Using mailto in a standalone|fullscreen web application on iPhone - mailto

I am developing a mobile web application and want to add the ability to send an e-mail from the web application using a link with the href="mailto:..." attribute. I coded the link and tested it and it works fine in IE 10 running on a Desktop. Next I tested on Safari running on an iPhone and it also works fine, as long as the web application is run in Safari. But, if I add that same web application to the home screen and run it as a fullscreen application from the home screen, pressing the mailto button has no effect. I want the ability to open the default e-mail application on the iPhone if the user clicks the link if the web application is in standalone/full screen mode. Is there a way to do this and if so how?

This issue is resolved as of iOS 7.0.3.


How to prevent a Chrome App from being closed?

I am building my first local Chrome App using this tutorial
My goal is to build an app that launches fullscreen when the PC is started.
The app can be closed by pressing a certain button (Q) but otherwise the user should not be able to close the app.
Is this possible using Google Chrome Apps? How do you launch fullscreen, and how do you prevent the user from closing the app?
Can you prevent the user right-clicking to inspect the page, or clicking on the top menu bar to close the app?
Sounds like you may want to use kiosk mode. Use this manifest permission for your app, as listed here.
You can enter kiosk mode from the chrome command line as well, with --kiosk.

MAke a website section in Windows phone 8 App built with Windows Studio

Hello guys please i built an app with windows phone studio, but they do not have a website section, to open a website within my app( not linking to default browser, but withing the app) So please how can i add a new page for this website section in the app using visual studio, and i need the website navigate with back button, cos i tried one that shows the website, but no matter how deep i navigate into the website, once i click the back button on my phone, it closes/exits the app.
Thanks and much appreciate your response
You can simply use WebBrowser control. You can check
Windows Phone Developer Blog for more information on usage of WebBrowser control. For Navigation using back button, you can check these links:
1.WebBrowser Control Navigation Back
2.How to handle a Web Browser back and forward navigation in a WP
Hope it helps you :)

Primefaces interface test on pc?

I am developing a web application with a mobile interface using JSF/Primefaces and I want to test the change from one view to another but the only view that appears is the first one.
How to make it work on PC?
If you use Mozilla Firefox you can download a plugin called User Agent Switcher. There you go to tools -> Default user Agent -> By default it shows Iphone 3.0, but you can download more agents to render different browser views.
You can learn some about the User Agents here

Embedded bookmark in J2ME app

Does anyone know if this is possible in J2ME;
I want to have an app that simply launches a browser when opened and directs the browser to a specific web page.
If so, is it widely supported.
You can use javax.microedition.midlet.MIDlet.platformRequest() to launch the browser on almost all phones that support JavaME. This article tells more about invoking platform services such as browser.

What is the URL option to display a Mobile XPage App with iPhone theme?

When I load an xpages mobile application into desktop safari it displays the app with the default theming for an Android device. What do you need to do to get it to use the default iPhone theming?
I thought you needed add something like &iPhone=1 to the end of the url, but that's not working.
Thank you.
To quote the Mobile Controls tutorial:
A browser platform query string parameter is available for developers
to force the browser to takes precedence over one another. Just add
'?platform=iphone' or '?platform=android' to the URL and this will
force the correct theme for XPages mobile pages that match against the property.
Another option is to enable the Develop menu (Edit - Preferences, then on Advanced tab tick Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then from the Develop menu you can change the user agent or set your own.
You could use the sample application for the Extension Library from Go to the "Mobile" tab where you can "extract" the urls to show as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.
With just a few changes you can add a url as a parameter to this application to show your own mobile app in the same context ;-) I use that for demo purposes.
