Can I install and run a RHEL based lxc on CenOS? - linux

I have been playing with LXC for the past few days and was wondering it is indeed possible and how do I make it work

I'm using docker and I highly recommend it although it's not a production ready version yet.
Here you can find the manual for installing on RHEL which should work for CentOS as well -
Good luck.


Why isn't custom.ini being used by Grafana for APT version on Ubuntu 20.04?

I first tried installing Grafana on Windows and was able to use custom.ini just fine to override [auth.anonymous] in the defaults.ini configuration file.
However when performing the same thing with the Linux APT version on Ubuntu 20.04 I’m having zero luck.
Grafana just steadfastly refuses to read my custom.ini file.
What’s going on here?
The APT version should use the custom.ini file as far as I can make out from the Grafana documentation?
Ok, figured it out. APT versions also use grafana.ini

creating appimage using source code and linuxdeployqt

i trying to create a appimage for my Linux system. Using qt-creator i have completed the programing and ran the app successfully . but when i am trying to make it appimage using linuxdeployQt i am facing some errors
linuxdeployqt 5 (commit 37631e5), build 631 built on 2019-01-25 22:47:58 UTC ERROR:
The host system is too new.
Please run on a system with a glibc version no newer than what comes with the oldest still-
supported mainstream distribution, which currently is glibc 2.20.
This is so that the resulting bundle will work on most still-supported Linux distributions.
For more information, please see
i don't know what this issue is. when i visit the website, it is not clear also. So anyone familiar with this kind please put your help here.
It means that your glibc is too new.
That's correct, to work around this issue while using linuxdeployqt you have to choose as build environment an older system such as Centos 6 or Ubuntu 14.04.
As an alternative, you can use appimage-builder which allows producing AppImages on newer systems.
It means that your glibc is too new. I think it is supported glibc version comes with Ubuntu 14.04 as it is mentioned in herr I have faced the same problem and still struggling to solve this issue.

RHEL 7.6 - Built Python3.6 from Source Broke Network

I have a RHEL system which by default was running Python2.7 and Python3.4
I needed Python3.6 for a project I wanted to work on and so I downloaded it and built it from source. I ran make and make install which hindsight may have been the wrong decision.
Now I do not seem to have any internet connectivity. Does anyone know what I may have over written to cause this or at least where specifically I can look to track this issue down?
Note: I can Putty into the Linux machine but it doesn't seem to have any other connectivity, specifically HTTPS
It's a bit weird that this would break network connectivity. One possible explanation is that the system has networking scripts or a network manager that relies on Python, and it got broken after make install replaced your default Python installation. It may be possible to fix this by reinstalling your RHEL Python packages (sorry, cannot offer more detailed help there, as I don't have access to a RHEL box).
I guess the lesson is "be careful about running make install as superuser". To easily install and manage different Python versions (separate from the system Python), the Anaconda Python distribution would be a good solution.
I suggest to undo that 3.6 installation and use the Software Collections version of python 3.6. See here for python 3.6 installation. Software Collections install "along side" the original versions so as to not affect the OS - and they are included in the subscription.
So after a lot of time slamming my head against the wall I got it worked out. My best guess is that the system (RHEL 7) relied on something from its default Python2.7 installation to handle SSL negotiations. Installing 3.6 alongside must have overwritten some pointer. Had I done this correctly, with altinstall all would have likely been fine.
The most frustrating part of this is that there were no error messages, connections just timed out.
To fix this, I had to uninstall all Python versions and then reinstalled Python2.7 - Once Python2 was back in the system it all seemed to work well.

What is POSTGIS_VERSION 2.1.7+dfsg-3~94.git954a8d0.pgdg80+1?

I can understand 2.1.7 but what is +dfsg-3~94.git954a8d0.pgdg80+1 coming after that ?
I am now build postgis docker container from appropriate/docker-postgis
and am getting error
E: Version '2.1.7+dfsg-3~94.git954a8d0.pgdg80+1' for 'postgresql-9.3-postgis-2.1' was not found
E: Version '2.1.7+dfsg-3~94.git954a8d0.pgdg80+1' for 'postgis' was not found
seems to be a problem of package management?
How could I find fix this? How could I find all "subversions" +dfsg-3~94.git954a8d0.pgdg80+1.
Sometimes using only version number 2.1.7 is not enough, as there are different OS, architectures (or even git branches as you can see), so developers append these specifics to the version to avoid confusion. If you used:
apt-get update postgresq-2.1.7
It would not make sense (or it would and would give you default option), because for this product version-number is not good enough for Docker to set up your environment.
dfsg = Debian Free Software Guidelines (specifies it is for specific version of Debian system, not for redHat for example)
git - version/branch specified
pgdg80 = PostgreSQL packages and backports for Debian/Ubuntu
Take a look here

Barebones Linux Server Install

Whats the simplest way to get a barebones linux server installed?
barebones = just enough to get ssh and package manager.
Current I've been using CentOS with server install and removing any packages that I know i do not want installed.
But is there a better way? I just want a simple ssh shell + package management to start with. Hardware is irrelevant since everything is happening in a VM.
Debian Stable net install.
Once you have that installed and up and running, you can apt-get or aptitude install whatever packages you want. That's how I set up my servers.
If you have the time installing Gentoo will give you just want you want and no more.
Arch just
su -c 'pacman -S sshd'
then you have about as barebones as you can get. Pacman its package management system is pretty easy to use and what not also.
You know the guys over at SliceHost have some very nice documentation on setting up Linux VM's. I am using their service and I found their documentation to be excellent. Particularly in getting a barebones VM up and running. I use their documentation as a reference for setting up iptables firewall and other basic system tasks on other systems. Hope this helps.
JEOS - Just Enough Operating System, an Ubuntu project, should be exactly what you are looking for.
