How to get Coldfusion 10 to work with IIS 10 in Windows 10 - iis

Windows 10 comes with IIS 10, and ColdFusion 10 doesn't seem to like it. ColdFusion 10 installs fine, but when it comes time to create connectors (either during installation or by using the tool at C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\runtime\bin\wsconfig.exe), it fails. The error message I get is that it doesn't support IIS 10.
This connector is required to set up the CFIDE and jakarta virtual folders in IIS.
Any way around this?

An already deleted blog post from ( once stated the following
With Windows 10 out, there is a problem that most of the ColdFusion
customers will face, configuring connectors for IIS 10. Wsconfig, the
connector configuration tool, only supports till IIS 8.x. While the
ColdFusion team is working on this issue and will try to provide the
fix for it as soon as possible, there is already a KB article which
can be referred for configuring the connectors manually. Although the
article was originally written for CF10, it can be used for CF11 also.
After following all the steps in the article, you need to do one more
thing. Add index.cfm as default document for your website in IIS.
This solution is only recommended for development environments as
through testing of the connectors with IIS 10 is still going on. So
for production machines, you should wait for the actual release from
Important update: Note that ColdFusion 10 and 11 have been updated to
support Windows 10, a couple months after this blog post was first
written. Consider applying that update rather than this manual

If you are running Windows 10 Pro, you also have the option of running a Virtual Machine in the included Hyper-V offering. Instructions on how to enable Hyper-V are found here:
Simply spin up a version of Windows required.

apply latest hotfix for cf 11 hotfix_019.jar. that will fix the issue above


cannot read configuration file - updated

I am having the same issue as I've seen elsewhere but can no longer comment or reply - must be too old a post.
This happens only on my remote server running WIN2012, IIS 8.5 and on my brand new laptop, IIS 10.
I have been successful in running site on desktop WIN7, IIS 7.5 system only.
Seems it comes down to the computer's configuration. I needed to manually install IIS and other stuff on the WIN7 machine since none of it was there.
I don't believe the web.config file is the issue as you've stated, but something in the software installed is the problem.
Why can't this work cross platform? I am using the same folder paths. the "Test Settings" buttons may show errors, but sites other test sites still open (sites with an index file).
I have not found an answer and it's been weeks. If someone else can help it would be appreciated.

Attempting to install NuGet server on iis 10 on w2016 yields 404 not found error

My environment:
Windows 10 Creator (1703 with current updates to this date)
Visual Studio 2017, Enterprise, 15.3 with most of the goodies turned on.
Windows 2016, again with all current updates.
iis 10 with WebDeploy installed (that's a whole other installation nightmare, suffice it to say that SO helped there and the answers are already out there so I won't go into it here). Turned on ASP.NET 4.6, otherwise mainly accepted the defaults.
My process:
As per the NuGet.Server documentation, create a new ASP.NET MVC project using the "Empty" template and download and install NuGet.Server as specified. I'm using .NET 4.7 as my framework.
Compile and configure as desired (at least ensure you have an api key in place).
Deploy to iis using the "Publish" | Web Deploy option
Try to get in touch with the NuGet.Server on the website and fail miserably!
My bindings are (yes, the server has a fixed IP address), port 80. The name of the site is AWENuGet and the desired url is
To be sure, all of this works just fine if you take the same project as described above, assign a local port number (creating the project will do that anyway) and then simply running the application in Visual Studio works just fine.
But, when I took that self-same project and simply deployed it to iis, miserable failure.
I tried to open the host file (Windows\System 32\drivers\etc) and added the following:
to said file and it still failed.
...and the answer, for me, was to take that same hosts file entry that I made on the server so that the server could see it and install it in my dev machine's hosts file and voila! NOW it works just fine.

Windows 10 ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when enabling SSL

My office just gave me a new machine with Windows 10 and both VS2013 and VS2015 installed. I transferred an existing VS2013 project to the machine, but when I attempt to run, I get a ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR error in Chrome. There doesn't appear to be a Repair IIS Express application in Win10. I considered uninstalling IIS Express 10 and install 8, but I'd need to get permission for that and it wouldn't be an easy sell. What else can I look at?
I couldn't find a solution anywhere online that would help me out until I removed the bindings that I was trying to access via the IIS site bindings in IIS manager - see below :
This was the only binding I kept - I removed the other bindings which were pointed at the ports that I needed.

HTTP Error 404.17 - Not Found (.Net 4)

I've just got a new server setup on Windows 2008 Web edition. I'm trying to set the first 4 application up on it but am having nothing but problems.
The latest is that I'm getting the 404.17 error, which says "the requested content appears to be script and will not be served by the static file handler.".
I've done a lot of research on google but most suggestions seem to be to run aspnet_regiis -i to install 4. I've done this several times both on the Framework and Framework64 folders, but with no success.
I tried changing from the default application pool to a .net4 application pool, which appeared to work at first and I instead got a server error to do with permissions. I fixed that, and immediately the 404.17 error returned.
Other suggestions I've read say to go into the "turn windows features on and off" and make sure .net 4 is selected there under IIS. However on this server clicking "turn windows features on and off" takes me to the standard windows 2008 server manager. I click "add features" there, and only ".NET Framework 3.0 Features (Installed)" is listed and selected. .NET 4 isn't shown there, yet it is selectable through the application pools.
What else can I try to get the website running as I'm at a complete loss now. Its annoying because my old server was easy to manage - I did it all through the server itself without a control panel (Windows 2003), now on my new server I have to manage most of it through Plesk because there is no dns.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I too had the same problem but solved it with simple solution. My program was in framework 4.0 but in application pool was mapped to framework 2.0.
Just changed the frame work in application pool to 4.0.
It worked.
I've finally figured out the problem, and it was to do with Plesk itself.
After delving through some of the thousands of links throughout the plesk control panel I found a page for "Website Scripting and Security". Under there it was set to .NET 2.0. However, even though I'd installed .NET 4 on the server, Plesk didn't know about it. Although the application pool I'd set the website to run under through IIS was .NET 4, it still wouldn't work for some reason.
I then found another page under "tools and settings" for server components, and on that page is a refresh button. Hit that and it suddenly realised that .NET 4 was installed, went back to the website scripting and security page, selected .NET 4, and hey presto, I got a server error (never have I been so glad to see a server error).
I then just had to give the application pool identity read access to the web folder, and the website worked.
I wish I'd paid an extra £15 per month for Windows 2008 Standard edition now so I could manage it all manually without Plesk.
Ensure that you are running this application under a Virtual Directory, also ensure that your IIS has ASP, ASP.Net, ISAPI Extensions And Filters, Static Content installed.
Change the .net framework from 'plesk' panel:
go to Domains
select then domain
Go to 'Domain and Websites & Domains'
Hide Advanced Operations
Go to ' Settings'
Go to 'Change Version'
select 4.0
If you don't have the 4.0 option then you must install the framework on your server first.

Installing add-ins for SharePoint Foundation 2010 on Developer Win 7 Pro

I'm having a lot of trouble getting SharePointRS_x64.msi to install sucessfully says it cannot find sharepoint when in fact that sharepoint is installed and running on Win 7 Pro. Because of the operating system I am unable to install the prereq package that comes with SharePoint Foundation 2010 (which includes this reporting addin).
I already have a reporting server set up for my MSSQL2008 instance(win 2008 server R2). It's working when I go to the http:\servername\Reports i'm able to launch the report builder and everything works. I'm now having trouble setting up the other end on SharePoint (different (developement) machine - running win 7 pro).
Any Help would be GREATLY appriciated.
Please let me know if what I want to do is possible.
I found the solution.
You need to open config file:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10.\Reporting Services\ReportServer\rsreportserver.config
In this config find string:
Add Key="SecureConnectionLevel" Value="2"
Change value 2 to 0.
Values meaning:
3 - Most secure-Use SSL for absolutely everything.
2 - Secure-Use SSL for rendering and methods that pass credentials but don't insist on it for all SOAP calls.
1 - Basic Security-Accepts http but rejects any calls that might be involved in the passing of credentials.
0 - Least Secure-Don't use SSL at all.
You have to remember that installing sp2010 on your desktop is going to limit your farm. It is not going to be a fully functional farm. Advanced features like search and user profile sync will not work/get buggy. I guess now, you can add reporting services intergration to the list of things that don't work. Safe your self a lot of trouble but building a vm, which is going to be closer to your production environment anyway.
I thought it might not be supported by Foundation, but it is:
