Do I need a physical phone to test run the build from android source or can do it in emulator? - emulation

I am now downloading the android source code in ubuntu 10.10.
Just wanted to be sure that, I can build the OS from the source and test run it in the emulator just like any other Android application I run in emulator?
Thanks for your help.

You should be able to, since the emulator counts as a connected device.
BUT chances are it probably wont work on very many phones, if any. Since all the phones are slightly different.
For instance a droid rom wont load properly on my nexus one and vice versa.


BlueScreen after Run emulator android studio

When im run android studio, or run emulator for android studio with manually or with cmd, always get bluescreen.
it say "your pc ran into problem and needs to restart. we're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you"
Stop code: IRQL Not Less or Equal
how can i fix it ?
im trying download another emulator and following tutorial on youtube, but it didn't work
It depends on various factor,
I happened to get this issue because of my old PC with Lesser RAM size(4GB) and to rectify it, I connected my Android phone to PC for debugging/running apps from Android Studio.
You need to enable USB Debugging in your phone for that purpose.
You can view this blog post I made, which addresses the same issue.
I had almost same problem. When I tried to install my app in emulator(Ram 8gb), my emulator crashes but kept running in background. As a result, I was unable to shut down my pc and have to disconnect power for shutting down.
use your phone for debugging your app. you can connect your phone using wifi. link here
Sometimes it happens beacause of outdated drivers, try updating your drivers to latest version, and update the windows 10 to latest version. Also try by deleteing your current emulator device and create new device by enabling software renderer. For lower end pcs like yours I would recommend to use real device instead of emulators ans use ssds for better performances.

Error while create a new react-native project

Trying to create a new app on react-native. 'react-native start' command gives no error. But I'm not able to see my app on the emulator. Can anyone help me in figuring out the problem. I'm new to react-native.
Are you using a Macbook or Windows? For Windows, you will have to use an Android emulator, thus you will need to download Android Studio, and the Android SDK.
For Mac, you will use the IOS emulator, you will need to download Expo in that case.
Also you could try using the create-react-native-app instead. I built a project with 3 other buddies in two weeks, we found that it had the most reliable boilerplate and is really good for beginning with react-native.
*** Edit:
*** Big caveat with create-react-native-app is that it won't matter what OS your computer has. If you have an apple phone, you just run "npm run ios" then scan the QR code with expo. If you have an Android phone like I will run into a few issues where you need to set the phone to USB debugging mode in the developer's settings, download the USB debugging driver for your phone's model, ensure both your phone and computer are on the same wifi network, install expo, and finally be able to run "npm run android".
I was the only one on my team developing with an Android phone, so if you need advice on that, feel free to ask.
Some extra information about create-react-native-app is that it allows you to code for both Android and IOS phones by using the same project folder, rather than having to adjust settings for one platform at a time.
That has it's pros and cons for sure and there will be little differences in how one platform functions over the my recommendation is to build for one platform at a time, focusing on whichever one you are testing on.
Since you're using Ubuntu
Getting started with create-react-native-app:
Starting Guide for Setting up the Emulator or App Environment on phone:

Android Studio emulator keeps freezing, crashing, and is not responding at all

I'm a starting Android development and have recently ran into some problems. I don't know whether it is my hardware or if it's Android Studio but the emulator keeps freezing or is not responding.
The first 2 days Android Studio was running fine. However, after that it cannot run my apps. I reinstalled Android Studio and it worked for one day, but now even if I reinstall it, it won't run any apps and even Android Studio itself would occasionally freeze and I will have to restart it.
The emulator either does this or does not even turn on:
it won't even respond when I click on anything on the emulator
Here is a break down of what's been happening.
Day 1: works fine.
Day 2: Android Studio freezes multiple times when I launch the emulator. Emulator unresponsive to clicks. I uninstall Android Studio thrn install it again. After reinstallation it works 100% again with the same app
Day 3: emulator unresponsive, freezes. Menu bottons such as rotate screen, back etc. unresponsive.
Day 4: same as day 3. Uninstall Android, reinstall. Unresponsive.
You can try changing this line of code System.out.println(userinput1); to Log.d(MainActivity.class.getSimpleName(), userinput1) because on emulator system.out.println() automatically redirects to logcat but sometimes not.
This problem may arise due to low ram size, android studio works fine with 8GB Ram.Or try to config emulator properly. Let me know if problem continues.
I would suggest that import just specific address of class not the whole package or as bundle.
import java.util.*;
all classes of java.util package is imported.
The problem might be that, your hardware might be overwhelmed.
I don't think anything is wrong with your code. What is your system configuration? Does other applications work on emulator work? Can you post you
post your logcat?
PS: I know it should have been a comment. But I don't have permissions, sorry.
Problem and solution
Same problem, unusable for serious testing, whole system locking up regularly (Linux Mint Vera | 16GB-RAM | Nvidia GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 3GB] -- worked fine on Windows 7, exact same hardware (although hard drive config has changed slightly, might need to double-check the OS drive is connected port0 on motherboard in case of performance impact).
It's ironic that Android being Linux based, struggles to run in a Linux env xD.
Tried different:
Linux APIs
Emulator Phone Models
Phone RAM specs, processor specs, etc
( All different graphics modes (both in native A-Studio emulator and using the apt install-google-emulator option for vanilla standalone (old school) version. Old school version runs better (standalone version).
Checked all microcode updates and drivers are in order. (Using Nvidia GP106 [GeForce GTX 1060 3GB]
System is up to date (apt)
Found the best options:
Performance Better: Restart Android Emulated Device with 'Cold Boot' option specified
Use Diff Emulator: Virtual Machine Manager / Virsh (KVM-QEMU)
Use Physical Device: With Android 11+ you can wifi pair.
With devices APIs lower than 11, there is no Wi-Fi pair feature so I found solution was to install termux on the handset I wanted to use for app testing, which gave me a standardish shell with apt pkg manager -- then I could install sshd and connect to dev-PC with portforward i.e
$ SSH from Phone to PC with: ssh -R 4444: ubuntu#
$ SSH from PC to Phone with: ssh -L 4444: ubuntu#
(The exact command may vary, written from memory as quick guide to get you moving right direction thought ports are correct, syntax may need adjusting and of course, the username#hostIP needs setting to your you-login#your-computers--LAN-IP).
Once an SSH connection has been established, which you can check using something like
$ ss -tulpan | grep 4444
$ netstat -tulpan | grep 4444
Once confirmed established, you need to fire up adb to connect to the now available Android adb service that we forwarded from the handset into the dev-PC by running the command (also make sure you have USB debugging enabled on the handset before doing this);
On dev-PC run;
$ adb connect
It should say 'CONNECTED'.
Then to double check, run:
$ adb devices
Emulator should show up in Android Studio Device Manager. Give it a few minutes and Android Studio will pick it up!
I can't remember the specific reason I needed to do it this way as opposed to just connecting with a USB cable. I think I was doing some mad routed setup. But there we have it!
I found using a physical device to be the ultimate performance solution but is of course a bulky arrangement.
Increasing memory available to Android Studio and the VM made big difference (I have 16gb RAM).
Android Studio > Help > Change Memory Settings (2048 -> 4096)
Android Studio > Help > Edit Custom VM Options > add/replace-->
(Then finally added extra config to Gradle script to allow extra memory but I don't think that would have an impact on the slow running issue as was entire emulator crumbling not just the app.)
In, replace order.gradle.jvmargs.... (with)
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
Finally, restart Android / Emulator and remember to do a COLD BOOT on your emulator device.

Running a Visual Basic Program on an Android Phone

I wrote this Visual Basic program back in 1999.
It runs on a Windows Pocket PC.
I would like to use it with a droid phone.
Any guesses about how to get to Point B (droid phone) from Point A (PPC)?
I just finished my first java program to run on windows tablets and desktops.
If that helps me.
you can't run .exe files in android phones, but you can run .exe files on pocket pc
to run your program on android phone you will write the code in eclipse in export it as apk file
The only thing that comes close to this I can think of is Jabaco. Its a VB6 clone written entirely in Java and outputs a Java applet as the result. I have only brief experience with it so I cannot say for certain that it would take direct VB code. Just thought I'd mention it.
If you don't mind losing the Android OS system, you probably are able to install Linux on the phone. Then install wine, and you could possibly run your .exe file.

Windows Mobile Emulator For Linux

I was developing Windows Mobile applications on a Windows machine using C#, just to test the platform, but now I'm back to Linux and now developing for Windows CE on it(CeGCC and FPC), but it's very boring to compile and send the executable to the device everytime just to do a simple test, then I want to know where can I find a good emulator for Linux to debug my projects.
Qemu is really nice and its open source. You can also attach a debugger to Qemu to debug operating systems, comes in handy if you are writing device drivers. Using QEMU you can emulate other processor types such as ARM. personally I use VMWare workstation unless i need to emulate another processor type.
Unfortunately, your only bet is trying to run Microsoft's own emulator under Wine. This is the only ARM emulator you will find Windows Mobile images for. Search the web, some people had success with this approach - though the installation is tricky. Oh, and you won't get network working in the emulator, as this requires a special Windows device driver (which obviously won't work under Wine).
For this last reason, you may want to make a full desktop Windows (or possibly ReactOS) installation inside qemu, and install the PDA emulator inside the PC emulator.
And think how cool it would be to play Super Mario Bros inside a NES emulator inside a PDA emulator inside a PC emulator! :)))))
