Programmatically Start/Stop Recording in Kinect Studio - visual-studio-2012

I am wondering if there is a way to control the start/stop recording feature in Kinect Studio, such that a video is recorded only when a specific event occurs over a long period of time. One idea I had was to find a way to interface to Kinect Studio from Visual Studio, but I cannot seem to find a way to do this.
Thanks for your help in advance.

What you need is KSUtil, a command line tool that ships with Kinect Studio and by which you can record Kinect data programmatically.
You can you a syntax like this:
KSUtil.exe -record <xef_file_path> <duration> –stream depth ir body
More info about KSUtil are available on MSDN.


Receive data from esp32 and show it on an app(Android Studio)

I am trying to create an android app using Android Studio in order to receive some data from an ESP32 in order to display those data on an app build using Android Studio.
I have came across many but couldn't successfully implement the idea.
Please help. I will be highly obliged.
An esp32 code and Android Studio code.

is it possibile to use unity project as an android studio activity?

I am trying to create an android application, of which its components are build partly on android studio and partly on unity. i can't do everything with android studio or everything with unity, so i would like a way to merge the two parts. my plan is to integrate the part built in unity as the main activity on androids studio and then create the other activities(screens) of my app on android studio and create a way to slide scroll between those screens(activities). i would like this configuration to work as a single 'precess'.
is this posible to do ?
I am still a beginner, so if I didn't explain well please tell me.
I tried to search for information that would be useful to me but on found nothing.
Yes, it's possible. You have to make an Android Export and add it to your main project. then call unity's activity which is registered on AndroidManifest and Unity part will be run.

How to play videos in Android Studio

I'm beginner on Android studio.
I want to play videos in android studio?
How can I play videos without using raw or assets folder as I have a lot of video files?
Storing videos in raw package is increasing my Android studio Project size.
Is there any other way I can play videos?
I supose you are doing it like this, but you shold not if you are gonna put more than one or two videos. The first option is using a WebView, and the second option wich i strongly recommend is using a VideoView. Hope this helps. :)

How to user sketch app sources templates on android studio?

I'm looking for a way to use templates on android studio, I found out that the sketch official application is working only on MAC OS and there is an alternative called Lunacy (by Icon8) that works on windows, the problem is that even after importing the downloaded theme on lunacy I have no idea how am I supposed to get the xml/drawables that I can import into android studio, any one can help please?
Thank you
You can simply use some plugins which are created exactly for this purpose.
For example Sympli would let you to drag and drop your design into Swift or Android Studio in no time.
There is also some basic tutorial on their website for getting on board.

Time Tracking Tool Window in Android Studio

In IntelliJ IDEA there is a Time Tracking Tool Window which provides ways to start and stop timers for the active task, which I'm looking forward to use it as a time tracker for my projects.
Where is this option located in Android Studio? Because I have tried to find it out but there's no Time Tracking option in the Tool Windows.
Thanks in advance.
I am using 2 free time-tracking plugins on Android Studio:
1) darkyen
2) wakatime
Wakatime is comprehensive and has a subscription model for additional features.
You can install them easily from Android Studio -> Settings -> Plugins -> Browser Repositories.
The time tracking is currently available only in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. Since it's not an open-source component, it is not available in Android Studio.
