this.async() in yeoman-generator - node.js

I am learning how to write a yeoman-generator. I have a question regarding the code below. It says by adding var done = this.async(); and call the method later in callback, we can make the function askFor() a asynchronized function. Could someone please explain why?
askFor: function() {
var done = this.async();
// Have Yeoman greet the user.
this.log(yosay('Welcome to the marvelous Myblog generator!'));
var prompts = [{
name: 'blogName',
message: 'What do you want to call your blog?',
default: 'myblog'
this.prompt(prompts, function(props) {
this.blogName = props.blogName;
Here is the code of this.async
this.async = function() {
return function() {};

Just fell on this question by pure coincidence searching for something else.
Actually, this.async is overwritten on each method during the run phase to either delay execution until completion or run synchronously.
You can read the relevant code line here:
So basically, behind the scenes Yeoman always call a callback. When you call this.async() we keep a reference variable and return the callback. If you don't call it, we take care of calling the callback manually after the function end.


How to synchronously call multiple functions which contain mongoose queries in nodejs?

I want to execute 4 functions in order. Each functions is of the below format. Like create update delete and display. I want to call the display function after completing the other 3 functions. I tried promise method but without any db call it is working in order.When a mongoose call is happening, the order is getting changed.
function createProjects(req) {
var projects = req.body.created;
projects.forEach(function (project) {
var newProject = new ProjectSchema(project); (error, object) {
if (error) {
How this issue can be resolved?
You need the code to wait until one promise completes before starting the next one, using something like bluebird.each, the async library, or a next callback queue. The first part of that sentence may sound like a duh sort of thing, but in node.js .save will always return immediately, regardless of when the callback is executed (making it less obvious in the code).
Here's an example with bluebird.each I tried to stick to the code style you are using in your example code.
var Promise = require('bluebird');
function createProjects(req) {
var projects = req.body.created;
return Promise.each(projects, function (project) {
return new ProjectSchema(project).save();

Using Mongodb variables out of its functions

So I'm making a web application and I'm trying to send variables to an EJS file but when they are sent out of the mongo functions they come out as undefined because it's a different scope for some reason. It's hard to explain so let me try to show you.
router.get("/", function(req, res){
var bookCount;
var userCount;
Books.count({}, function(err, stats){
console.log("Books count failed to load.");
bookCount = stats;
User.count({}, function(err, count){
console.log("User count failed to load.")
userCount = count;
//Get All books from DB
Books.find({}, function(err, allbooks){
console.log("Problem getting all books");
res.render("index", {allbooks: allbooks, bookCount: bookCount, userCount: userCount});
So in the User.Count and Books.count I'm finding the number of documents in a collection which works and the number is stored inside of the variables declared at the very top.
After assigning the numbers like userCount i did console.log(userCount) which outputs the correct number which is 3, If was to do console.log(userCount) out of the User.count function it would return undefined, which is a reference to the declaration at the very top.
What is really weird is that Book.Find() has the correct userCount even though its a totally different function. The whole goal im trying to accomplish is doing res.render("index", {userCount: userCount}); outside of the Books.find(). I can do it but of course for some reason it passes undefined instead of 3. I hope this made a shred of sense.
I seem to have found a solution. but if anyone knows a different way I would love to know. So basically all you need to do is move the User.Count function outside of the router.get() function. Not completely sure about the logic of that but it works...
This is a classic asynchronous-operation problem: Your methods (Books.count, Books.find, User.count) are called immediately, but the callback functions you pass to them are not. userCount is undefined in your log because console.log is called before the assignment in the callback function is made. Your code is similar to:
var userCount;
setTimeout(function() {
userCount = 3;
}, 1000);
console.log(userCount); // undefined
User.count takes time to execute before calling back with the result, just like setTimeout takes the specified time to execute before calling its callback. The problem is JS doesn't pause and wait for the timeout to complete before moving on and calling console.log below it, it calls setTimeout, calls console.log immediately after, then the callback function is called one second later.
To render a complete view, you need to be sure you have all of the data before you call res.render. To do so you need to wait for all of the methods to call back before calling res.render. But wait, I just told you that JS doesn't pause and wait, so how can this be accomplished? Promise is the answer. Multiple promises, actually.
It looks like you are using Mongoose models. Mongoose has been written so that if you don't pass a callback function to your methods, they return a promise.
Books.count({}) // returns a promise
JS promises have a method then which takes a callback function that is called when the promise has been resolved with the value of the asynchronous method call.
Books.count({}) // takes some time
.then(function(bookCount) { // called when Books.count is done
// use the bookCount here
The problem is, you want to wait for multiple operations to complete, and multiple promises, before continuing. Luckily JS has a utility just for this purpose:
Promise.all( // wait for all of these operations to finish before calling the callback
.then(function(array) { // all done!
// the results are in an array
bookCount = array[0];
userC0unt = array[1];
allBooks = array[2];

How to call a function inside SpookyJS?

I have a function called clickMore:
function clickMore(max, i){
i = i || 0;
if ((max == null || i < max) && this.visible(moreButton)) { // synchronous
// asynchronous steps...
this.thenClick(moreButton); // sometimes the click is not properly dispatched
this.waitUntilVisible(moreButton, null, function onTimeout(){
// only placeholder so that the script doesn't "die" here if the end is reached
//this.capture("business_"+i+".png"); //captures a screenshot of the page, max, i+1); // recursion
I would like to call that function from spooky here:
I've looked through the Spooky docs, and know that I'll probably need to use a function tuple, but not sure how to implement. How can I go about doing this?
Tried using a function tuple from the SpookyJS documentation with no luck:
clickMore: clickMore
}, function(){;
Functions passed into spooky.then will execute in the Casper/PhantomJS JavaScript environment. They do not have access to Spooky's Node.js JS environment.
clickMore: clickMore
}, function(){; // <- spooky is not defined here
Please have another look at what the Introduction wiki page says about JavaScript Environments and the fact that they are isolated.

What's going on with Meteor and Fibers/bindEnvironment()?

I am having difficulty using Fibers/Meteor.bindEnvironment(). I tried to have code updating and inserting to a collection if the collection starts empty. This is all supposed to be running server-side on startup.
function insertRecords() {
var client = Knox.createClient({
key: apikey,
secret: secret,
bucket: 'profile-testing'
console.log("created client");
client.list({ prefix: 'projects' }, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error in insertRecords");
for (var i = 0; i < data.Contents.length; i++) {
if (data.Contents[i].Key.split('/').pop() == "") {
Projects.insert({ name: data.Contents[i].Key, contents: [] });
} else if (data.Contents[i].Key.split('.').pop() == "jpg") {
Projects.update( { name: data.Contents[i].Key.substr(0,
data.Contents[i].Key.lastIndexOf('.')) },
{ $push: {contents: data.Contents[i].Key}} );
} else {
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Projects.find().count() === 0) {
boundInsert = Meteor.bindEnvironment(insertRecords, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log("error binding?");
My first time writing this, I got errors that I needed to wrap my callbacks in a Fiber() block, then on discussion on IRC someone recommending trying Meteor.bindEnvironment() instead, since that should be putting it in a Fiber. That didn't work (the only output I saw was inserting..., meaning that bindEnvironment() didn't throw an error, but it also doesn't run any of the code inside of the block). Then I got to this. My error now is: Error: Meteor code must always run within a Fiber. Try wrapping callbacks that you pass to non-Meteor libraries with Meteor.bindEnvironment.
I am new to Node and don't completely understand the concept of Fibers. My understanding is that they're analogous to threads in C/C++/every language with threading, but I don't understand what the implications extending to my server-side code are/why my code is throwing an error when trying to insert to a collection. Can anyone explain this to me?
Thank you.
You're using bindEnvironment slightly incorrectly. Because where its being used is already in a fiber and the callback that comes off the Knox client isn't in a fiber anymore.
There are two use cases of bindEnvironment (that i can think of, there could be more!):
You have a global variable that has to be altered but you don't want it to affect other user's sessions
You are managing a callback using a third party api/npm module (which looks to be the case)
Meteor.bindEnvironment creates a new Fiber and copies the current Fiber's variables and environment to the new Fiber. The point you need this is when you use your nom module's method callback.
Luckily there is an alternative that takes care of the callback waiting for you and binds the callback in a fiber called Meteor.wrapAsync.
So you could do this:
Your startup function already has a fiber and no callback so you don't need bindEnvironment here.
Meteor.startup(function () {
if (Projects.find().count() === 0) {
And your insert records function (using wrapAsync) so you don't need a callback
function insertRecords() {
var client = Knox.createClient({
key: apikey,
secret: secret,
bucket: 'profile-testing'
client.listSync = Meteor.wrapAsync(client.list.bind(client));
console.log("created client");
try {
var data = client.listSync({ prefix: 'projects' });
catch(e) {
if(!data) return;
for (var i = 1; i < data.Contents.length; i++) {
if (data.Contents[i].Key.split('/').pop() == "") {
Projects.insert({ name: data.Contents[i].Key, contents: [] });
} else if (data.Contents[i].Key.split('.').pop() == "jpg") {
Projects.update( { name: data.Contents[i].Key.substr(0,
data.Contents[i].Key.lastIndexOf('.')) },
{ $push: {contents: data.Contents[i].Key}} );
} else {
A couple of things to keep in mind. Fibers aren't like threads. There is only a single thread in NodeJS.
Fibers are more like events that can run at the same time but without blocking each other if there is a waiting type scenario (e.g downloading a file from the internet).
So you can have synchronous code and not block the other user's events. They take turns to run but still run in a single thread. So this is how Meteor has synchronous code on the server side, that can wait for stuff, yet other user's won't be blocked by this and can do stuff because their code runs in a different fiber.
Chris Mather has a couple of good articles on this on
What does Meteor.wrapAsync do?
Meteor.wrapAsync takes in the method you give it as the first parameter and runs it in the current fiber.
It also attaches a callback to it (it assumes the method takes a last param that has a callback where the first param is an error and the second the result such as function(err,result).
The callback is bound with Meteor.bindEnvironment and blocks the current Fiber until the callback is fired. As soon as the callback fires it returns the result or throws the err.
So it's very handy for converting asynchronous code into synchronous code since you can use the result of the method on the next line instead of using a callback and nesting deeper functions. It also takes care of the bindEnvironment for you so you don't have to worry about losing your fiber's scope.
Update Meteor._wrapAsync is now Meteor.wrapAsync and documented.

RequireJS module for SignalR

Rather than copy and pasting my code onto here, I have uploaded it to github. The RequireJS module does have a dependency on jquery.signalr and in tern has a dependency on jquery but also have a dependency on the javascript held in /signalr/hubs. There is a bit of config to do with Require.Config.
Basically what is happening is on the first time you load the page the connection is made to the hubs within signalr and the "server side" code is executed and does the desired thing. When you refresh the page it does not. All client side code is called, so for example:
var myViewModel = new MyViewMode();
and within your init method you have
var connection = $.connection.myHub;
this.init = function() {
this would then go off to
public MyHub : Hub
public void MyMethod()
Client.Request.populateSomeInformation() // I think it's request but I'm doing this from memory!
and then call
connection.client.populateSomeInformation = function () { .. )
but doesn't call this :(
It looks like a connection has been made (using the good old console.log() to see what it outputs) and indeed debugging the project it executes the code within the hub but there is no response made back to the javascript.
So wonderful people of the internet, where am I going wrong? Do I need to check the state of $.connection.hub.start(); before attempting to start it again?
Time for beer :)
I believe it should be
connection.client.populateSomeInformation = function () { .. )
(not connection.server)
(observations on the code you have on github right now)
var isLoaded = false;
// ... some code that doesn't change isLoaded ...
if (isLoaded == false) {
scrollIntervalId = window.setInterval(function () {
}, 30);
I think isLoaded will always be false at this point. Not sure what you intended this to accomplish.
var connection = $.connection.hub.start();
I don't think you're supposed to open the connection before defining any client functions. I don't see any client functions being defined here, so maybe you're doing that somewhere else? I don't know if it really matters other than if the server attempts to call a client function that hasn't yet been defined...
function SignalRReady(callback) {
if (isLoaded) {
} else {
readyCalls = callback;
return SignalRReady;
SignalRReady.version = "1.0.0";
SignalRReady.load = function(name, request, onLoad, config) {
if (config.isBuild) {
} else {
return SignalRReady;
I'm confused by this bit of code, probably because I don't see how it's being used. Is this an attempt at a kind of singleton? I see that SignalRReady is the "class" being returned for the module. You're not really returning an object, you're returning a constructor which implies that you're instantiating it in other places, something like
define(['SignalRReady'], function(sigR)
var srr = new sigR();
But then you have that load function defined that calls the constructor and makes this look all weird. How are you using this?
Anyways, I'm thinking you might be hitting some kind of race condition where the client function may not always be available at the time the server is trying to call it.
(additional comments/code 2013-09-06)
Your connection object is actually a jQuery promise ( ).
If you're unfamiliar with promises, think of them generically as a queue of callbacks to be executed later. In this case, when connected, all the callbacks will be executed (in the order they were added). If a callback is added after being connected, it will get executed immediately. This is how your code is working now. You add the callback to the .done queue after the connection is made and is executed immediately.
If you insist on creating the connection object yourself, then you do not need to use the stateChanged event. You just add the callback to the .done queue:
function signalRReady(callback)
if (window.connection == undefined) {
window.connection = $.connection.hub.start();
signalRReady.version = "1.0.0";
return signalRReady;
However, I believe it's not a good idea to initiate the connection yourself. Because your module isn't a complete wrapper around SignalR such that people would only use your module to do SignalR stuff, you are not guaranteed (and cannot expect) other code will not initiate the connection. Especially if someone is adding your module to an existing codebase.
Your module is simply adding a new event, so keep it simple. Take the callback and execute it yourself when appropriate:
function signalRReady(callback)
$.connection.hub.stateChanged(function (state)
if(state.newState === $.signalR.connectionState.connected)
signalRReady.version = "1.0.0";
return signalRReady;
Nowadays, promises are pretty popular. You might want to implement a promise-based module like:
var deferred = $.Deferred();
$.connection.hub.stateChanged(function (state)
if(state.newState === $.signalR.connectionState.connected)
// executes all callbacks attached by the "ready" function below
return {
ready: function(callback)
version: "1.0.0"
If callbacks are attached after the connection has been made, they are executed immediately.
Also, notice this example module's init function returns an object instead of a function. Since RequireJS will pass the same instance around to any module that requires it, state is maintained - we can use local variables instead of global.
