Excel: Sum Up quantity values from column B if the names from Column A are duplicates and also if Column A is found in Column C - excel

I have three columns: A = Name , B = Quantity and C= Name in different order , also some names from A are duplicates but the quantity from duplicates are different.
How can I get the sum of quantitys (B) if A=names and duplicate A is found in C???

Enter the formula `=SUMIF(A:A,C2,B:B)' in D2 and then copy down


How to match up 2 columns with 2 other columns

In column A I have product id's and column B has the number of times the product in column A was quoted.
In column C I have the same product id's (but in different order) and column D has the number of times the product in column C was actually sold.
I want to match them up to add a final column in order to divide sales/quoted in order to get a value of efficiency in sales.
I believe it's an index/match/match but I'm not sure how to set it up.
Please help
In words: take the value in B3 and divide it by the value from column D where column C has the same text as A3.

Excel , find duplicates between 2 columns and displays return value

I have Column A (list of suppliers from 2018) and then Column B (Supplier $ spent), column C (List of all our suppliers in our database).
My objectives are:
To find the duplicates , show them that they are a match so as they get displayed in the same row and return value of Column B for a match in Column D
To search for duplicates and returns column B as a return value in Column D.
You can use vlookup to lookup column C in the table (colA, colB) and return column B for the matches.
Something like -
Replace A$2:B$6 with your table range.

List items based on criterias in two different columns

I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
1 Product Sales List
2 Product A 500 Product A
3 Product B Product C
4 Product C 400 Product D
5 Product E
6 ="" Product F
7 Product D 600 Product H
8 Product E 550
9 =""
10 Product F 200
11 Product G =""
12 Product H 800
In Column A and Column B different products with their sales are listed. As you can see it can either happen that there are empty cells or cells with ="" in both Column A or Column B.
In Column C I want to achieve now that only the products which do NOT have an empty cells or cells with ="" in Column A or Column B are inlcuded in the list.
I could already make it work for Column A with this formula:
What do I have to change in this formula to also exclude the products wich have an empty cell or a cell ="" in Column B from my list in Column C?
When you have worked it out for Column A, it is very simple to do for B:
Each cell in Column D has the appropriate function: (Example for D2)
=VLOOKUP(D2, $A:$B, 2, 0)
NOTE: This assumes you don't have repeated values in Column A
doesn't have to be an array formula. use this formula in C instead.
Then autofill the formula. Then sort column C to get all product list.
or pivot the range by column C in row box to get the distinct product list in case A has duplicate products.

Excel: Find matches from Col A and Col B which have highest corresponding Col C value, return Col D corresponding name

I have a table with four columns. Column A has thousands of part numbers, all of which are unique. Column B also contains a list of part numbers, many of which appear multiple times, and all appearing somewhere in Column A. Column C contains values for the quantity of each part corresponding with Column B. Column D contains a vendor name relating to the specific quantity of that specific part from Columns B and C.
I need a command that can take a value from column A, compare it to all the values of Column B, and return the corresponding vendor name from Column D when the values from A and B match. The catch is that if the value appears multiple times in Column B, I only want the vendor name returned of the part with the highest Column C quantity.
Here's what it looks like:
Col A Col B Col C Col D
1234; 1234; 6; Mikey's
1455; 1234; 12; Jerry's
1767; 1542; 78; Bill's
1542; 1767; 45; Ted's
1455; 59; Joe's
I would like to return in a new column E:
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me. I have toiled through days of research and scouring the internet to find an answer. Thank you in advance.

Identify matching numbers and then imput a value from a different column

I have two sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet1 has a list of company names in column A, Revenue in column B and a unique number identifier in column D (also seen as "unique #forAAA in Sheet2). In Sheet2, I pulled a list from Hoovers, and the format comes up something like below (so this format should not be changed).
Column A B C D
Company Name Place Type of Comp Revenue
1 AAA US HQ 10.0 M
2 unique #forAAA
3 BBB India Branch 5.0 M
4 unique #forBBB
What I'd like to do is match the unique number for each company between Sheet1 and Sheet2 and then put the revenue # from Sheet2 into column B of Sheet1 which corresponds to the correct #. I'm pretty lost here, so any help or ideas would be great. Thanks for your help!
Because the unique identifier is on a different row than the result to be returned, you can use a variation using INDEX and MATCH:
=INDEX(Sheet2!D:D, MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1)
INDEX will return the value within range Sheet2!D:D on row MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1.
MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0) will give you the row number where the unique ID is found, then -1 to get the row number of the revenue amount.
EDIT: As per comment, to remove the M, you can use this:
=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(INDEX(Sheet2!D:D, MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1),"M",""))
I would put the unique value in a column inserted before A (would be the new column A) instead of putting it below each row. Then, in the other sheet I'd put the VLOOKUP like this:
That should return the value in column E (column D before the column insertion, i.e. revenue for the unique company identifier).
Note that the third argument in the vlookup function is the number of the column you want to be retrieved, so the range defined in the second argument (Sheet2!A:E) should contain that column.
