Clarion Topspeed database scanner Mass update - clarion

I need to update a column in a Clarion Topspeed (TPS) file based on the value in another column update table set subnumber = 20 where reference1='DC'.
The Topspeed Database Scanner has a Mass Update function on the File menu, but I cannot get it to work. I don't have access to the ODBC driver or the Clarion programming environment. Link: Mass Update Form

it's quite easy when you try few times :-) ... so, this is how you can do it: liek you said, open file->mass update ... on field subnumber in the second column you click on arrow on the right, to enter in the window where you can define formula ...
in your case you can use: CHOOSE(REFERENCE1='DC', 20, SUBNUMBER)
which means that the value od subnumber will be 20 for every reference1 is 'DC', otherwise put the same value into the subnumber again ... after you press apply don't forget to refresh with f5 ...

If the data is not sensitive, I can update the file for you.
Without the odbc the mass update is your only option, copy the file to a separate folder and try to update if from there, someone may have a record lock on the tabel


Adding Entry to Table - Adding onto Existing Entry

I am trying to figure out a way to add data to an existing table, where it can identify a value (like name or ID#) and add in a new piece of data into that row for the individual.
See Pic 1: The person using this guide will click "yes" or "no" if they want to move the person forward. I want to record that yes/no in their database. (Note: each new candidate gets their HR Guide with their name on it. If you are listed on the Short list (see pic 2), you will get a HR Guide created for you. So the name of the tab is unpredictable, which is why things like vlookups or other formulas will not work.)
Here is the image of where I want the input to go. Based on the name matching in column C, I want it to input the Yes/No in Column I
I have no VBA code to share as I have no clue where to start. I have looked around trying to find a solution or something to work off of, but cannot find something that is close enough for me to figure it out (usually that works for me, but not this time...). So any help/direction you can provide would be VERY helpful! Thanks in advance.

How to insert data in azure easy table?

I want to insert the data in a specific column of azure easy table with xamarin forms.i already insert the data in a row but some fields are empty and these can be fill later by the user when user want to update the record.
for example there is a table which name isUSER(User-id,UserName,Email,Password,Mobile-No) user enter all data except MobileNo and it may or may be entered first time but may enter later.if they enter mobile number later then how I do that ?
First of all , All CRUD are operated on the object in Azure easy table .If you create this record at the first time, You could insert this record to Azure easy table. If user want to add the mobile number in the next time, you could query this record, then delete the old data, put the new record to the table.
You could refer to following link.
If you want to know more basic knowledge, you can refer to the link below

Can you make columns optional for SQL Insert Row in Azure Logic Apps?

I am using the Logic App designer on Azure. Added "SQL Azure - Insert Row" as an Action, it prompts me to insert values for the columns but all the columns are marked as required and it doesn't save the changes/sequence if a value is not entered there.
Is there anyway of bypassing this or making the columns optional?
I tried this previously, there was no way to make the columns optional but i figured a workaround.
First, in the designer put any value, then open Code view and look for the columns you don't need and just delete it from the JSON schema and hit save :)
that should do it for you, but next time you open in designer and try to edit you have to do this again.
let me know if it helps
I added a screenshot of the steps that i made while trying to replicate this. (note that your database schema should handle these null values for the columns, in my case the Guid had a default value of newid() and the other column allowed nulls). You always pass null to the columns, not passing values at all might make sense for columns that has values computed or has default values (like newid() uniqueidentifier or getdate() for created/modified time)

#prompt in Business Objects, how can use dynamic data or list

I'm new to BO, i want to prompt the report user to select multiple items from a list before generating the report.
the list is dynamic and it should read from a (look up) table in DB.
i tried to use #prompt function but cant do it.
one more thing, i want the user to be able to filter the data in browser
Instead of using #prompt, you can try like this.
In Modify(Design) Mode, go to Data Access --> Edit.
There in filter bar, drag the Object that you want to appear as Prompt for the user, say Year. Select "In List" and change it to a Prompt by selecting the Prompt option from "define filter type" which is available at the end of the filter object selected.
hope this helps you to resolve.

Updating Inventory

I am working on a spreadsheet that tracks inventory. Basically each week the user goes in, sets his inventory to be used that week, compares it to the current stock and tells him when to order more.
The issue I am having is once the inventory for the week has been chosen how can I get it to update the stock permanently when he exits the spreadsheet?
Specifically then user picks the client name from a drop down menu, that in turn uses a VLOOKUP to show the items the customer needs. From there it COUNTIFs what is needed by all customers and posts it next to the # of each item on hand(refrenced from the "stock" sheet)...I am hunky dory to this step. I can't seem to make the leap to having the amount in stock update upon completion so that when the next user opens the file (multiple copies cannot be opened at once, already set that up) the sotck is current.
Make sense?
OK for a VBA free (sort of) solution you could use a macro. You have in 1 column the current stock, next to it it you have the amount to be deducted from it before exiting the workbook. You will need to add another column that is the amount after deduction. I'm guessing you would know how to set that up if you are using VLOOKUP.
Next step is to record the macro. I'm not sure which version of Excel you are using, but for Excel 2003 you would go to Tools -> Macro -> Record new macro. This will lead to the macro dialog box, chose a name e.g. Update. It would probably be best to chose a shortcut key e.g. u. click OK to start recording the macro.
Highlight the column with the amount after deduction and use edit -> copy. Highlight the column with the current stock and use edit->paste special and chose values and click ok. Finally click on the stop button on the macro recorder.
If you make a mistake, simply click on stop, and go to Tools -> Macro -> Macros select the macro you have recorded and click delete and then yes. Then start again.
In order to run the macro the user would have to either goto Tools -> Macro -> Macros and click run or press Ctrl + shortcut key e.g. Ctrl+u.
A word of warning, macros are not normally undoable so if the user makes a mistake e.g. running it twice they should exit without saving and start again.
Your probably going to need to use VBA.
Cant really give you any examples because I cant see the layout of your workbook and it would depend on how you want to update the list.
You could update the stock count, fairly simple to do but not very safe unless you trust all the users to get it right every time.
If you wanted a little more safety, you could have a sort of "transaction" sheet which stores the change to the stock count for each job entered. Allowing you to fix or remove any erroneous entries. This wouldn't update the main stock list so you would want to periodically merge your transaction sheet.
I've had a quick go at making something using VBA. Again, since I don't know how your book is laid out etc I've just played about. It might be helpful, might not.
Example Workbook
The workbook has 3 sheets: Stock, Adjustment, Log.
A list of products, the quantity on hand and a re-order threshold
Used to 'adjust' the stock... user enters a product name and the requirement.
The worksheet shows the SOH, the adjusted SOH and advises weather a product needs to be reorderd. (depends on the adjusted SOH and threshold set on the stock sheet)
If the adjustment sheet is populated, when a user saves the workbook they are asked to either update the list (which clears the adjustment sheet), not to update the list (saves the adjustment list for later use without updating stock) or to cancel.
If the adjustments are saved, the information for each adjustment is copied to the log sheet along with a timestamp to allow you to track the changes. If an non-stocked (or mistyped) product is found, it is skipped and the user is told at the end.
