Windows Azure Web Site Status Limited [closed] - azure

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am aware that this question is asked before but Azure Status Dashboard shows all of the services are running as expected. However, all of my websites are marked as Limited. I can reach 1 one of them but cannot other 3. To test the issue, I have created a new web site on azure and its status is set to Running. My websites are located in Europe West servers.
Is it a outage problem or something wrong with my apps ?

Yes, there is an outage [Partial Degradation] for Azure Website. Check out the Windows Azure Service Dashboard


Azure Websites and Downtime during deployments [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a Web Site setup on Azure Web Sites, it's using Reserved mode and has 2 instances.
But when I do an update to my site the site has downtime.
Is there anyway I can get the deployment to update once instance at a time so that there is no downtime?
If you're looking for a hot-swappable deployment of new code, you should look to running a WebRole. WebRole has two environments that can be hot-swapped via CNAME switch. This allows you to not lose any traffic during downtime.
Azure Websites (being a simpler but less featured offer from Azure) will go down sometime during the upgrade process and come back when the code has been deployed and app recompiled.

.ogg-files are not working on my website [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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". ogg" files will not play on my website. The browser displays a 404.3-error. It has probably something to do with the configuration of the server. When I asked the server administrator, he referred to But thats a guide that is intended for. NET users - and my website are made in classic ASP. How is the solution implemented in classic ASP - is it possible?
See also:
You need to use IIS manager, which means you either need a remote desktop connection to your server or you need to get your server admin to do it for you.
Either way, instructions on how to add a mime type are here

Azure Web Sites: Free, Shared, Reserved difference? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have ASP.NET website + database. I want to try to deploy it into ms cloud.
I look to Azure "Web Sites".
I don't understand clearly what difference between Free, Shared, Reserved.
What I need to use?
Check out this link: and click on Web Sites link on the left hand side. This should give you an idea about the differences between 3 models.
Hope this helps.
Check out this link below, it clearly explains you the differences between free, shared and reserved website modes.
Hope this helps.!

How to host haskell app on amazon web services? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How can I host, say a Snap webapp, on amazon?
In other words, what are the first steps I need to take - as I am completely clueless.
Any tips appreciated!
First you need to have an amazon aws account. Then depends on your requirements you can select the instances and host it. You can set up the instance using the AWS Management Console.
have a look on this.
this will also help to you Need a step by step guide to host a website on AWS

Windows Azure in Turkey [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am in turkey and I tried to create a Windows Azure account but on the region selection, Turkey is not listed. So, does that mean I am stuck here or is it possible to have a Windows Azure Account by selecting another country name. e.g. United Kingdom.
I am not so familiar with azure but our company customer's profile is mostly UK based. Does Azure run the apps according to end-users' geolocation?
The FAQ on the Azure site states that azure is available in 41 countries currently. I don't see turkey listed as one of those countries. I would assume that means you are out of luck.
Of course you can select a different country but I assume they use these sorts of things for billing purposes so that might be an issue.
