Adding pages to the side navigation in Sharepoint [closed] - sharepoint

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm currently creating a site using Sharepoint, I notice when I add a page into the root it automatically adds them onto the top navigation, but I'd like to have a side navigation too (with sub pages)
Unfortunately this is quite different to any project I've worked on before, and find when compared to other CMS it is very tricky to find much information online about how to perform relatively simple tasks in Sharepoint, so I'd really appreciate any help!
Thank you

Check that your pages are published and approved

You did not state the version of SharePoint you are using, so this explanation is for SP2010:
Go to Site Settings --> Navigation
There you can add/remove pages to the "global navigation" (that would be the top navigation) and the "current navigation" (that would be the side).


Azure Web Sites: Free, Shared, Reserved difference? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have ASP.NET website + database. I want to try to deploy it into ms cloud.
I look to Azure "Web Sites".
I don't understand clearly what difference between Free, Shared, Reserved.
What I need to use?
Check out this link: and click on Web Sites link on the left hand side. This should give you an idea about the differences between 3 models.
Hope this helps.
Check out this link below, it clearly explains you the differences between free, shared and reserved website modes.
Hope this helps.!

Sharepoint 2010 - locate new site that haven't been checked in [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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If a user create a new site and just saves is without checking the site in, where's the location?
I want to test what's happens if a farm administrator tries to publish a site that's not a "draft" or a published site. (got a custom "publish now"-button without having to go trough a workflow)
Since Sharepoint dot not support draft versions of sites, I think you mean List Items or documents that not have been checked in by your users.
To see those items you can use the Site Content and Structure facilities. Check this post:

How does Google determine to index pages as discussion pages? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am building a question and answering site by myself.
I want to make this site indexed as a Q&A site or Forums by Google, which can be retrieved when using the "Discussions" in Google. In my personal experience, Google Discussion Search is a pretty useful function when I want to get others' real opinions or experience.
However, I have no any idea on that how Google determine one site as Q&A/Forum or one page as Q&A/Forum page. I searched a lot on Google, but there is little related information discussing this issue. Do you have any idea or reference on that?
Use richsnippets and make Google recognizing your traffic by using Webmaster tools or Analytics . Use a sitemap.xml to invite for revisit and fast indexing, disable archiving (f.e. Google Cache) with meta-robots noarchive. If you have high traffic and fast content building, search-engines will then recognize by themselves.

sharepoint 2010 search not working [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am working on a sharepoint 2010 project
The problem I am current have is the search function doesn't really work. Whatever I searched, the result was "We did not find any results for [the keywork I searched]". I have uploaded the documents and crawled the content source and the service is running on central admin. Any help will be appreciated.
My guess is that the crawl didn't actually manage to crawl any content. You may want to go into the crawl log and check for any errors that occurred.
The most common error is that the Default Content Access account doesn't have rights to connect to the content source.
Check the default content access account in Search Administration and make sure it has enough rights on the content source.

How to Install Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart? [closed]

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Closed 14 years ago.
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I'm trying to use the Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart with a project that I'm working on and I can't seem to get a clear indication on exactly where it comes from (or maybe I just don't understand?). This page indicates that it's "installed by the Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies". However, I can't seem to figure out exactly where/what that is.
Could somebody please point me in the right direction?
Actually, I think I just found it!
