GeoProof error, art_render_invoke: no image source given? - geometry

This is basically all it is, on Windows 8, running GeoProof, I get the message: "art_render_invoke: no image source given." I do not know how to fix it, no matter what I have tried, it pops up this error.
To recreate:
Install GeoProof
Run GeoProof


Error CMD must be involved in the root of workplace

Hello I am using Ubuntu version 20.04 NOT WINDOWS
I want to run the comments given in this GitHub:
In cmd, I want to run codes from step 3-8, I am stuck in step four as it gives this error:enter image description here
I am successfully able to run step- 3 but step 4 gives this error. please tell me why it is giving this error

Rhizovision Image- Trying to find missing .dll files that prohibit my program from starting up

I am trying to run my Rhizovision Imager software, but when I hit the app to execute, I am prompted with the errors that says I am missing .dll files. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem? For example, an error pops up that I am missing "gcbase_md_vc120_v3_0_v5_0.dll"
I found this occurs if you have a different version of Pylon installed. Download and install the following "pylon_5_Runtime_5.0.12.11830". If you also wish to install the Pylon Viewer, download and install that first, then re-install the 5_Runtime above. Hope that helps!

_tkinter.TclError: couldn't connect to display ""

I have written a Python Scraper with Selenium and in that I have to tackle the 2FA,so, I am prompting for the user input to get the code and move forward, everything is working smoothly in local machine and the whole script is executing correctly and providing the desired output.
Now, as I have deployed the Application to Ubuntu Server on Linode machine, the pymsgbox is not opening on the server and I am getting the following error,
couldn't connect to display ""
I downloaded the library from the following command,
sudo apt-get install python3-tk
I have tried all the possible solutions whether that is on Stackoverflow, superuser, reddit, ASK etc but not working.
Please let me know if I am missing something.

I cannot run Gazebo and Rviz Due to Missing sdformat.dll and image_transport.dll

Hello there hope you are all well.
Few days ago I installed ROS on my Windows-10 computer by following the tutorials on their site. I worked with TurtleSim and some other features of ROS without any problem. However when I try to run Gazebo, I get an error saying sdformat.dll is missing. And when I try to run Rviz, I get an error saying image_transport.dll and resource_retriever.dll is missing. I tried updating ROS but it did no good. I asked about this on ROS' official answer site but no one responded. Is there any CMD command or chocolatey feature which I can use to repair missing files? If not, what can I do to resolve this error?
Thank you so much

Tensprflow serving Installation Error

I'm trying to install Tensorflow Serving , I followed the steps availble on Tensorflow website ,but when I run the following command :
bazel build tensorflow_serving/...
after a long time (like 30 minutes or more) I receive following error.
gcc: internal compiler error: Killed (program cc1plus)
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
I attached a screenshot to provide full report, I'm using Ubuntu and I installed Bazel version 0.2 .
I already searched and apparently it can be the problem of running out of memory but I couldn't find how to solve it .
Error report Image
It would be very helpful if anyone knows the solution .
