Exclusion validation - ext.net

I'm validating a gridpanel column against its model but having trouble with exclusion validation.
All values except 0 are valid but using the code bellow i'm getting always invalid.
Any ideas of what I' might be doing wrong?
<ext:ExclusionValidation Field="FormularioId" List="0" Message="Seleccione formulario" ></ext:ExclusionValidation>

Copying answer to this question given by Vladimir Shcheglov in Ext.net forum:
'List="0"' issue is fixed in SVN, the fix will be available in the next public release
Workaround, define two '0'


Add a filter to view answer body with StackAPI for Python

I am using StackAPI (python wrapper) to extract data from Stack Oveflow. Everything works perfectly except when trying to add a filter.
SITE = StackAPI('stackoverflow', key=<my_key>)
answers = SITE.fetch('questions/{ids}/answers?filter=!9_bDE(fI5', ids=[int(q_id)])
I created the filter using the StackExchange API's filter edit function and copied it.
The fetch works perfectly if I remove the ?filter=!9_bDE(fI5' from end point. But that output is useless as I am interested in the answer body.
Could some one please help?
I was doing it all wrong. Instead of adding the filter as part of the end point, it should be a parameter.
answers = SITE.fetch('questions/{ids}/answers', ids=[int(q_id)], filter='!9_bDE(fI5')
This performed as expected.

Calling a template variable from an output modifier in Modx?

I'm trying to output a template variable inside the if statement in ModX, but it gives no output.
I have multiple pages with links to articles and the point is to only output template variable content on the first page but not the others.
// This gives no output:
// This outputs "yes" on the first page and "no" on others:
I've even tried this, but it still does not give any output. I guess the problem is not about the output modifier:
I'm using ModX Revo 2.7.0
Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!
Actually in your case missing a double closing angle bracket "]]"
The `or:is=` is matching against an empty state. Unless that is intentional you should be able to remove it. Also, the `:else=`` is the default state, so, you don't need that either.
The following should work and you'll have cleaner code:

How can I add multiple GridBagLayout attributes in the 'Constraints' section of an element in Groovy (2.5.5)?

This is driving me mad at the moment, if anyone can help it would be much appreciated!! This is simple enough in Java, but when called from groovy I cannot get multiple gbc properties defined in a single constraint.
I have read on a couple of old posts on the net that GridBagConstraints properties such as gridx etc can be added as follows from here.
code snippet of interest:
label(text:'Username', constraints:gbc(gridx:0,gridy:0,gridwidth:2))
However this won't work for me and I didn't expect it to as the syntax appears to be from years ago so I assume an old API. (error message below when I try the above)
Caught: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot add to layout: constraint must be a string (or null)
I can't see how this could work as as surely the format needs to be:
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints()
label("Username: ", constraints:gbc.gridx=0)
The two lines of code above run, but then I have the problem that I can't add more than one entry in the 'constraints:' section, and obviously I need to add 'gridy=0' etc.
Has anybody got any solution on how this should work?

How to correct an Excel formula error

=O27&" "&IF(D27<>"",VLOOKUP(D27,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E27<>"",VLOOKUP(E27,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F27<>"",VLOOKUP(F27,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G27<>"",VLOOKUP(G27,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H27<>"",VLOOKUP(H27,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I27<>"",VLOOKUP(I27,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J27<>"",VLOOKUP(J27,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K27<>"",VLOOKUP(K27,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L27<>"",VLOOKUP(L27,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M27<>"",VLOOKUP(M27,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P27
this is working code
=O28&" "&IF(D28<>"",VLOOKUP(D28,성취기준1반!$B$4:$C$19,2)&" ","")&IF(E28<>"",VLOOKUP(E28,성취기준1반!$E$4:$F$19,2)&" ","")&IF(F28<>"",VLOOKUP(F28,성취기준1반!$H$4:$I$19,2)&" ","")&IF(G28<>"",VLOOKUP(G28,성취기준1반!$K$4:$L$19,2)&" ","")&IF(H28<>"",VLOOKUP(H28,성취기준1반!$N$4:$O$33,2)&" ","")&IF(I28<>"",VLOOKUP(I28,성취기준1반!$Q$4:$R$33,2)&" ","")&IF(J28<>"",VLOOKUP(J28,성취기준1반!$T$4:$U$33,2)&" ","")&IF(K28<>"",VLOOKUP(K28,성취기준1반!$W$4:$X$33,2)&" ","")&IF(L28<>"",VLOOKUP(L28,성취기준1반!$Z$4:$AA$33,2)&" ","")&IF(M28<>"",VLOOKUP(M28,성취기준1반!$AC$4:$AD$19,2)&" ","")&P28
this is doesn't workin code.
Why doesn't it work?
This is not an answer in terms of a solution, but an answer in terms of the method you could employ to find and solve the issue. Mainly because you have not provided a working verifiable example, data or detail of the actual error.
First I would remove the vlookups and replace them with the expected results - if that then functions as it should then each of the vlookups needs to be tested, if not then check the detail of the function.
Appreciate if you can assist by explaining.. "why this doesn't work?" part. It is an error message or the the expected value is _ but I got _ instead.. (:
One thing I noticed is that you don't define what will be the outcome if D28 is "". If you don't define it, it'll return 'FALSE' value instead of a String/text.
In your IF() function, you only say IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>) it should be IF(d28<>"",<DisplayValueFrom성취기준1반>,<DisplaySomeThingElse>)

How can I convert a string array to a variant array in VBscript?

I'm using a function in vbscript which returns a variant array of strings.
JobIDs = objDoc.ConnectedSubmit(objServer)
The problem is I can't get the Job ID values from that array, as vbscript doesn't handle typed variables. It just gives a type mismatch when I attempt to do ANYTHING with the JobIDs array. I found some promising information here, but when I used the conversion function:
Set objConverter = CreateObject("ADS.ArrayConvert")
ConvertedJobIDs = objConverter.CStrArray(JobIDs())
It is giving me the same type mismatch error. Am I missing something obvious here? This is, apparently, an official microsoft solution, so I'm not sure why it seems to have the same problem, namely, not being able to actually do anything with a string array in the first place. I've seen the first part of my question answered in many places, all pointing to the MS solution, but I have yet to see any follow up reports of someone successfully using that solution.
I'm not sure if I understand why it doesn't work, so this answer might not be very helpful. I would have thought that something like this might work (following on from your previous question I'm assuming you're trying to get the cancellation to work):
For Each id In JobIDs
WScript.Echo id
YourJob = YourOutgoingFaxQueue.GetJob(id)
This behavior is by design, VBScript can't do anything with a non-variant array, there was a KB article from Microsoft that explained this but it is not on-line anymore:
Q165967 - PRB: Script Error Occurs When Referencing Non-variant Array
An archived copy of the article can be found at:
