Application title for browser and home icon label - sencha-architect

I am using sencha touch 2 with sencha architect. I cannot find the GUI path to change the application title that is used when the app is shown in the browser or for the label of the home icon on iOs.
Anyway if I change the Title tag in the app.html, sencha architect overwrites the file with the default title. Sencha touch 2 is a very powerful product but the documentation is a little bit confused for me.
Thanks a lot

Select 'Application' in your Project Inspector. Change the 'name' of your application in the Config panel.


iOS15 How can I test the App Icon in Xcode 13?

In the session Get ready to optimize your App Store product page show:
And remember, to test a variation of your app icon, you'll need to include the icon assets in the binary of your app version that is currently live.
How should I create different app icons in Xcode 13, or is there any related documentation link? thanks~
How do you properly add multiple App Icons inside Xcode for Product Page Optimization Tests?| Apple Developer Forums
How to test a variation of your app… | Apple Developer Forums
You are right that Apple doesn't give too many details about it. You need to set up an alternate app icon in your binary. Here's a step by step tutorial on how to do it:
Create your app icon creatives (1024px x 1024px)
Set your app icon(s) in XCode as another App Icon in the Asset Catalog, fill in all the relevant sizes
Since Xcode 13, Asset Catalog supports Alternate App Icons and there’s a corresponding build setting we need to change to the target’s Build Settings:
Change the Include All App Icon Asset to Yes
Add the App Icon Set you added in #2 to the Alternate App Icon Sets setting, you can add more than one.
Change the Primary App Icon Set Name to the default app icon if needed
You need to upload your new build to review.
Only after your new build has been approved and your app is in Ready For Sale state, you may find your alternate app icons in the Product Page Optimization under the App Icon tab

How to deal with flutter web project name, icon and description?

I am developing a flutter web application. When I share the link, the link looks like this:
First screenshot - when I tap on share
Notice that I changed Flutter default icon into my own icon in the /web/icons folder, which is ok.
Problem 1: The name is showing as the project (package) name (webcatalogo_shop). For Android and Ios I know ways to change the display name, but how to do this for Flutter web?
Second screenshot - after sharing (in this example, sharing via WhatsApp)
Same problem 1 above happens here, and I also found 2 other problems:
Problem 2: The Icon is showing as Flutter icon, even though I have replaced these in the /web/icons folder with my App's icon. I can't find Flutter images anywhere else under web folder.
Problem 3: It's also showing the project description "A new Flutter application." Where can I change this?
Can anyone give me some light on how to solve these? Thanks!
In your flutter project folder, you will have a web folder. In the Web folder open manifest.json. You can edit the name, description and icons properties.

SVG View Box not working on iPhone

I have been working on a simple one page site and as the user scrolls the logo expands. This works well on the desktop but when I check it on IOS it doesn't work - it does work on android. Any thoughts out there? You can see it here.

Access system icons with NodeJS

I'm developing a HTML5 app with node-webkit.
I want my application to follow the icon theme of the host computer that runs it (primarly Linux hosts).
Frameworks such as GTK+ or QT successfully find the corresponding icon of a standard stock (such as NEW_FILE) based on the user's theme.
GTK icons theme are installed at $HOME/.icons or /usr/share/icons and icons theme share a common directory structure.
But is it any rule or algorithm to get an exact icon?
How can I look up a (NEW_FILE, SAVE_FILE or whatever) stock icon within the users theme?
I'm quite lost with this.
You could look in the source code for GTK+ or QT and see how they determine the right icons?

What is the URL option to display a Mobile XPage App with iPhone theme?

When I load an xpages mobile application into desktop safari it displays the app with the default theming for an Android device. What do you need to do to get it to use the default iPhone theming?
I thought you needed add something like &iPhone=1 to the end of the url, but that's not working.
Thank you.
To quote the Mobile Controls tutorial:
A browser platform query string parameter is available for developers
to force the browser to takes precedence over one another. Just add
'?platform=iphone' or '?platform=android' to the URL and this will
force the correct theme for XPages mobile pages that match against the property.
Another option is to enable the Develop menu (Edit - Preferences, then on Advanced tab tick Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then from the Develop menu you can change the user agent or set your own.
You could use the sample application for the Extension Library from Go to the "Mobile" tab where you can "extract" the urls to show as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.
With just a few changes you can add a url as a parameter to this application to show your own mobile app in the same context ;-) I use that for demo purposes.
