Resharper Test Runner steals focus - resharper

Though one: whenever I run a test with R# using a hotkey (CTRL+U, CTRL+R), the runner window get focus. It's ruining my performance.
Does anyone have any clue as to what I did to cause that? IIRC, this wasn't so until yesterday.

I have not worked out how to stop this from happening, but the following shortcuts do help:
Ctrl+Tab (Navigate between files opened in the editor, and tool windows.)
Shift+Esc (Close current tool/window.)


How to stop an execution of a VIM macro in Idea Vim

I have the following problem: while experimenting with vim macros in Pycharm (I'm using Idea Vim plugin) - I typed a simple macro and make an editor to run it 100 times. The execution is extremely slow and I couldn't stop it using any of these pieces of advice. Has anyone had a similar problem and knows how to stop the execution of this macro?
It's not possible in the current IdeaVim 0.50. Feel free to file an issue in the IdeaVim issue tracker.

Eclipse: some keyboard's key suddenly stop working

I feel the need to understand why, while I'm working in eclipse, some keys stop working, especially backspace and del keys.
I have searched on the net and found that it is recognized as a bug: I often read that the problem is related to other applications.
So the best advice is to restart Eckipse. (???)
Someone should explain to the Eclipse's developers that it cannot stop working (or working bad) if some other application stops working or crashes.
ps. Now I'm working in Ubuntu, but I see that the problem is platform-independent.
If you use many keyboard layouts, you may have accidentally changed them by pressing alt+shift. If that's the case, pressing it again will restore it to the normal layout.

Visual Studio: Undo-redo of replace-action does not scroll editor window

I did some find-and-replace actions in my C++ code with visual studio:
only single find-and-replace actions (did not use “replace all”)
only one file affected (did not change multiple files at the same time)
thus, a very simple case!
Then I wanted to undo these changes. So I pressed ctrl-Z one time. This had the desired effect. The latest change (which was still visible in the current screen) was undone.
But I also wanted to undo the remaining changes. These changes where currently not visible on the screen. So I expected the editor to scroll there when pressing ctrl-Z.
But unfortunately the editor did not scroll to the position of the undo when I pressed ctrl-z.
The undo worked, however. I checked by scrolling to the position manually.
Then I tried it with redo. Same result: Redo worked, but the editor did not scroll to the position of the redo.
Finally I tried if this also happens when I undo-redo other types of changes (not made by the “find and replace” functionality).
Result: Undo-Redo worked correctly and also scrolled correctly!
Thus: It seems only changes by the “find and replace” functionality are affected by this problem.
Did you also have this problem and found a solution?
Please help me!
Regards Gerhard
I am having the same thing happen in Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (Version 11.0.60610.01 Update 3).
It might sound like it's not that important, but it is really hurting the usability of this otherwise great IDE!
PS I've been using VS since the 90s, I still haven't found anything better. I wish MS would put macros back into VS, even if it's VBA (or Python)

Is there any way of easily refreshing a website coded in G(Vim)?

I realized that I waste 10% of my time changing windows between Vim and Firefox.
Alt + Tab + F5 (and sometimes a get the wrong window).
Is there a way of making this task easier?
I thought of the following:
Embending vim to firefox (I think it is impossible).
Making a Vim shortcut which sends me to Firefox's window.
Any suggestions?
Technically, I guess this ain't proper answer, but You might benefit from these tools.
For Chrome - try LiveReload.
For Firefox - try XRefresh.
Here's a Vim shortcut to open the current file in Firefox. It should work on Ubuntu, though I'm not in front of my Linux machine to test. You can add it to your ~/.vimrc
map <Leader>p :!firefox %<CR><CR> " Preview the current html file in Firefox
If you're looking for varations on that same theme, there are quite a few similar tips on the Vim wiki. Check the duplicate links tip at the top and the "See Also" links at the bottom.
If you are on Windows, AutoHotKey is a good free option.
You could assign a key combination to activate the Firefox browser, send the F5 key to Firefox, and then return focus to Vim.
Benefits of AutoHotKey:
You could have logic that checks whether the Firefox is open, and if it is not open, open it.
You could use the AutoHotKey Window Spy tool to actually activate Firefox. Alt+Tab will fail if you've activated another window in between Vim and Firefox.
See for example:

Can't Copy & Paste in Eclipse 3.5

I recently updated my Eclipse to the latest release 3.5 and since then I have a very annoying problem with c&p using the shortcuts.
In an editor (xml, jsp, doesn't matter which one) I try to copy something and paste it somewhere else, nothing happens. When I cut out something and put it somewhere else I sometimes get something else (like a messed up part of my previous selection) or just some whitespaces. This gets even worse when I change lines in between.
First I thought that my keyboard is probably broken but it works just fine in other programs. Then I tried using the context menus' c&p and there it works. Yesterday I managed to get at least an error message when I tried to copy a file in the navigator from one project to another (the message was just "error using copy...bla". no details).
Does anyone else have this problem, or know how to solve it?
I am running on Kubuntu 9.04, and have quite some plugins installed (but only from the Galileo Updates Site), like Birt, Mylin, WST, or Subversive.
For my problem, I had to go to Window > Preferences > Java > Editor > Typing, and uncheck "Update imports"
This must be related to the key mapping, since those shortcuts are defined according to context.
(Column "When", in Preferences / General / Keys)
Check if those shortcuts do not work for any editor (do they work for Java editor?)
If they work for some editor, not for other, then some plugin settings must have re-affected them to another command.
This is caused by various X clipboard managers doing weird things with the clipboard. (bug report).
In XFCE the clipman applet was rolled in XFCE 4.8, and will be the source of these problems.
To fix this in XFCE - kill xfce4-settings-helper. You will need to use Settings Manager -> Session and Startup -> Session to kill it, as otherwise it may restart automatically.
To prevent this starting next time, you will need to remove it from your startup/login programs in Settings Manager > Session and Startup > Application Autostart.
Problem was solved with newer Eclipse releases. I think >= 3.6. Depending on your distribution there may be a (back)port of this (not on my Xubuntu 11.04) within the repositories.
So a tarball installation of Eclipse 4.0 works perfectly for me. Cut&Paste works and I am lucky that my plugins are compatible to 4.0.
Unfortunately Sublime Text has the same problems.
I read somewhere that in KDE maybe Klipper / "Klipper on the panel" conflicts with eclipse copy action.
It's a tool for clipboard history. Try to remove that! It may solve your problem :-/
For me the xfce4-settings-helper killing worked.
You can cut&paste from the compare view. So simply compare the un-copyable file (e.g., local history) with a different version and Control-C what you need there.
In the *.java editor page, right click and select open in text editor. Past your snippet there. Your Snippet will show in the *.java page'
I use Eclipse Kepler for PHP development. It's dumb I know.
None of the solutions suggested here has solved this source of frustration.
I can confirm the copy function works whether shortcut keys are bound or not. As I can copy from eclipse and paste into any other application. Except eclipse.
My solution. Accidental discovery: Eclipse Kepler will allow you to paste outside the php open and close tags and allow you to click and drag the highlighted block of content into into position.
Acceptable solution for small bits of code. Horribly crippling for larger development environments.
For Xming, this resolved the problem for me. In XLaunch uncheck Clipboard (clipboard manager) in the "Specify parameter settings" GUI form.
