Open iPhone or iPad to App Store Updates area - ios4

I use a web service to check for app updates and notify my user an update is available. Instead of taking them to the App Store product page as I do now, my users prefer I take them to the App Store Updates area so they can review the "what's new" and also update other apps at the same time.
Does anyone know how to get an iPhone/iPad app to open the App Store and navigate directly to the UPDATES area?
Thank you.

I figured it out using the item-apps url structure


SKStoreProductViewController or similar solution possible for websites?

We would like that when the visitor of our website clicks on the appstore button to download the app, he is not redirected to the appstore but a popup of the appstore appears where he can download the app.
This function already exists in some apps and is called "SKStoreProductViewController".
We would now like to include this on our website so that our customers stay on the website when they download the app.
We do not want to bypass the app store
As you stated yourself this is used in native apps. You want to use it in a browser, i.e. not possible.
Using Smart App Banners is probably as close as you can get in a browser:
Or you "fake" the app store and build your own modal, which then links to the store page.

how to make whats app multiple login accounts in one browser

I just want one browser that can support multiple whats app account that can messaging and chatting for purpose. i have at least ten whats app account can run one browser with any extra extension tool or something else.
Can any one have idea???
Oh yes, I just found One Chrome Extension like All in One messenger that can manage multiple whats app account on one browser can u have any suggestion that same as other extensions works.

Create link to open app from mail without making changes in app

I have an app which is already published in app store, I need to send mail to users with link clicking on which it should open the app if its installed or should go to app store. I'm aware of the URL schemes and universal links and that would require modification in my app. I was wondering if there is any other way that this could be achieved where I could create a link maybe using itms-app or some other method where I don't need to make any changes in the app. Any help is appreciated
Unfortunately, not. For a phone to open your application, it needs a way to recognize your application.
URI Schemes
The URI scheme information is configured in the .plist file and is local to the application and therefore cannot be changed without an update. Although you probably don't want to use URI schemes anyways since they will present the user an error if they don't have the app instead of taking them to the app store.
Universal Links
This is the new way Apple performs deep linking and the only other way a link could open up the app. These require a locally stored entitlements file along with an .apple-app-site-association that is hosted on your own website domain and cached when the app is downloaded or updated. These also do not take users to the app store, they take users to the domain in which the AASA file is hosted.
Best Solution
Use Branch's iOS SDK to handle all of the AASA file hosting and App Store redirection. This would still require you to push out a new update, but that is the only possible way to accomplish this.

How to customize the the POLL UI and Announcement UI in Windows 8.1 app using C# and xaml?

I have implemented ME in Windows Universal 8.1 app. When i create any announcement or any poll it appears in the black screen in the app like below.
But i want to change this UI as per my requirements. How can i change this?
Anybody please help me with a sample code.
Thanks in advance
We don't have a sample for this but you will find the place to customize the appearance on the client side in the "Resources" folder of the SDK in your Windows app solution.
1) Use html/EngagementNotification.html & overlay/EngagementOverlayNotification.xaml to change the base notification which shows up when you set up the campaign from the server side. You can add company logo/branding, images, change the size, orientation etc.
2) Use html/EngagementAnnouncement.html & overlay/EngagementOverlayAnnouncement.xaml to change the subsequent announcement that gets displayed in the form of poll or text or web announcement. Again you can change look and feel etc.
If you are sending a web announcement from the service where you can specify the HTML in the content of your announcement then the HTML content you send from the service gets merged with the HTML you have customized on your client and will be presented such.
Hope this helps.

Accessing file system in an iOS device

I'm an absolute newbie to Xamarin world. I'm working on a web application where a user completes a long form (say some 100+ fields) and then submits the form which will write the information to a database. One of the requirement is user should be able to load the form, resume his work even when he is Offline( No internet connection). I have used HTML5 Application cache, Local Storage in Html5, KnockOut.JS, Java script so that for every 2 seconds all the user form information is saved to Local Storage of the browser. But lately, I noticed with few users that the forms are getting deleted sometimes due to an iOS update. Also I don't want to rely on browsers cookie/cache to store this information.
I want to find out what my options are with Xamarin. Can I use a component like 'UIWebview' in the Xamarin app to launch my web application and then access the file system of iOS of that Xamarin app from the browser launched ?
Sure you can!
One launch image plus one screen with UIWebView is what you need for your task. You can handle UIWebView's event to save and load it's state.
Good news is that such app could be small enought to build it using free (Starter) version of platform.
