IIS 8.5 - website Settings - Export all the settings to Compare - iis

I have been working on an ASP.NET 4.0 website and IIS 8.5 is used to host the website.
My website works fine in DEV but it does not work as expected in QA. Some functions are not working as it works in DEV server.
I would like to compare the IIS settings between DEV and QA server to identify the mismatch.
Is there any option to export all the IIS settings to a file? This can be used as backup and also to compare the settings with other servers.
Please let me know how to export all the IIS settings of a website to a file.


Cannot change physical location of Default IIS Website on Windows Server 2012 R2

I am trying to become familiar with IIS using WIndows Server 2012R2. I started by trying to move the default Website from C:\inetpub\wwwroot to C:\sample. In the Website Advanced Settings I modified the Physical Path, restarted IIS and cleared the browser cache (Chrome). However, when I try to bring up the website again I get this error:
HTTP Error 404.3 - Not Found
It worked fine before I moved the website location. Is there something else I need to do? Thanks for any guidance.

Not able to browser created website in IIS

I have configured sites in IIS in Windows server 2012 (IIS version 6.2) but after successful configuration I am not able to browse the site, getting the error 'This page cannot be displayed' while browsing locally. And while using the URL with port number and browsing from remote getting http 500 error.
Have tried so many settings and changes like permission,directory browsing (enabling), setting up of the default page (start page), but with no luck. Same error, this error is common across all the 7 sites. All sites are of .net 4 version with properly configured app pools.
All required windows features have been installed.
Can any one advice in this regard?
Make sure IIS Apppool\{App pool name} has access to the folder the website is running from.
Make sure the you have the proper features installed by going through
Add Roles and Features -> Server Roles -> Web Server (IIS) -> Web Server -> Application Development -> ASP.Net 4.5

Hosting TeamCity 8.1 & YouTrack in IIS 7.5

I am a newbie to IIS (and administrative tasks in general). I am trying to host TeamCity and YouTrack in IIS to allow other web applications to be run on the same port. Solving the issue for TeamCity should also solve it for YouTrack, so this post is only about getting TeamCity to work.
I have followed the guide on A Step by Step Guide to Hosting TeamCity in IIS 7 but I cannot get it to work. Whenever I enter teamcity.mydomain.com into the browser I end up at the default website (default IIS website that comes when installing IIS).
TeamCity is set to run on port 8080. Entering localhost:8080 in the browser opens up the TeamCity start page. Entering teamcity.mydomain.com opens up the default IIS website (as mentioned above).
The port number I changed in server.xml (TeamCity) is the one on the following line:<Connector port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
The server farm for TeamCity is using IP (is this correct, or should it be the internal IP on the LAN?). URL rewrite rule has been setup according to the link above: Using wildcards with "*" pattern and a local grouping with {HTTP_POST}, Matches the Pattern, where pattern is "teamcity.mydomain.com". The default IIS website is unchanged.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Set BaseUrl as teamcity.mydomain.com

How can I change the Start Automatically setting in IIS 8.5

I have a problem with a web site running on an IIS 8.5 server that is not started automatically when the server reboots. The site is originally installed through ServerManager, where there is this line of code:
site.ServerAutoStart = false;
Now I would like to change this setting through the IIS Manager interface.
In IIS 7.5 i can set a web site to start automatically by setting the Start Automatically property under Advanced settings. But this setting is gone in IIS 8.5.
I found a solution to my problem inspired by this question:
How to config application pool in IIS 7.5 automatically re-start when it was stopped?
It is possible to access and edit all the detailed settings through the Configuration Editor, which can be accessed through the Features View in IIS Manager. I realize that in the link Mr Mo sent, the Configuration Editor was used, but it is not specified very clearly how to access it.
Check it out:
I think it will solve the issue.

IIS 7.0 - Enabling FTP publishing for 3 subdomains bound to a same IP address

I have 3 web applications in IIS 7.0, they're bound to different subdomains of a same domain, same IP address.
The problem is that I enabled FTP publishing for the 3 web applications (in order to publish from Visual Studio 2010), but it seems like I need to stop the 3 FTP sites and just start the FTP site to publish to, for it to work correctly.
Otherwise, the published files end up in the incorrect web application folder (for example, when I publish the SUB1 web app, it ends up in the folder mapped to SUB3).
What could I be doing wrong? Much appreciated.
I figured it out - when binding FTP sites to virtual hosts, the username becomes hostname|username . So following the above examples, that'd be sub1.example.com|administrator . Many thanks.
