when checking the PJAX live demo - http://padrino-pjax.heroku.com/
The history (back button) don't work!
I can not find any documentation about it, it seems useless if it craps the history functionality.
Can anyone tell me if this is how it should be?
What I did to check was go through the 3 links (don't forget to check the "use PJAX" box)
then clicking back and seeing it went to the first one instead of the second.
thank you
it's works fine. you need to enable it first via checkbox ;)
I suggest to check the original code, what you posted is a porting of the original demo founded here: https://github.com/defunkt/jquery-pjax/tree/heroku
Okay, I am not sure if this question belongs here.
Either way, I am interested to know how to show one source on Developer ➛ Page Source (Firefox) and totally another when CTRL+A on the page ➛ Inspect Element. I have seen it is done on some of the sites I have visited, for instance: http://www.therigsofficial.com/
Thank you. I truly appreciate all help.
It is impossible to hide your javascript completley, but you can make it harder to read by obfuscating.
Try this tool JavaScript Obfuscator. Pro. It can work on your case.
My issue is posted on below link
if anyone have solution then plz give ans.
click on below link to get answer.
I made one plugin which disable the init time focus.
I've had this issue several times and usually I can just shut down the program and restart it. But this time I have a bunch of windows open and I don't want to restart Dreamweaver.
My problem is that Dreamweaver brought up a code hint, but the code hint box now won't go away. It just sits there floating in the middle of the page. It doesn't matter if I click to Preview or any other tab in Dreamweaver, it still just sits on top of everything.
I'm working on a Mac, Dreamweaver CC (cloud, fully updated). Anyone else have this problem???
This has been a HUGE PAIN for me as well! You can make the code hint disappear though by finishing out an element that is in the code hint box. For instance if the code hint box appears and you can see class in the drop down... create a <div class="xyz"> real quick and the code hit box will dissipate after you close the quotes on the class because you used an element in that box. As to why this continually happens on the Mac version I have no idea, but I hope they fix it soon!
It's a known bug since years as you can read here: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7745689
Someone suggests as a workaround to set the Coding Hint delay to 0 (as said here: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7745689#7745689) but for me, in Dreamweaver CC 2015 Windows fully updated via cloud app, this bug still occurs while I code JS files.
Awaiting for a final fix, I hope this suggestion can be useful for you on Mac. :)
Anyone with installshield experience. I have this quick patch that will replace my recently installed exe. It works fine, no problem. However, what I need right now is to automatically run the exe after patch. How can I do this? Please let me know if you don't understand my question. :)
After days of research, I finally found what I'm looking for. And I thought maybe it would be of help to others so I'll post it here. What I did was put an event when Finish button is clicked under the SetupCompleteSuccess dialog.(BTW, I am using Basic MSI). I put DoAction on the Event column, IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE on the Argument column, and PATCH as the condition. And the default application will be launch. I hope this helps to others.
When using onbeforeunload function, I don't want to show warning message for submit button and some other buttons also inside my form. I am checking boolean[T/F] condition to fire it. It works with IE, but it seems not checking the condition in FireFox. It is showing problem.
Can somebody help.
I am not 100% sure I understand what you mean, but it appears you just trying to do something you shouldn't.
If I understood correctly, you are trying to use the onbeforeunload event without a warning message.
Think about it for a moment. You'll probably see that see that someone that does not have your best interest at heart could keep you at his site and make it impossible for you to leave. That's why firefox doesn't allow you to do it - and that's something to be happy with!
This technique worked for me in IE and Firefox. You aren't trying to bypass the warning message as another answer suggested, you just don't want the warning message on the buttons which makes perfect sense.