRT transmits BIRT-elements into excel cells or simply because no XLS-transmitter supports the feature. However, it does at least work for PDF - if that helps.
Eventually, you might just want to recreate that report with the desired orientation. To "align" elements like a headline most-right, you usually create a grid with a number of colums that equals or exceeds the number of columns of the data table. Then you put the headline element in the right-most cell of that grid.
Hope you find a way!

how to hide table-column in lotus notes form?

ex. i have 2 column in this table if i write "if i = 1 then hide column 2" and when i = 1 , they hide only text, not hide table-column how can i hide all? thank you!
i weak in English.
The hide when has to include the whole column not only one cell.
In order to have full control of rows/cells hiding, you might want to write your own table in plain HTML.
There's no way to hide a table column when using the Notes client.
If you're going to display the table in a web browser then you could easily hide with css.
I currently am able to "hide" a column but it's for a very specific use case which is probably not helpful to you but may be to others. I would only use this if it's the last column in the table, the contents are there for programmatic control (buttons, etc) or non-essential information, and you're hiding for preview/read/print purposes.
Do the following on all cells of the column:
Define the hide-when
Set the border width to 0
Set the cell color to white (or whatever your form's background color is)
Of course, by doing this the border width and color will always be the same. There's no way to programmatically change those.

Create Scrolling Excel Chart

I'm looking to set up a scroll bar in Excel that corresponds to what set of data I use for a chart. I have built a 2-value doughnut chart that acts as a percentage gauge (green section is completed and grey is 100% minus the completed part).
I want to be able to choose what month's data I use for this chart using the scroll bar. All I can seem to find online is how to modify the number of rows and columns that are displayed on a graph rather than actually using the scroller to pick what data to display.
In addition, how would I make it default to the current month? Any help would be appreciated!
For anyone that is looking for a similar solution, I have figured it out. It works with something called a dynamic range. Use the value of the scrollbar to determine the offset of rows (pick which row of data to use). Then link that dynamic range to your chart in place of where you would select the data.

How to dynamically change the TableLayout in 1.x

I have an page containing a table built by TableLayout. It is similar with the example shown on the official demo site. (link) The only thing different is I have combo box, textbox inside those Cells, not just a bunch of panels.
Now, there is the need to dynamically hide some textboxes based on the selection of a combobox. What I have done is to set up the combobox to AutoPostBack="true" OnValueChanged="comboboxname_OnValueChanged" .
In that code-behind method comboboxname_OnValueChanged, I check the selected value and do a textboxname.Visible="false". Then I got the unexpected: the whole Cell that contains that textbox is removed. And my whole table is messed up!
Then my guess is that the Cell must remain in place to occupy the position. My next try is:
here, the index 5 is the table cell with the textbox I want to hide. and emptyLabel is an ext.Label which displays nothing. Unfortunately it does not work.
My third try is to build an empty cell first. then,
mytablelayout.Cells.Insert(5, emptyCell);
I found RemoveAt(5) can be successfully executed, which again messed up my table because the next cell just moves from its supposed place. But the Insert(5, emptyCell) just never did what I want.
Now I am really at my wit's end. Can any expert give some advice? How did you manipulate the Cells in a TableLayout?
Thank you for any helpful input.
make a CSS class with display none.
.myClass {
display: none;
set the textbox cls property to the CSS class made earlier
textboxname.cls = "myClass";
