expressionengine publish.php file not working - expressionengine

I have upgraded the version to 2.5.2 of expressionengine..
in my old version in themes/cp_themes/default/content/publish.php file, have added a custom javascript code and code php too, because whenever I publish or edit any entry from admin side I want to open a window on a button click event.. on that button click event I passed a url to and opening a window which having map.. n that was working excellent..
Now issue is that in my new version 2.5.2 its not working, even not showing that HTML button as well. In Actual publish.php file is not calling.. I have put php exit(); on top of the file.. N I found that, the file publish.php is not calling..
So plz help to for that, I want to apply same changes to my latest version as was in my old version.. So, that in which file have to write that code..??
Can anybody Help me.. Please ASAP..


How to redirect to a website in Godot Web

I'm planning on trying to see if it's possible to make a website in Godot(Yes, I know I shouldn't I just want to try just to try). I thinking about and looking over the features I need and I have one problem.
I just need a way for a person to press a button and get redirected to my itch games. I don't care if it creates a new tab or changes the current tab. Thank you for any help.
If you dont export to web you can call
Sadly this does not work in an html export. A solution I found for myself is the JavaScript Interface. As the name suggested it allows you to execute Javascript.
So to open a URL you could connect the pressed signal of a button to something like this:
if OS.has_feature('JavaScript'):
JavaScript.eval("""'', '_blank').focus();
This will open a new tab in the active browser.
I also found an article on the godot site, basically asking the same question ( Here they tried to use an RichTextLabel with BBCode.
The solution did not work for me, when I tested it, though.
As pointed in the comments you can try OS.shell_open, for example:
That only works if it is not an HTML export.
Your other alternative is to eval JavaScript, for example this navigates the current tab:
Which only works if it is an HTML export.
Since that only works for an HTML export and the other does not work on an HTML export... If you need both you can do this:
if OS.get_name() == "HTML5":
See also Close a game in Godot.

How to hide Developer Window when calling Excel Office.js custom function

I'm writing an Excel add-in using Office.js that contains custom functions and would like to know if there is a way to prevent the Developer Window from opening when I call a custom function.
The blank 'functions.html' page from manifest.xml <bt:Url id="Functions.Page.Url" DefaultValue="https://localhost:3000/functions.html" /> opens whenever I call the function for the first time after loading the add-in.
Using Excel for Mac (16.32).
Please execute the following command on your Mac machine:
defaults write OfficeWebAddinDeveloperExtras -bool false
You can find more information about it at:
Please let us know how that works.
After looking into this issue a bit more, I discovered that the sample you have cloned is not good - it cannot work on Mac or Online, where the Javascript runtime is a browser, in which case the Page resource is used, instead of the Script resource. To work, the HTML file must include the JS file, but it doesn't. I am sorry about that.
I will ask the owner of this sample to fix it.
Meanwhile, you can try to manually add this line to the functions.html file:
<script src="functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Or, you can clone this manifest. Since all of its resources are publicly available, all you need to get started is just the manifest. It doesn't require any tools or packages either.
Let us know how that works for you.

Opencart Header Problems

So, I have modified the header.tpl file in OpenCart by removing the wishlist, linking the telephone# as a click to call and added a custom class called "great-barbecue". It worked in one version that I earlier installed. When that whole thing went sideways, I started from scratch and now the wishlist still shows up, the phone# and icon are not "click to call" and my custom class is not appearing at all? Here is a link to the code I have for header.tpl in catalog/view/theme/default/template/common header template
My site
When I copy and paste the code I get an error telling me to indent all code with 4 spaces and I really don't have time for that, hence the link. I have tried it in all browsers and when I look at the source code for the page the wishlist is still there, the phone still links to contact and my custom html is not there. I don't know how to fix this.
nice site, I have found this in the open cart forums, it looks like you have to remove all instances of the wish list. Try this and let me know how it goes.

IntelliJ IDEA Scratch File: JSF xmlns URI not registered

From the Intellij website:
Scratch Files, a very handy feature that helps you experiment and prototype. With this feature you can sketch something really quick right in the editor, without modifying your project or creating any files.
You can open an infinite number of Scratch Files and easily switch between them. IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget.
However, when I create a facelet scratch file the "URI is not registered" error appears, none of the tags are recognized, and tab-completion of tags as I type does not happen.
I create the new facelet scratch file as follows:
Tools -> New Scratch -> XHTML file
When the mouse hovers over one of the red-highlighted xmlns lines a balloon pops up: URI is not registered (Settings | Project Settings | Schemas and DTDs). When the mouse hovers over the h:outputLabel tag a balloon pops up: Cannot resolve symbol: 'h:outputLabel'. However, in my project there are no such errors in any of my Facelet files.
According to Jetbrains, "IntelliJ IDEA will provide all of its coding assistance features for these files according to the type you will select for them in a status bar widget." Is this just a broken feature or is there a way to resolve this problem? It's completely not useful to have a XHTML scratch file that does not provide coding assistance.
Changing to namespace does not resolve the issue:
I've fixed this issue on IntelliJ. In "settings > plugins", install "Jakarta EE:Server Faces(JSF)" or enable it

I Need Help Modifying CKEditor's Default Image Property Paths

I am using CKEditor with Drupal 6.19. I have tried my installation with both CKFinder and IMCE. When an image is inserted from the image browser into the Image Properties window, CKEditor gets a url similar to:
I want CKEditor to simply have:
file structure of my site is this:
Is this url passed from the file browser, or a default in CKEditor?
If it is CKEditor, where do I find the code to change this, or is it even possible?
The URL suggested /sites/ is the correct path. Thats because all files are uploaded to the /sites/ folder. The behavior is correct and should not be modified. (Unless I've not understood your problem correctly or there is a very good reason why you want to store your images under DRUPAL_ROOT/files/images)
