Is it legal to embed fonts as images on my website? - web

I have Myriad installed on my computer and would like to use it as the banner font for my website. I know that without a webfont licence it would be illegal to do so but my banner is png/jpg file, is this perfectly ok/legal to do?

In the first instance, I would check the licence for the font you're using. It should be able to inform you of how that font can be used.
Also, what research have you done so far? I did some quick googling and found this page:
I'm no legal expert, but this web page should make things clear.
Hope this helps...


Safari won't play audio for Soundcloud widget, but for only 1 of the 3 files

Link in question:
If you play the featured song, 'Paradise' on the top of the main section in Safari, it will start playing, but no audio. Everything else seems to work fine, just no sound is heard (did all the troubleshooting to confirm that this is the case, so mute, volume, etc was checked)
Now, here's the strange part. Click on Media you'll see the same file embedded with the other songs. If you click play on THAT song, it WILL play the audio normally.
So I googled around, found this stackoverflow question that's semi related: Safari 6.1 won't play audio from embedded Soundcloud widget
(and this:
So I uncheck that box and it works, but that doesn't really fix the two issues i have:
I can't do that automatically for my users. Nor is okay to give them
instructions on how to do this, since they shouldn't ever ever have
to mess with browser settings to make my site work.
Why is the issue only with the top embed/iframe? If it's 'saving power' or whatever,
it makes sense that 2 out of the 3 work.
Some other notes:
I'm running Safari Version 7.0.2 (9537.74.9)
On a 2013 MBA 13" running mavericks
Works fine in other browsers
The embed code for the two players (the one that works and the one
that doesnt) is identical. See page source.
Other question:
Would having the same objected embedded twice cause an issue? If it
did, i figure it would be with SoundCloud's side and would be
affecting all browsers.
Please help, im pretty stumped on this. If it's a bug, i'll report it to apple, but i'm not sure if it is yet. Thanks in advance for any insight!
This is a known bug, Soundcloud provided a page with an explanation on how to make it work. It is however bad UX, as - as you stated - there doesn't seem to be a way to make it work automatically for users.
here is the link to soundclods answer:
HOWEVER, we do need to have the player working :) so if somebody knows a way, please share.

How to better expose your chrome extension

I've developed a chrome extension because I needed something that could make pages view things in greyscale.
I tried addons like this but it was completely broken for me.
Anyway, after creating my own, with a lot more than just 'greyscale' functionality I called it something really generic.
So now I'm worried, anyone searching for 'greyscale' or 'webpage photo filter' wont find my extension!
My question is; is there any way to add tags to your extension listing in the store that searches will take into account? Or do you have suggestions on where I should spout keywords in the current description space?
Add keywords into your extension's description, either into sentences, bullet points, or just a simple list at the end.
There are no tags in Chrome Web Store listings. You have to get creative with your text.
A suggestion for your description:
Create your own webpage photo filters!
See things in;
black and white (greyscale)

Creeping line in Linux

I have computer with Linux (Gentoo), which play movies (via mplayer) and display HTML pages (via Firefox) in the hall of our building ( some kind of information and advertisement display ) . Now I need to add such feature as creeping lines. They should be displayed on top of mplayer and Firefox and I need to have possibility to change text, background, size and font of text. Before I will start to develop such application from the beginning, may be somebody know such already existing tool?
You could search for OSD (on screen displays) for linux and try to abuse these. ) A quick search returns osd-lyrics and xosd. The latter looks much like what you look for.
I think you mean the crawling text we see at the bottom of some TV news broadcasts.
This was asked about in a previous SO question in relation to the iphone. I found it by Googling "crawling text display" but I've lost the link now.
Maybe you can find it and adapt it.

Where can I get graphics for startup screens?

I really like to have some graphic on my startup/login screen when starting my applications.
In one of my past employments, we had this on startup/login screen:
Image missing: Head bangs on computer
Where do you get your graphics for this purpose, and what are your favorites.
For some reason, I recently found this and am finding it very uplifting...
I'm a big fan of using For a couple of dollars you get licensed, professional quality images and graphics.
Another good source for icons such as above is There's tons of free for-business icons there.
You should get a graphic designer to create a splash screen for your product. You should be careful not to use others' copyrighted imagery in your software, unless you know it is licensed under a non-restrictive license like one of the Creative Commons licenses. Make sure you understand and comply with whatever license your imagery has.
We have an official logo for our core products, and in release, that's what we use for the splash screen.
During development, we put funny pictures that we find from around the internet into a folder on a shared network drive. The debug build will randomly pick a picture from that folder, if it can access it, and use that as the splash screen.
Some favs:
Seriously though, whatever you end up going with for your official splash screen, make sure you don't violate copyright, etc, etc...
Legally you can use a

More customizable flash mp3 player for website?

the only mp3 flash player I've see has been the Google Audio widget which is limited in its appearance.
For my wordpress, I like the player I use 1 Pixel Out's, which is great:
Anyway I could use this without much coding on a regular, non-wordpress, php page?
In a three step process you could add it to any webpage you like; in my book that is not too much coding at all. It's actually rather nice. The tutorial for how to do that can be found here:
I hope this helps.
I'd recommend A2 mp3 player - It has a standalone version that can be used in general html/php pages and a wordpress plugin version that can be used in WP blogs.
I ended up using the standalone version of pixelone.
