List Schema - URL Syntax - sharepoint

I ran acrossed this a couple months ago and did not save the link anywhere, unfortunately.
Basically, there is a URl syntax to extract a Sharepoint Lists basic schema that exports it to the browser in XML format. It gives the basic information for the field and views of the list.
You just have to put in the right context of words to get the result you need.

For everyone else's sake:
http://<PATH TO SITE>/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd=ExportList&List={GUID}
The list GUID can be found by going to the List Settings, then pulling out the GUID from the URL.

You might want to take a look at this:
Not sure if it's what you are after..


Getting thumbnails in OpenSearchServer search results

I need an alternative to Google Custom Search for a website I look after, it has to be something that will crawl a website, index it, allow fiddling of priorities, and then allow search queries via REST or something similar and return XML or JSON etc. It needs to run on a Windows Server instance.
So, I'm up and running with and it seems to do the trick, but can't, for the life of me, work out how to get thumbnail images in the results? I've searched the documentation and read everything I could, but can't find out how to do this (or how to get my head around it).
I'm crawling standard web pages and they all have thumbnail meta data, which I'm assuming should be able to be parsed somehow for results and included in the JSON results?
Any pointers at all would be very helpful, thanks!
I figured this out, in case anyone else is struggling, here's how I did it. The answer is in the documentations, it's just not that simple.
Read: - it contains the method
Assume you set up a 'web crawler' index.
Assuming you're using a meta thumbnail like this:
<meta name="thumbnail" content="">
Go into Schema / Fields. Add a new field called 'thumbnail' with index no, store yes, vector no, analyser Text, copy of blank. Save that.
Now go to schema / parser list, edit HTML parser. Go to 'field mapping', now add a new regex for the thumbnail in the html. We map from the 'htmlSource' to the thumbnail' with the matching regex.
My imperfect regex (that works though) is:
htmlSource -> linked in: thumbnail -> captured by:
(?s)<meta name="thumbnail" content="(.*?)">
Now SAVE this and go to crawl/manual crawl, enter a url that has a thumbnail and then check if the field now appears in the list below when it's read. If not check your regex, and check you actually saved the HTML Parser changes.
To get the thumb in your results, simply add the fieldname to the JSON you send with the query:
"returnedFields": [ "

One custom display form for all the lists

Good day to you. I am newbie in SharePoint 2013 so please bear with me. I have created around 15 lists in my website each containing same columns but different data (they differ semantically).
I am aware that we can change the default view, edit and display form for each list by creating new form in SharePoint Designer 2013. This seems like a very bad approach as far as the maintenance is concerned. I know my lists are exactly the same so why do I have to create same 15 display forms for each of the lists?
Is there a way to create one custom Display form (may be in a central location, i don't know i am just thinking :P ) for all the lists? Is there a way to tell a list to use a specific display form? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks.
If i understand your question correctly, you have 15 lists with same set of columns. You want to change the display/look of the form. All 15 lists should have same look and feel right!! If yes, then why don't you try with some html, javascript solution. Since you are in sharepoint 2013, javascript support for solutions is very good like rest queries. You can use SPServices also.
If you want to to add data to the list whenever you click on the "New Item" link in the list then hijack this link such that it should navigate to your custom form. Pass your list name as query parameter. Whenever user is saving the form, get the list name from the query parameter and save the data to that list.
There could be another ways also to achieve the solution with html and javascript.
Useful links:
Microsoft, Microsoft, SPServices
Sam I think you can create a custom content type and create custom display form for your content type. Enable the content type in each of your lists so automatically this customized form would be available.
The advantage of this approach is that suppose if you need one more list after some time you can just add this content type and your form would be available into the new list as well.
The approach is explained in the link below.
Check this one also
Just wanted to write the solution which I implemented as it might help others as well. (Thanks Hiren and Mihir for your valuable inputs)
I had 15 lists and I was showing the data to the user using content search web part with custom display template. All of the lists were using the same display template so I made a new page just to show the item details. In the display template I pointed the item URL (i hijacked the list name and the current item id) to my new page and displayed the item. Let me know if anyone is interested in the whole solution or further elaboration is required.

Modx - Extend site_content - Add new table

Currently, we're running revolution 2.2. On site_content, we have some tags that are ran for crawling twitter. I want to start tracking the number of results for each tag as results come in, to determine which tags don't return that many results, etc.
So I was thinking that I should create a new table (twitter_data), and have a foreign key that will link it to the search tag ID, which is stored in site_content.
What is the best path to accomplish this? Should I create my table then run the reverse schema tool, outlined here?
I also found this, but not sure if this is what I should be looking into:
Probably not - if you can avoid modifying the core modx schema do so. an external table may be your best option, but requires a fair bit of work.
though if you can explain wht you mean by 'tags' a little better [html tags? snippets? content tags? not sure what you mean] there may be other options. for example. one of our clients wanted to count page hits [and didn't want to use google to do it] so all we did was to create a template variable bound to each page they wanted to count and then updated that appropriate variable by writing plugin to fire on the onpageload or onpagerender event. [I don't ermember exactly which or what it was called]
Basically, you may be able to do this by writng a plugin rather than trying to extend anything or add snippets/chunks.

DataView component in SPD attaches needless strings to field values

In SharePoint Designer I use some lists as sources and then link them together with an operation GetListItems (I fetch items from multiple lists on different site collections for rollup/aggregation):
alt text
Now something is fine as I managed to get the result: alt text
But the strings that are attached to field result (6;#, 2;#) is... disturbing.
How can I get rid from those attached strings? They are not attached to all fields, but to some (important ones):
alt text
Ahh, well usally that happens - you keep searching for answer, then seek for help and find it yourself.
I used substring xsl function, to strip away those first characters. Messy, if i want to add links to that table, but works.
alt text
By the way, the main question how to rollup content from multiple site collections has been journey to me for several days already. If anyone is in the same situation, I recommend (well because I found myself an answer there) these:
How-To Rollup two lists in two site
collections on a page
Or a better way to use for a single
site collection: SharePoint
Customisation Tricks: Use The
SPDataSource, Luke! (Good links
inside that article).
Something I didn't touch, because I
didn't need such an advanced method,
but maybe someone does: Populating
data sources in code

Sharepoint Custom List with custom new forms not able to add to folders

I have a custom list which has customized edit and new forms which were required by the user.
I then tried to add a new item to a folder (folders have the text of the year e.g. 2010) and when I click save on the customized new form it saves correctly but always to the root of the list.
I am wondering if there is a fix or a work around for this as it is highly annoying.
Alternatively can anyone recommend a way to implement a field which will auto calculate + 1 year from creation date, which might be a possible alternative however it will have to take into account the following.
Where the current year runs october to september.
Thanks for any help this has been driving me mad trying to find a solution.
Can't help much without knowing what you based the custom form on, but for a new form the folder to save to usually shows up in the query string.
The form is a basic custom form list which I have then just modified parts to remove fields that are not required or need to be read only.
The original form worked perfectly and allowed items to be added to the list subfolders.
The new one has no additional code and is using the standard sharepoint DataFormWebPart to create the custom list form and so I have no back end code to insert the item etc, although I may have to resort to this...will I?
You need to be careful when modifying standard forms. I recommend you go back to a copy of the standard form and verify that that saves correctly. Remove the "unneeded" fields until it stops working.
Sometimes with this sort of customisation you need to use css rather than server side changes to modify the form so that the functionality remains in place after the component is hidden.
It is definitely not an issue with the removal of fields as I created a new copy of the original and then changed it to a custom field saved it and tried to add an item.
It went straight into the root.
I tried the original form and it saves to the sub folder correctly.
Okay only work around I have for this at moment (I am currently in discussion with MS) is this.
I used the method getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle(tagName, identifier, title)
This returned the element I was after and then I basically went to the row dom node and deleted it.
I am hoping to have a nicer method but at least it is a work around for now.
