installing chinese character support for wkhtmltopdf on CloudControl - node.js

I have a production/test environment deployed on cloudcontrol that uses wkhtmltopdf in order to create a pdf from an html page. this html page may contains chinese characters though, and in this case once converted these characters simply disappear.
According to this question I should perform the installation of some fonts packages, but since I don't have a direct console access to Cloudcontrol this solution won't fit for me.
Before I escalate this request to the CC support team, did anyone had the same problem already?

If anyone is interested, I fixed this issue by putting the 2 *.ttc files recommended in this post and extracted from the tar.gz retrieved here (microhei) and here (zenhei) into my git repository in a folder named .fonts/ and including this folder in Gruntfile.js in the same list of the other backend files under copy/dist/files.
Lat note, regarding zenhei I did not copy the .fonts.conf file as well but only the .ttc


What is the best way to retrieve a single folder from a github repository in a python script?

I need to download a single folder from a github repository in a Python 3 script.
Listing all raw file URLs to download is tedious and eventual new files would need to be added manually
Downloading the whole repository as zip takes rather long; there are lots of unneeded files. [This how I do at the moment]
I have read about web services that do what I would need, such as, but the problem is that generating the relevant URL and fetching it via urllib.request.urlretrive() downloads the website rather than the actual file.
What can I do? Is there a web service that provides raw file links that I can download as described above?
I just found a solution: The ffspec library may be used to download a single folder from a GitHub repository using Python. See

Joomla 3 problems using Akeeba Release system with zip

I'm trying to use the Joomla ARS. I've set it up and it seems to work for everything except the download of zip files.
I've set it up so that you can see the file in the front end but when you click on it a:
The requested document was not found on this server
error is thrown.
I've tried directly linking the file and it downloads fine. I've also set up an article to check that it'll download and again it works fine. So I don't think there are any permission issues since the zip file can be downloaded just not by using ARS.
Finally I've also tried different file types in ARS and if I swap the zip file for an xml file or a pdf file they both download fine.
Any ideas about how to debug?
I figured it out :)
The site had add a suffix to url switched on which was stopping it getting the correct route. Changed that and it worked as expected.

How to setup merge tool based on mime-types in TortoiseSVN

[enter image description here][1]I am stuck in setting up merge tool based on mime-types in TortoiseSVN.
It works fine when setting up the merge tool (KDiff3) based on file extensions, like .xml. However, it doesn't work when trying to assotiate with mime-types, referring to TortoiseSVN's help document:
To associate using a file extension, you need to specify the extension. Use .bmp to describe Windows bitmap files. To associate using the svn:mime-type property, specify the mime type, including a slash, for example text/xml.
I'm not sure if this is a bug of TortoiseSVN, or I misunderstood the help document.
Can anybody shed me some light? Thanks.
I'm using Windows 7, 64bit, TortoiseSVN 1.9.4.
(I'm new enough in StackOverflow that I am not able to post picture yet. Orz)

About updating a node-webkit app

I want to set auto-updates up for my apps before I release. I'm a budding programmer, so when I looked into node-webkit-updater I was pretty confused. It seems under-documented to me. Can someone explain the overall update mechanism that it helps implement?
As an alternative to node-webkit-updater, I was thinking of creating my own update system. I kinda like how Apple handles extension updates and I was thinking about replicating it. This would involve putting a JSON/XML manifest file on Amazon S3 along with the latest versions of the app for all platforms. The app checks the file at startup and replaces itself with the new version.
Is the latter sound plausible? Am I better off going with node-webkit-updater? If so, can someone explain it to me please? My app is a Mac + Windows project.
This is what we did:
The first script of the page checks a custom "manifest" (.txt file) on the server, which contains some arbitrary text, e.g. version number.
If this value differs from a local version of the manifest, then download a .zip file from server. (The zip contains the latest nwjs website. You could have a separate one for each platform).
Unzip into a local directory (we use 7za command line util).
Set window.location.href to above local directory (index.html).
I know this is a old question, but here is the answer :)

apex 4.0.1 not working

I recently upgraded to apex 4.0.1
but when I access and login it the page doesn't respong
and another thing ... the page is supposed to have some photos but it doesn't appear
so when I view the source code of the page and open any of the JS files / photos directories / css files
I get this
404 Not found
Not found
The requested URL /i/css/apex_4_0.css was not found on this server
I have ubuntu 11.04
There's two steps to the upgrade. The first is (mostly) installing the APEX_040000 objects. The second uploads a bunch of files into the database.
Make sure you carried out the second step correctly as documented
It is two steps because, if you are using the Oracle Apex Listener or HTTP Server then you'd put those files on a file system somewhere, rather than in the database.
It sounds like your config file is messed up in some way. Check the configuration to verify that it is directing traffic on port 8080 to the correct directory. Here is a link to how to find the Apache config file and how to read it:
The only other thing I can think of is that the directory does not exist. Maybe it got deleted or moved.
