How to customize the the POLL UI and Announcement UI in Windows 8.1 app using C# and xaml? - win-universal-app

I have implemented ME in Windows Universal 8.1 app. When i create any announcement or any poll it appears in the black screen in the app like below.
But i want to change this UI as per my requirements. How can i change this?
Anybody please help me with a sample code.
Thanks in advance

We don't have a sample for this but you will find the place to customize the appearance on the client side in the "Resources" folder of the SDK in your Windows app solution.
1) Use html/EngagementNotification.html & overlay/EngagementOverlayNotification.xaml to change the base notification which shows up when you set up the campaign from the server side. You can add company logo/branding, images, change the size, orientation etc.
2) Use html/EngagementAnnouncement.html & overlay/EngagementOverlayAnnouncement.xaml to change the subsequent announcement that gets displayed in the form of poll or text or web announcement. Again you can change look and feel etc.
If you are sending a web announcement from the service where you can specify the HTML in the content of your announcement then the HTML content you send from the service gets merged with the HTML you have customized on your client and will be presented such.
Hope this helps.


Implement Cookies banner for Azure app service application

I have one Azure app service,where multiple (web app)app services with different names are running.
I have to modify already implemented cookie banner which says “We are doing ....”
The banner is showing when website load. From browser, After doing “F12” I can see, where are the text written.However, when checked the source code from Visual Studio, I can’t find the text ( that is, Checked in “Index.cshtml” page from the code. ). Searched the text in entire solution as well.
Is it somewhere implemented in App services?, so that it will be visible for different applications “Index.cshtml” page load? Or am I missing something?
Note, as per my previous on prem application, it should be implemented in the code itself. Quite unsure,why am I unable to find this.
Please help.thanks.

Webpage Icon on Desktop and Notification Badge

We have a web portal and our client have a requirement of keeping the webpage icon on the desktop that part was as easy as keeping and shortcut with icon which points to Webpage, however they also want to have dynamic notification badge on the icon something similar to below one -
This notification badge will keep changing based on number of action items, I couldn't figure out how to solve this without having an full fledge desktop application any pointer or help would be greatly appreciated.

Capturing and Saving Images using Camera in xPages

I have a requirement of capturing person image using camera and storing in IBM Notes native database and displaying it a field / area on front end (on xpage). Can I achieve this functionality in xpages? Supported equipment e.g. camera?
Can you please guide me is this possible? If yes how it's possible for both thick and thin client.
Thanks in advance,
Best Regards,
If you want to do this using a web application/ XPage (and not an app) you can't access the camera directly. However, if you use a file upload control on a mobile device (Android or iOS smartphone or tablet), it will ask you if you want to select a picture from the local gallery or take a picture.
I would use that feature to take and immediately upload the picture to the database. I recently wrote an article how to accomplish that using DropzoneJS: that plugin allows you to add for example a button to your XPage that says "Take picture" and immediately upload it to your Domino database once the picture is taken.

Launch a particular app to download content from webview in Windows8.1

I want to lauch in C#
event to download an attachment in email e.g. gmail.
So i wrote another app using BackgroundDownloader to download attachment.
But how to launch it when i click on attachment, every time it opens IE metro style.
All i got on internet was Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(uri)
what is URI for a Windows8 app?
Even MSDN community didn't answer it when i asked question there?
Instead of launching uri I just wrote a BackgroundDownlaoder in Unviewablw content event.
So no need to launch a second application.

Open iPhone or iPad to App Store Updates area

I use a web service to check for app updates and notify my user an update is available. Instead of taking them to the App Store product page as I do now, my users prefer I take them to the App Store Updates area so they can review the "what's new" and also update other apps at the same time.
Does anyone know how to get an iPhone/iPad app to open the App Store and navigate directly to the UPDATES area?
Thank you.
I figured it out using the item-apps url structure
