Remove the Toolbar in GVim - vim

How do I remove the Toolbar (which has the open save buttons) in GVim?

:set guioptions-=T
See also:
:help 'guioptions'

The best way to do this is to use the -= operator (as shown in the current accepted answer by #a paid nerd). Add this line to the configuration file ($MYVIMRC)
:set guioptions-=T
In order to find out what the above line does (see below), besides issuing a help command, you can also find it here.
I have my .vimrc set as follows
set guioptions=aegimrLt
where the definition for each of the options can be found by issuing
:help guioptions

Another one:
:set toolbar=
:help 'toolbar'


spf13-vim disable tab highlighting

I'm an absolut vim-newbie so I thought I'll try it with some preconfigured distribution like spf13-vim. So to my question, I would like to disable the "tab-highlighting" because I find it kind of distracting...
I think this picture should make clear what I mean
Put a line below in your ~/.vimrc.local or ~/.vimrc.before.local to disable indent guide by default. You can <leader>ig as well.
let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 0
You can toggle them on/off with ,ig.
write set nolist in your .vimrc.local to turn it off.
see :h list
'list' boolean (default off)
List mode: Show tabs as CTRL-I is displayed, display $ after end of
line. Useful to see the difference between tabs and spaces and for
trailing blanks. Further changed by the 'listchars' option.

Show Vim command options

This was a feature I used to have when I was first learning vim, and sometime between me customizing my .vimrc file, I must have disabled it some how.
Lets say I have this command I can enter
Now this command could take Left, Right, Up, or Down as options. Early on in my learning of Vim, I had a small line above the command line that would show any available commands that start with :TmuxNavigate
I've tried enabling set showcmdor laststatus=2 but wasn't able to enable this feature.
Is this a feature I can enable or have I just completely lost my mind and imagined this? Any help is appreciated.
Just add this line to your ~/.vimrc:
set wildmenu
Every command set up to complete arguments will do what you expect.
See :help 'wildmenu' and :help 'wildmode'.
[space] [Ctrl+d] after command like:
:colorscheme [space] [Ctrl+d]

Embed vim settings in file

In some files I can see a commented line, usually the last, with vim settings. Does vim read these settings? If it does, are any limitations of what kind of settings man can put there?
They're called modelines and while I'm not sure the extent you can go with them, here's a link to the vimtips wiki with some examples:
help modeline
from within vim to check out the official docs.
It's this line of code:
[other chars]<spaces>vim:<spaces>settings
Put it in the first or last few lines of the file, note it needs < spaces >. For example:
# vim: tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 expandtab
In short version:
# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et
Put one of the above line in the file, in top or bottom lines, done. For more information, use vim help:
:h modeline
You can check out in the online manual:
And this faq item also refers to it:

How can I disable code folding in vim with vim-latex?

I have tried the usual approaches, and have read :help tex.vim
(see : )
I've taken a brief look at syntax/tex.vim, but can't see how to disable it without rebuilding vim without folding. I'm sick of hitting 'zE'.
Lines I've tried in my .vimrc:
set foldlevel=manual
set foldlevelstart=99
let g:tex_fold_enabled=0
Just noticed that there are variables to control folding in vim-latex-suite, at least as of v1.6 of the plugin. The functionality is documented here:
In short you should be able to change three global variables to get rid of all folding:
:let Tex_FoldedSections=""
:let Tex_FoldedEnvironments=""
:let Tex_FoldedMisc=""
That should get rid of all folding. If you want to disable some folding but not all then you can control things by setting the appropriate values for each variable, as described in the documentation link above. Hope that helps.
What about
autocmd Filetype tex setlocal nofoldenable
The folding functionality all seems to located in folding.vim file of latex-suite distribution. This file is referenced in line 825 of my main.vim file in the latex-suite folder of the ftplugin folder. That line reads:
exe 'source '.fnameescape(s:path.'/folding.vim')
Comment out that line and, as far as I can tell, it strips out all the folding in latex-suite plugin. I don't think it affects anything else, but I haven't checked.

How do you enable file specific tab indent settings in VIM?

I believe there is a method to write a comment in a file that vim will use to override default tabbing and indent values.
Can someone point me to information about this feature and how to use it?
Per-file settings can be done using "modeline magic".
The basic idea is that you can add a comment to an individual file like this:
/* vim: set tabstop=8:softtabstop=8:shiftwidth=8:noexpandtab */
Within vim, you should review:
:help auto-setting
:help modeline
:help modelines
